Naming Names? Maxwell trial soon, judge says NAMES!!!

Not really seeing anything Frank.

maybe take off the burka


"I'm not really seeing anything"
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Not really seeing anything Frank.
That's Bill and Maxwell ain't it ? Is that the infamous Lolita Express ? Whose the girl in the picture with Bill on the lower right ? How old is she, infact how old was that inturn Monica ?? If they're all of age then no big deal, but that's not what Epstein was locked up for, otherwise it was because of the underaged girl's and the rape charges of them wasn't it ? Gotta be careful who you hang out with, especially someone like an Epstein and Maxwell. Total corruption at it's worst.

Hmmm, funny how this case is being brought forward now, and after all this time. Are the democrat's that are currently in power, attempting to deflect from their dismal run up to this point, otherwise by muddying the waters in an attempt to save their legacy and president from the present situations or debacles found in this presidency ??
He has been accused of walking into a 15 year old's dressing room when he was running his pageants, along with other contestants' dressing rooms. He bragged about trying to catch the contestants naked on Howard Stern's show.

I was pointing out that the creature could not have been 35 in 2003 if it was living in 1950.

Again, I am sorry you suffer from retardation to this extreme degree that you do, but again -- it is just the luck of the draw.
He was saying he was a Republican for 35 years.
i remember donny bragging on the howard stern show - how he would walk in on his pageant contestants in various stages of undress to 'inspect' them. donny always liked 'em young.

Former Miss Arizona: Trump ‘just came strolling right in’ on naked contestants

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing
“Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all'.
Last updated on October 13, 2016, at 12:26 p.m. ET
Posted on October 12, 2016, at 5:44 a.m. ET

Why then no complaints filed or issues brought up about these alleged things ??

You see, if one walks out the door to pick up the Sunday morning news paper, and an enemy wanted to set them up, can you imagine how something could be orchestrated in an attempt to capture the person saying hiya to the next door neighbor if she was out watering her lawn ??

Trump was in the business of owning and running a beauty pageant, and so far we have heard nothing about him abusing that role by the contestants he resided over. It's a window to be exploited for political purposes though, so don't leave any stone unturned, but don't be disappointed when you fail to get him yet again.
Trump did abuse them.. He often entered their dressing room when they were undressed.. He talked about that publically alot.
Bragged about it, really. Let's be honest. he bragged about peeping on naked teenagers. Of course, none of these lobotomized cultists will ever give a shit. They would only care if it was THEIR daughter. Because that is the quality of people we are dealing with, here.
Bragged about it, really. Let's be honest. he bragged about peeping on naked teenagers. Of course, none of these lobotomized cultists will ever give a shit. They would only care if it was THEIR daughter. Because that is the quality of people we are dealing with, here.

Yes. Trump did brag frequently about going into their dressing rooms when they were undressed. Not exactly respectful of young girls. Funny how a moderator deleted my post.

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