Name one Commander In Chief who abandoned Americans to die#remember Benghazi

I can go no further with your unmitigated ignorance....:lol:

In other words, you have no response for rational, reasonable explanations of things. You prefer to cling to your tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
They were funneling arms so fuck them. Your more concerned with a few criminals then the health of our country.
yes, obama gave arms to our enemies and forced a tyrannical healthcare system on the country.

very thoughtful of you to know that.
I can go no further with your unmitigated ignorance....:lol:

In other words, you have no response for rational, reasonable explanations of things. You prefer to cling to your tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
No, I only stand at the top of your fascist rathole and urinate down onto you head....I have no reason to go in there with you....
Reagan isn't running for President, now is he SLUG?
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

You people do actually get dumber. Why do you freaking morons think Hillary Clinton needed to OK a military response after the President had already told Panetta to do what we could.

This makes me sick how you America hating jackasses piss on the graves of the 4 killed in Benghazi to lie about Clinton. You should be ashamed . was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

In their countries, the government controls the media. When they saw that US made video, they see it as a something the US did & not some dumbass guy. You people are so uninformed.
now you're just making ignorant shit up.

good lord, the level you leftists tools are willing to stoop to to cover for your failed leadership
They were funneling arms so fuck them. Your more concerned with a few criminals then the health of our country.
yes, obama gave arms to our enemies and forced a tyrannical healthcare system on the country.

very thoughtful of you to know that.
They were funneling arms so fuck them. Your more concerned with a few criminals then the health of our country.
yes, obama gave arms to our enemies and forced a tyrannical healthcare system on the country.

very thoughtful of you to know that.

Do a little more research, ok? Stop being a shill tape recorder. Dont just read this, read more than this.

Obama’s Health Care Bill Is Enough to Make You Sick
Posted on Jul 11, 2010

White House / Pete Souza
By Chris Hedges

A close reading of the new health care legislation, which will conveniently take effect in 2014 after the next presidential election, is deeply depressing. The legislation not only mocks the lofty promises made by President Barack Obama, exposing most as lies, but sadly reconfirms that our nation is hostage to unchecked corporate greed and abuse. The simple truth, that single-payer nonprofit health care for all Americans would dramatically reduce costs and save lives, that the for-profit health care system is the problem and must be destroyed, is censored out of the public debate by a media that relies on these corporations as major advertisers and sponsors, as well as a morally bankrupt Democratic Party that is as bought off by corporations as the Republicans.

The 2,000-page piece of legislation, according to figures compiled by Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP), will leave at least 23 million people without insurance, a figure that translates into an estimated 23,000 unnecessary deaths a year among people who cannot afford care. It will permit prices to climb so that many of us will soon be paying close to 10 percent of our annual income to buy commercial health insurance, although this coverage will only pay for about 70 percent of our medical expenses. Those who become seriously ill, lose their incomes and cannot pay skyrocketing premiums will be denied coverage. And at least $447 billion in taxpayer subsidies will now be handed to insurance firms. We will be forced by law to buy their defective products. There is no check in the new legislation to halt rising health care costs. The elderly can be charged three times the rates provided to the young. Companies with predominantly female work forces can be charged higher gender-based rates. The dizzying array of technical loopholes in the bill—written in by armies of insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists—means that these companies, which profit off human sickness, suffering and death, can continue their grim game of trading away human life for money.

“They named this legislation the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and as the tradition of this nation goes, any words they put into the name of a piece of legislation means the opposite,” said single-payer activist Dr. Margaret Flowers when I heard her and Helen Redmond dissect the legislation in Chicago at the Socialism 2010 Conference last month. “It neither protects patients nor leads to affordable care.”

“This legislation moves us further in the direction of the commodification of health care,” Flowers went on. “It requires people to purchase health insurance. It takes public dollars to subsidize the purchase of that private insurance. It not only forces people to purchase this private product, but uses public dollars and gives them directly to these corporations. In return, there are no caps on premiums. Insurance companies can continue to raise premiums. We estimate that because they are required to cover people with pre-existing conditions, although we will see if this happens, they will argue that they will have to raise premiums.”

