Nancy Pelosi Calls Joe Biden Perfect

A "Perfect idiot" more than anything else. Both of them have achieved that status.

Exactly. Like that one person said in my video,.. even as Trump supporters we know that he isn't Jesus and isn't perfect. These kinds of people are exactly the reason why the world is laughing at America.
Exactly. Like that one person said in my video,.. even as Trump supporters we know that he isn't Jesus and isn't perfect. These kinds of people are exactly the reason why the world is laughing at America.
Trump declared himself perfect
Biden and Pelosi are destroying America's standard of living with their inflation.
People's savings and retirements are being gutted.

Think it's bad now? Wait until the economy collapses and we get that "Great Reset" the globalists have planned for us. They had a saying back during the Great depression: "We were going broke slowly, then all at once..."

The Federal reserve announced today that it's dialing back it's bond buying. But at the same time, it announced that it's looking at three interest rate hikes, which could spell disaster for an already failing economy.

Rising interest rates could very well crash the stock market. Then we go from 1978 to 1929 in one fell swoop. Hold onto your your ass and your guns if it does.
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Nancy Pelosi Calls Joe Biden Perfect​

Is it any kind of surprise though? Coming from her I mean.

What did that sea hag say? Yeah, Joe is the perfect nightmare.

Joe IS the perfect guy for the job--- absolutely nothing under the skull just a piece of taffy in Nancy's gray wrinkled hands to rubber stamp her garbage agenda.

This is PERFECT, democrats have rallied themselves to the perfect crescendo of irrational delusion! It's looking better than 2016! Not even one year in!

Yeah, the GOP better look out, Joe is coming to get them, they must have just given Joe his next shot of steroids, testosterone and interferon--- but the only thing that fool is liable to sick on anyone is corn pop.

It is what they want. This isn't incompetence per se, it is a plan. They will regret it
You give them far more credit than they deserve. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Congressional Democrats, as well as many Republicans are "useful idiots" in a game being played against us by far more sinister forces. They are willing yet unwitting participants in the globalization of the most stable Republic in the world. Marxist-inspired globalism is the enemy and if they can bring this country to its knees, they will control the entire world.
You give them far more credit than they deserve. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Congressional Democrats, as well as many Republicans are "useful idiots" in a game being played against us by far more sinister forces. They are willing yet unwitting participants in the globalization of the most stable Republic in the world. Marxist-inspired globalism is the enemy and if they can bring this country to its knees, they will control the entire world.
People are so fed up with this shit. The shit holes gotta be a tea pot ready to burst
People are so fed up with this shit. The shit holes gotta be a tea pot ready to burst

I'm seeing that here too. We're teetering on the edge of a major economic collapse. The FED announced today that they're going to raise the interest rate three times between now and 2022 which combined with the inflation, shortages, and amount of cash circulating, could be a fucking disaster.

Keep an eye out to what happens to the Market Monday. If the market starts to tank suddenly, it might be a good time to inventory what arms and ammo you have handy.
People are so fed up with this shit. The shit holes gotta be a tea pot ready to burst

Well Sloop, we can't believe or trust our Fed, we can't trust our elections, we cannot believe the media, the monkeys keep rioting and looting America, the illegal floodgates are wide open, they've spent us broke to 30 trillion and want to spend more, crime has soared while they try to defund the police, and the politicians on the Left are singing and dancing without a concern because while they've had you nailed to the wall emptying your pockets they've made themselves rich beyond all concern! And they want to do a lot more!

Our representative government sure ain't representing anyone I know.

If an enemy wanted to sell us down the tubes I can't think of a better job they could do than Nancy and her hand puppet.

What to do, what to do.
How dare anyone accuse Nancy Pelosi of being less than 100% truthful?

Joe Biden is the most intelligent and cognizant President we have ever had.

He will be the 5th face on Mt. Rushmore.

Greatest President, certainly in my lifetime.

He is a stateman. He is a gentleman. He cares about the USA and makes very good decisions.

He never lies about anything.
Everything pelosi has ever said or done is purely just for the sake of her own personal interests. She only cares about gaining financial or political power, and not loosing either of those. So of course she will say anything she can to protect herself and what she has.
Pelosi‘s senile botoxed false tetth wearing facelifted walking corpse should not be evaluating anyone’s cognitive ability.

Interestingly, Pelosi constant accused Trump of being dull…Id love to see the scores if Trump and Biden both took a Wonderlic test.

Trump would crush Biden.

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