Name one Commander In Chief who abandoned Americans to die#remember Benghazi was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

In their countries, the government controls the media. When they saw that US made video, they see it as a something the US did & not some dumbass guy. You people are so uninformed.
now you're just making ignorant shit up.

good lord, the level you leftists tools are willing to stoop to to cover for your failed leadership

No, I am stating facts.

You morons can't admit there was a video & people rioted when they saw it. You have no comprehension of these countries & how they are ruled. Turn off conservative talk radio.
no you're not, you're parroting the spin.

Deplorable Veteran ‏@KGBVeteran 1h1 hour ago
Democrats think "it's great" when blacks are killed by whites. It helps them further their divide and conquer methods. #PodestaEmails15 was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

In their countries, the government controls the media. When they saw that US made video, they see it as a something the US did & not some dumbass guy. You people are so uninformed.
now you're just making ignorant shit up.

good lord, the level you leftists tools are willing to stoop to to cover for your failed leadership

I used to be astounded.

The indoctrination is immaculate.
It's just amazing, all it takes is for one of their leaders to say something for them to believe it's true.

hillary said to drink sea water...
Reagan isn't running for President, now is he SLUG?
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

You people do actually get dumber. Why do you freaking morons think Hillary Clinton needed to OK a military response after the President had already told Panetta to do what we could.

This makes me sick how you America hating jackasses piss on the graves of the 4 killed in Benghazi to lie about Clinton. You should be ashamed . was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

  • No claim was made that all Muslims have little self control
  • Facts speak for themselves:
    • A fatwā was issued for Sir Ahmad Salman Rushdie after he published The Satanic Verses; The attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo after they published satirical comments/cartoon of Muslims
do you have any idea just how hard you confirm your bigotry?
I think the people responsible for the four men in Benghazi being dead should be hung by the neck until dead. And none of them include Hillary Clinton....though their deaths did serve as excellent fodder for Cheney's Fox News to bash Hillary in hopes of killing her chances at election time. Then came Trump.

Gentlemen, was it really worth it to do that to those men in Benghazi?
The entire US army in the Phillipines was abandoned at the beginning of WW2, thousands of whom died on the Bataan death march. I mean you have to know SOMETHING about history to understand how dumb the OP's comment is. In every single war ever fought men are left to die where they are.

But the OP goes dumb one further. He/she thinks a Secretary of State has the power of commander in chief, which the SOC does not.

Cons your disconnect from reality on the whole Ben Gassy thing has been played out in all the bogus 'investigations' and millions spent on nothing. Unless of course you will find any military person that will say any country can guarantee absolute safety of 100% of US personnel everywhere in the world.

Under Bush Jr. 50+ people died at various attacks on US embassies around the world with zero investigations and zero money spent. The whole Ben Gassy thing was a political shitfest meant simply to harm HRC politically, nothing else. And cons are livid that their fake crap was seen for how over the top fake it really was.

These despicable woman not only lied about the slaughter of Americans but refused to lift a finger to save their lives.. She'd belongs behind bars.. When you vote on November 8th, remember those left behind.

Benghazi again--REALLY? It really couldn't be better stated that this.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand.They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down."
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy


And we can only Thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers, when 240 U.S. Marines were killed at an embassy in Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

Your next attack will be EMAILS:

You had better dam well hope that Democrats do not take over the house, or you'll be up to your email eyeballs in scandals and investigations into Colin Powell's emails when he was Secretary of State:

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

And YES Colin Powell also received classified documents on his personal AOL email account.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

And FBI director Comey went into great detail as to why one 4 star General and Former CIA chief was charged and she wasn't.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -


A very good article describing these attacks.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | Social Justice For All
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Ronald Reagan in Beirut.

What do I win?
nothing, b/c like every leftist you're an idiot to make such a moronic comparison.

Reagan put them there, didn't keep them safe,and hundreds died.
I repeat, you're an idiot and it's a moronic comparison.

You can say something retarded one zillion times and it doesn't get any less retarded.
exactly, so stop repeating the some moronic nonsense.

Ronald Reagan in Beirut.

What do I win?
nothing, b/c like every leftist you're an idiot to make such a moronic comparison.

Reagan put them there, didn't keep them safe,and hundreds died.
I repeat, you're an idiot and it's a moronic comparison.

You can say something retarded one zillion times and it doesn't get any less retarded.
exactly, so stop repeating the some moronic nonsense.

If you want to believe that Reagan handled Beirut brilliantly and Hillary Clinton is a war criminal for whatever she did or didn't do in Benghazi that's your prerogative.
Hey, here's an idea!

Why don't the Republicans in Congress hold an investigation to determine Hillary Clinton's culpability in the Benghazi deaths?

I can't believe no one thought of that.
nothing, b/c like every leftist you're an idiot to make such a moronic comparison.

Reagan put them there, didn't keep them safe,and hundreds died.
I repeat, you're an idiot and it's a moronic comparison.

You can say something retarded one zillion times and it doesn't get any less retarded.
exactly, so stop repeating the some moronic nonsense.

If you want to believe that Reagan handled Beirut brilliantly and Hillary Clinton is a war criminal for whatever she did or didn't do in Benghazi that's your prerogative.
Beirut was a massive surprise attack, Bengh was a running battle.

goddamn, leftist are so fucking ignorant it's stunning

everydamnday you 'people' shock me with how ignorant you are.
Hey, here's an idea!

Why don't the Republicans in Congress hold an investigation to determine Hillary Clinton's culpability in the Benghazi deaths?

I can't believe no one thought of that.
33, 000 deleted emails

but that's not suspicious, no, not to a (D), that's just normal.

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