The legislation included a few tiny improvements that have been used as bait to sell it to the public. The bill promises, for example, to expand community health centers and increase access to primary-care doctors. It allows children to stay on their parent’s plan until they turn 26. It will include those with pre-existing conditions in insurance plans, although Flowers warns that many technicalities and loopholes make it easy for insurance companies to drop patients. Most of the more than 30 million people currently without insurance, and the 45,000 who die each year because they lack medical care, essentially remain left out in the cold, and things will not get better for the rest of us.

“We are still a nation full of health care hostages,” Redmond said. “We live in fear of losing our health care. Millions of people have lost their health care. We fear bankruptcy. The inability to pay medical bills is the No. 1 cause of bankruptcy. We fear not being able to afford medications. Millions of people skip medications. They skip these medications to the detriment of their health. We are not free. And we won’t be free until health care is a human right, until health care is not tied to a job, because we still have an employment-based system, and until health care has nothing to do with immigration status. We don’t care if you are documented or undocumented. It should not matter what your health care status is, if you have a disease or you don’t. It should not matter how much money you have or don’t, because many of our programs are based on income eligibility rules. Until we abolish the private, for-profit health insurance industry in this county we are not free. Until we take the profit motive out of health care we cannot live in the way we want to live. This legislation doesn’t do any of that. It doesn’t change those basic facts of our health care system.”

Redmond held up a syringe.

“I take a medication that costs $1,700 every single month,” she said. “I inject this medication. It costs $425 a week for 50 milligrams of medication. I would do almost anything to get this medication because without it I don’t have much of a life. The pharmaceutical industry knows this. They price these drugs accordingly to the level of desperation that people feel. Billy Tauzin, the former CEO of [the trade organization of] Big Pharma, negotiated a secret deal with President Obama to extend the patents of biologics, this new revolutionary class of drugs, for 12 years. And Obama also promised in this deal that he would not negotiate drug prices for Medicare.”
They were funneling arms and were making a ton of cash.....fuck um. You worry more about a few criminals than you do about the country or are you just using this issue and its distortions? I thought you HATED politicians?
You people do actually get dumber. Why do you freaking morons think Hillary Clinton needed to OK a military response after the President had already told Panetta to do what we could.

This makes me sick how you America hating jackasses piss on the graves of the 4 killed in Benghazi to lie about Clinton. You should be ashamed . was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

In their countries, the government controls the media. When they saw that US made video, they see it as a something the US did & not some dumbass guy. You people are so uninformed.
now you're just making ignorant shit up.

good lord, the level you leftists tools are willing to stoop to to cover for your failed leadership

No, I am stating facts.

You morons can't admit there was a video & people rioted when they saw it. You have no comprehension of these countries & how they are ruled. Turn off conservative talk radio.

These despicable woman not only lied about the slaughter of Americans but refused to lift a finger to save their lives.. She'd belongs behind bars.. When you vote on November 8th, remember those left behind.

GWB who sent our troops on a fools errand into Iraq ill equipped for the mission. Both Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld + other neo cons in that administration are of my generation, and we all remember Satchel Bombs (IED's) left by VC on the bicycles parked on the streets of Saigon.

That said, the numbers of our guys/gals killed and wounded by IED's in Iraq were thousands of time greater than the four Americans who lost their lives at Benghazi. To suggest HRC abandoned these four men is dishonest, despicable and so very typical of members of the echo chamber who thrive on bullshit.

These despicable woman not only lied about the slaughter of Americans but refused to lift a finger to save their lives.. She'd belongs behind bars.. When you vote on November 8th, remember those left behind.
Under Reagan's watch:

The April 18, 1983, United States embassy bombing was a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans. The victims were mostly embassy and CIA staff members, but also included several U.S. soldiers and one U.S. Marine. It was the deadliest attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission up to that time, and is considered the beginning of Islamist attacks on U.S. targets.

