name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution

Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

Can't think of more than 3, me, myself, and I. :) Not even sure we need a constitution if Judges can change how those laws are defined and implemented. Maybe a short version is all we need, "When in doubt, ask the Judiciary." Regardless of what the Constitution may say, what modern laws are in effect always takes precedence so the Constitution is more or less redundant now.
Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

From his book "Liberty and Tyranny":

The Statist has also opposed the interception of enemy communications, such as email and cell-phone contacts, without approval from a court. But his position is contrary to all legal precedent, historical practice and highly impractical, given the speed by which such communications occur. Yet again he claims the practice threatens Americans’ civil liberties. Where is the actual evidence of widespread civil liberties abuses against American citizens? It is nonexistent.

Notice he is talking about "enemy" communications. Not American citizens communications.

Huh? Read that again.

He sets up the paragraph by attacking the Statist view opposing interception of enemy communications. First, this is a straw man argument. What Statist opposes legal interception of enemy communications? Why would we not be able to get a warrant to tap ENEMY COMMUNICATIONS? Then he starts making up excuses about speed by which such communications occur, and legal precedent... impractical? Huh? Is he talking about warranted legal taps or UN-warranted illegal taps? Which is it?

Then he says "Where is the actual evidence of widespread civil liberties abuses against American citizens?" Uhm... hello!! McFly!! hello!!

Then he says, it is nonexistent. And that is a blatant lie. Perhaps warrant-less taps were not done during the administration in which he served, but it is in full view and happening today.
Can you name a dozen people you would trust to rewrite the constitution?

ok, simplify: name 5

1. [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION], 2. [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION], 3. [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION], 4, [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION], 5 [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION]


I vote emily.

We hereby give them all of Metro Chicago and Detroit, California South of Van Nuys, the State of Vermont, and they can draft Jon Stewart as Leader for Life and enjoy their new Constitution..

(Someone beat me to it -- but I wanna know if they would take the offer)
Why trust a guy like Mark Levin to re-write the constitution? Just because he claims to be for liberty does not mean he fully understands liberty. Mark is one of those folks who thinks liberty means the liberty to take liberty away from people we don't like.

Let Levin re-write the Constitution and we'll have a constitution that defends this police state.

Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

He's a conservative and I'm a libertarian, so I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social and overseas military issues, but he writes some of the the best contemporary books on the Constitution and the Supreme Court out there.
The far left does not care about the constitution to them it is hindrance. So anyone naming anyone from the far left as rewriting the constitution (when they just throw it out the window) is definitely not attached to reality.
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how many of his books have you read?

3. He comes really close to understanding liberty... then throws liberty out the door to meet the ends that he desires.

Support your claim with some evidence. Just your saying so doesn't cut it.

I already did. Look at my question list posted above. Answer the questions. If you think throwing liberty out the door is ok for a small measure of security.. well then maybe that's why you are ok with putting Levin on the list. But that's exactly why I'm against putting him on.

We hereby give them all of Metro Chicago and Detroit, California South of Van Nuys, the State of Vermont, and they can draft Jon Stewart as Leader for Life and enjoy their new Constitution..

(Someone beat me to it -- but I wanna know if they would take the offer)
Just keep their asses out of Will County..
Thanks for demonstrating just exactly how uninformed you really are. Great job oh ignorant one!

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

He's a conservative and I'm a libertarian, so I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social and overseas military issues, but he writes some of the the best contemporary books on the Constitution and the Supreme Court out there.

Agreed. If you have to put just one authoritarian on the list I suppose he'd be better than Hillary or Reid.
Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of the Un-Patriot Act?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of warrant-less wire taps and email searches?

Yes or no Levin has been a supporter of America occupying nearly every country on the planet?

Yes or no every single time a believer in liberty and the Constitution as it was originally written calls in to his self-love fest he shouts them down?

Yes or no one of the guys biggest heroes is Lincoln the president who had millions of Americans killed to keep them from becoming free?

What part of liberty is confusing you?

He's a conservative and I'm a libertarian, so I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social and overseas military issues, but he writes some of the the best contemporary books on the Constitution and the Supreme Court out there.

Agreed. If you have to put just one authoritarian on the list I suppose he'd be better than Hillary or Reid.

Gotta agree with that. Actually, I am with you that he wouldn't be in my five for that reason. I would hire him to be on my staff though and give me input.
1) A janitor
2) A garbage collector
3). A small business owner
4). A firefighter
5). A factory worker

Nobody rewriting it is aloud to have an income over $100,000 per year. Then lets get down to business. No big money influencing it.
It doesn't need rewriting, it needs enforcing!!

I think the question has more to do with trust, than it does an actual rewrite.
1) A janitor
2) A garbage collector
3). A small business owner
4). A firefighter
5). A factory worker

Nobody rewriting it is aloud to have an income over $100,000 per year. Then lets get down to business. No big money influencing it.

I see, only certain small business owners need apply?

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