
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.
Getting along is way overrated...
This is the current level of maturity o full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.
Trump has a confirmed global reputation as an immature juvenile buffoon, but, what has Pelosi done to be called juvenile?
GO LOOK IT UP! WHASSAMATTER WITH YOU? You stupid? Lazy? Maybe you shouldn't be posting here.
I find nothing Pelosi has done juvenile.
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Old dude,

Representative Nancy Pelosi is the adult in the room, while donny grifter has never been an adult in any room.
You don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?

Read it? I wrote it. It doesn't say I hate my country. It says the opposite. What you've proven here is that you are a lying piece of shit. Or simply have no reading comprehension. Which is it?
sure it does. you said our nation doesn't exist.

Wow. You are one dumb motherfucker. Try reading it again after you sober up, jackass:

"My loyalty isn't to a nation, or a government. It's to my country, my society, my community. You're indulging the same conceit as the liberals - you're identifying the nation state as the ultimate representation of the people. I think that's a mistake. It's the core mistake of nationalism."
I read quite fine. you said you were not loyal to our nation. I don't know how any more cut and dry that can be. your own words, here let me help you again,

"My loyalty isn't to a nation,"

You said I hated my country. You were lying. Or are too stupid to read effectively. Please piss off.
Hey fk your America hate puss off

Read it? I wrote it. It doesn't say I hate my country. It says the opposite. What you've proven here is that you are a lying piece of shit. Or simply have no reading comprehension. Which is it?
sure it does. you said our nation doesn't exist.

Wow. You are one dumb motherfucker. Try reading it again after you sober up, jackass:

"My loyalty isn't to a nation, or a government. It's to my country, my society, my community. You're indulging the same conceit as the liberals - you're identifying the nation state as the ultimate representation of the people. I think that's a mistake. It's the core mistake of nationalism."
I read quite fine. you said you were not loyal to our nation. I don't know how any more cut and dry that can be. your own words, here let me help you again,

"My loyalty isn't to a nation,"

You said I hated my country. You were lying. Or are too stupid to read effectively. Please piss off.
Hey fk, do you live your nation?
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Old dude,

Representative Nancy Pelosi is the adult in the room, while donny grifter has never been an adult in any room.
You don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?

You bag groceries... haha
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Really, what has Pelosi publically said that is so terrible? Her comment that she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison, is perfectly appropriate given his crimes and his continuing abuses of power. Gee, Trump has been chanting "Lock her up" about Hillary for 3 years now and he's STILL saying it at his rallies. Now he's having Comey, Clapper, McCabe and others investigated in the hopes of bringing charges against them for their "treason" and their "attempted coup". Trump needs to look up the definition of both "treason" and "coup" and stop with this BULLSHIT.

You voted for a man with no morals, no decency, and no sense of propriety. Now you're trying to paint Pelosi with the same brush. Ain't gonna fly.
Do you never tire of lying and trying to impose your foreign interference on U.S politics? Trump crimes? Dearie, if there had been a HINT of an actual crime committed by Trump, it would be splashed on every front page in the country. You can't name a chargeable crime Trump has committed yet Comey held a press conference to tell the world all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. He said that she didn't MEAN to be a criminal, so he was declining to charge her. Hence the cries of "lock her up". And people actually interested in preserving the U.S. justice system understand that something went horribly wrong during the Obama administration and that we need to get to the bottom of it. If you feel a pressing need to involve yourself in politics, why don't you try checking into the fact that Canadians now have to answer to the thought police as free speech is persona non grata there.
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Really, what has Pelosi publically said that is so terrible? Her comment that she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison, is perfectly appropriate given his crimes and his continuing abuses of power. Gee, Trump has been chanting "Lock her up" about Hillary for 3 years now and he's STILL saying it at his rallies. Now he's having Comey, Clapper, McCabe and others investigated in the hopes of bringing charges against them for their "treason" and their "attempted coup". Trump needs to look up the definition of both "treason" and "coup" and stop with this BULLSHIT.

You voted for a man with no morals, no decency, and no sense of propriety. Now you're trying to paint Pelosi with the same brush. Ain't gonna fly.
Do you never tire of lying and trying to impose your foreign interference on U.S politics? Trump crimes? Dearie, if there had been a HINT of an actual crime committed by Trump, it would be splashed on every front page in the country. You can't name a chargeable crime Trump has committed yet Comey held a press conference to tell the world all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. He said that she didn't MEAN to be a criminal, so he was declining to charge her. Hence the cries of "lock her up". And people actually interested in preserving the U.S. justice system understand that something went horribly wrong during the Obama administration and that we need to get to the bottom of it. If you feel a pressing need to involve yourself in politics, why don't you try checking into the fact that Canadians now have to answer to the thought police as free speech is persona non grata there.

There are 10 examples of "hints" in the Mueller Report on Obstruction.