The 1983 Beirut barracks bombings were terrorist attacks that occurred on October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War when two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) peacekeepers, specifically against United States and French service members, killing 241 U.S. and 58 French peacekeepers, six civilians, and the two suicide attackers. An obscure group calling itself 'Islamic Jihad' claimed responsibility for the bombings and that the bombings were aimed to get the MNF out of Lebanon.

Nearly 260 Americans killed, under Reagan's watch.

Reagan isn't running for President, now is he SLUG?
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
As has been noted, the Pentagon does not ask the Secretary of State to provide military coverage for anything through an e-mail.
You people do actually get dumber. Why do you freaking morons think Hillary Clinton needed to OK a military response after the President had already told Panetta to do what we could.

This makes me sick how you America hating jackasses piss on the graves of the 4 killed in Benghazi to lie about Clinton. You should be ashamed . was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

In their countries, the government controls the media. When they saw that US made video, they see it as a something the US did & not some dumbass guy. You people are so uninformed.
now you're just making ignorant shit up.

good lord, the level you leftists tools are willing to stoop to to cover for your failed leadership

I used to be astounded.

The indoctrination is immaculate.
Under Reagan's watch:

The April 18, 1983, United States embassy bombing was a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans. The victims were mostly embassy and CIA staff members, but also included several U.S. soldiers and one U.S. Marine. It was the deadliest attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission up to that time, and is considered the beginning of Islamist attacks on U.S. targets.

The 1983 Beirut barracks bombings were terrorist attacks that occurred on October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War when two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) peacekeepers, specifically against United States and French service members, killing 241 U.S. and 58 French peacekeepers, six civilians, and the two suicide attackers. An obscure group calling itself 'Islamic Jihad' claimed responsibility for the bombings and that the bombings were aimed to get the MNF out of Lebanon.

Nearly 260 Americans killed, under Reagan's watch.

Reagan isn't running for President, now is he SLUG?
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! - USA News Insider

The email was sent out at 7:19 p.m. ET on Sept. 11, 2012, in the early stages of the eight-hour siege that also claimed the lives of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, private CIA contractors who raced to the aid of embattled State Department workers.

Although the email came after the first wave of the attack at the consulate, it occurred before a mortar strike on the CIA annex killed Woods and Doherty.

“This leaves no doubt military assets were offered and ready to go, and awaiting State Department signoff, which did not come,” Judicial Watch, a nonprofit government watchdog said in a statement.

Parts of the email from Bash were redacted before release, including details on what military forces were available.

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

You people do actually get dumber. Why do you freaking morons think Hillary Clinton needed to OK a military response after the President had already told Panetta to do what we could.

This makes me sick how you America hating jackasses piss on the graves of the 4 killed in Benghazi to lie about Clinton. You should be ashamed . was a video.....

Actually that video had just been translated into Arabic & aired on Arab TV. It caused rioting in many Arab cities,.

Why do you think Benghazi was immune?

Again, you people are too stupid, The video was mentioned as a potential cause with an investigation underway.
so you're saying that muslims have so little self control that they will organise an attack and murder people over a video.

mmmm, that's a chocolate covered bigotry right thur

  • No claim was made that all Muslims have little self control
  • Facts speak for themselves:
    • A fatwā was issued for Sir Ahmad Salman Rushdie after he published The Satanic Verses; The attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo after they published satirical comments/cartoon of Muslims
Last edited:
They were funneling arms so fuck them. Your more concerned with a few criminals then the health of our country.
yes, obama gave arms to our enemies and forced a tyrannical healthcare system on the country.

very thoughtful of you to know that.
They were funneling arms so fuck them. Your more concerned with a few criminals then the health of our country.
yes, obama gave arms to our enemies and forced a tyrannical healthcare system on the country.

very thoughtful of you to know that.

Do a little more research, ok? Stop being a shill tape recorder. Dont just read this, read more than this.

