Name the cliches (hypocritical) of the left that they use to win elections.

The OP:


The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!
The FIRST comment in the thread from a progtard, and SHOCKER, it's just BULL SHIT, and this particular prog loves America so much, HE LIVES IN GERMANY.

Sometimes illustrating what kind of JERK OFFS the left really are is just all too easy... they do it for you.
Republicans are for the rich class and want to bring tax relief for "the rich."

Democrats, use this of course to separate the classes, and the morons on the left of course lap it up hook line and sinker. Their useful idiots (all of the ones that post here for example) just buy into the lie. Meanwhile, the hypocrites can never really explain a few things. Well, how they always say republicans is the party of the rich.

How the fuck, do these morons always get away with such utter bullshit? Seriously, how?


That is jut Hollywood.....


All liberals. Warren Buffet complains he is not taxed enough, even though he knows damn well he could voluntarily pay more, but curiously does not do it voluntarily. Yeah, ever see his deal he all of a sudden got with Bank Of America.

Read this:

Warren Buffett says he wants to pay more tax then structures a deal to ensure he does the exact opposite PandoDaily

Seriously, why are liberals so fucking dumb about everything? The pathetic thing is how they think they are so smart about everything.

Ok, I named a cliche. Go ahead and name another. There are a lot.
"We need to spread the wealth around."

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