Read that
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Really, what has Pelosi publically said that is so terrible? Her comment that she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison, is perfectly appropriate given his crimes and his continuing abuses of power. Gee, Trump has been chanting "Lock her up" about Hillary for 3 years now and he's STILL saying it at his rallies. Now he's having Comey, Clapper, McCabe and others investigated in the hopes of bringing charges against them for their "treason" and their "attempted coup". Trump needs to look up the definition of both "treason" and "coup" and stop with this BULLSHIT.

You voted for a man with no morals, no decency, and no sense of propriety. Now you're trying to paint Pelosi with the same brush. Ain't gonna fly.
Do you never tire of lying and trying to impose your foreign interference on U.S politics? Trump crimes? Dearie, if there had been a HINT of an actual crime committed by Trump, it would be splashed on every front page in the country. You can't name a chargeable crime Trump has committed yet Comey held a press conference to tell the world all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. He said that she didn't MEAN to be a criminal, so he was declining to charge her. Hence the cries of "lock her up". And people actually interested in preserving the U.S. justice system understand that something went horribly wrong during the Obama administration and that we need to get to the bottom of it. If you feel a pressing need to involve yourself in politics, why don't you try checking into the fact that Canadians now have to answer to the thought police as free speech is persona non grata there.

Trumps crimes HAVE been on the front page of every newspaper in the land. That's the "fake news" Trump rails at every day.

Trump has "settled cases" and paid HUGE FINES, into the millions of dollars for criminal racial discrimination, fraud in the Trump University case, and making illegal campaign contributions (bribes really), campaign finance violations paying off porn stars, and that's off the top of my head. There is a real probability that his banking records will reveal years of bank and insurance fraud, and that he's not nearly as rich as he pretends.

There are all of the crimes in the Mueller Report - obstruction of justice, witness tampering.
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.

Really, what has Pelosi publically said that is so terrible? Her comment that she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison, is perfectly appropriate given his crimes and his continuing abuses of power. Gee, Trump has been chanting "Lock her up" about Hillary for 3 years now and he's STILL saying it at his rallies. Now he's having Comey, Clapper, McCabe and others investigated in the hopes of bringing charges against them for their "treason" and their "attempted coup". Trump needs to look up the definition of both "treason" and "coup" and stop with this BULLSHIT.

You voted for a man with no morals, no decency, and no sense of propriety. Now you're trying to paint Pelosi with the same brush. Ain't gonna fly.
Do you never tire of lying and trying to impose your foreign interference on U.S politics? Trump crimes? Dearie, if there had been a HINT of an actual crime committed by Trump, it would be splashed on every front page in the country. You can't name a chargeable crime Trump has committed yet Comey held a press conference to tell the world all the laws Hillary Clinton broke. He said that she didn't MEAN to be a criminal, so he was declining to charge her. Hence the cries of "lock her up". And people actually interested in preserving the U.S. justice system understand that something went horribly wrong during the Obama administration and that we need to get to the bottom of it. If you feel a pressing need to involve yourself in politics, why don't you try checking into the fact that Canadians now have to answer to the thought police as free speech is persona non grata there.

Trumps crimes HAVE been on the front page of every newspaper in the land. That's the "fake news" Trump rails at every day. Furthermore, his history of business failures and bankruptcies are well documented. Posters here ranted on about how Obama wasn't properly vetted, yet Trump's history of shady dealings and dishonesty have been a matter of public record throughout his adult life, but Trump has run a lifelong PR campaign to promote himself as this bigtime businessman billionaire, instead of the creepy conman who has lost billions of dollars, all of it other people's money.

Trump has "settled cases" and paid HUGE FINES, into the millions of dollars for criminal racial discrimination, fraud in the Trump University case, and making illegal campaign contributions (bribes really), campaign finance violations paying off porn stars, and that's off the top of my head. There is a real probability that his banking records will reveal years of bank and insurance fraud, and that he's not nearly as rich as he pretends.

There are all of the crimes in the Mueller Report - obstruction of justice, witness tampering,
This is the current level of maturity o full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.
Trump has a confirmed global reputation as an immature juvenile buffoon, but, what has Pelosi done to be called juvenile?
GO LOOK IT UP! WHASSAMATTER WITH YOU? You stupid? Lazy? Maybe you shouldn't be posting here.
I find nothing Pelosi has done juvenile.
I was giving OP a hard time, not you--sorry you didn't realize that. Pelosi is exceptionally partisan, which is her job, I guess. I just don't like that stuff much. I don't remember her being "juvenile," either, but if she has been, Grampa isn't about to share the secret.
This is the current level of maturity on full display from both Pelosi and Trump.

These two juvenile asshats are more interested in impressing their base than actually solving our problems.

After the latest spat between Pelosi and Trump I have NO FAITH that the problems we face right now will be solved or even attempted to be worked on.

Trump needs to get the fuck off of Twitter and Pelosi needs to stay off the fucking TV. The endless barrage of insults and pandering solve nothing. Do your damn jobs and leave the High School drama to the real teenage girls.
There are many examples of this behavior. Got a link to something specific that started this whiny, bitchafied OP?

gramps can't find his bottle of cheap gin.

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