Obama’s Health Care Bill Is Enough to Make You Sick
Posted on Jul 11, 2010

White House / Pete Souza
By Chris Hedges

A close reading of the new health care legislation, which will conveniently take effect in 2014 after the next presidential election, is deeply depressing. The legislation not only mocks the lofty promises made by President Barack Obama, exposing most as lies, but sadly reconfirms that our nation is hostage to unchecked corporate greed and abuse. The simple truth, that single-payer nonprofit health care for all Americans would dramatically reduce costs and save lives, that the for-profit health care system is the problem and must be destroyed, is censored out of the public debate by a media that relies on these corporations as major advertisers and sponsors, as well as a morally bankrupt Democratic Party that is as bought off by corporations as the Republicans.

The 2,000-page piece of legislation, according to figures compiled by Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP), will leave at least 23 million people without insurance, a figure that translates into an estimated 23,000 unnecessary deaths a year among people who cannot afford care. It will permit prices to climb so that many of us will soon be paying close to 10 percent of our annual income to buy commercial health insurance, although this coverage will only pay for about 70 percent of our medical expenses. Those who become seriously ill, lose their incomes and cannot pay skyrocketing premiums will be denied coverage. And at least $447 billion in taxpayer subsidies will now be handed to insurance firms. We will be forced by law to buy their defective products. There is no check in the new legislation to halt rising health care costs. The elderly can be charged three times the rates provided to the young. Companies with predominantly female work forces can be charged higher gender-based rates. The dizzying array of technical loopholes in the bill—written in by armies of insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists—means that these companies, which profit off human sickness, suffering and death, can continue their grim game of trading away human life for money.

“They named this legislation the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and as the tradition of this nation goes, any words they put into the name of a piece of legislation means the opposite,” said single-payer activist Dr. Margaret Flowers when I heard her and Helen Redmond dissect the legislation in Chicago at the Socialism 2010 Conference last month. “It neither protects patients nor leads to affordable care.”

“This legislation moves us further in the direction of the commodification of health care,” Flowers went on. “It requires people to purchase health insurance. It takes public dollars to subsidize the purchase of that private insurance. It not only forces people to purchase this private product, but uses public dollars and gives them directly to these corporations. In return, there are no caps on premiums. Insurance companies can continue to raise premiums. We estimate that because they are required to cover people with pre-existing conditions, although we will see if this happens, they will argue that they will have to raise premiums.”

The legislation included a few tiny improvements that have been used as bait to sell it to the public. The bill promises, for example, to expand community health centers and increase access to primary-care doctors. It allows children to stay on their parent’s plan until they turn 26. It will include those with pre-existing conditions in insurance plans, although Flowers warns that many technicalities and loopholes make it easy for insurance companies to drop patients. Most of the more than 30 million people currently without insurance, and the 45,000 who die each year because they lack medical care, essentially remain left out in the cold, and things will not get better for the rest of us.

“We are still a nation full of health care hostages,” Redmond said. “We live in fear of losing our health care. Millions of people have lost their health care. We fear bankruptcy. The inability to pay medical bills is the No. 1 cause of bankruptcy. We fear not being able to afford medications. Millions of people skip medications. They skip these medications to the detriment of their health. We are not free. And we won’t be free until health care is a human right, until health care is not tied to a job, because we still have an employment-based system, and until health care has nothing to do with immigration status. We don’t care if you are documented or undocumented. It should not matter what your health care status is, if you have a disease or you don’t. It should not matter how much money you have or don’t, because many of our programs are based on income eligibility rules. Until we abolish the private, for-profit health insurance industry in this county we are not free. Until we take the profit motive out of health care we cannot live in the way we want to live. This legislation doesn’t do any of that. It doesn’t change those basic facts of our health care system.”

Redmond held up a syringe.

“I take a medication that costs $1,700 every single month,” she said. “I inject this medication. It costs $425 a week for 50 milligrams of medication. I would do almost anything to get this medication because without it I don’t have much of a life. The pharmaceutical industry knows this. They price these drugs accordingly to the level of desperation that people feel. Billy Tauzin, the former CEO of [the trade organization of] Big Pharma, negotiated a secret deal with President Obama to extend the patents of biologics, this new revolutionary class of drugs, for 12 years. And Obama also promised in this deal that he would not negotiate drug prices for Medicare.”
I stopped there.

sorry comrade, not into tyranny of any kind.

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