Nancy Pelosi is angry at President Trump for his criticism of Omar

She should because what Omar said was true,

and also it was him that said "there were good people on both sides" when referring to white supremacists .

He was referring to people who feel differently about the tearing down of Civil War memorials, Penny not white supremecists! I really wish you on the left would stop with that silly claim. It was bullshit's bullshit NOW. Yet you keep trotting it out like it's meaningful...which says a lot about you!
She should because what Omar said was true,

and also it was him that said "there were good people on both sides" when referring to white supremacists .

TRUMP was referring to good people on both sides regarding the issue of what should be done with historical statues.

It's interesting you have no problem with identifying people who opposed tearing down historical statues as white supremacists, so you should have no issue with Omar being criticized for not identifying the "some people" as Islamic terrorists.


From USAToday:
"To be fair, President Donald Trump was making a somewhat subtler point. In his colloquy with the press, he was not calling neo-Nazis great folks but arguing that many of the Confederate-statue-loving protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, were not neo-Nazis at all. Somehow, these “fine people” got mixed in with white supremacists shouting, “Jews will not replace us,” and never noticed their compatriots were not fine people, too."
One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

From your link:

In his press availability addressing Charlottesville last year, Trump was asked whether race relations had gotten worse. He replied that they were “better or the same,” but added, “They have been frayed for a long time.” In other words, although he predicted race relations would improve, he emphasized how fraught and “frayed” they were. Who could blame him if they stayed that way — or got worse? Despite promising racial harmony through job creation, he was betting the opposite.

Indeed, his political career was built on betting the opposite. It effectively began with birtherism, blossomed with talk of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists, and flourished with allusions to gang-bangers spilling over the border.

At a recent rally in Tampa, Florida, he fired up the crowd by ridiculing Democrats’ desire for “open borders, which equals massive crime.” They “want to let MS-13 rule our country,” he declared, adding, “Every day the brave men and women of ICE are liberating communities and towns from savage gangs like MS-13 that are occupying our country like another nation would.”
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
Big deal. 9/11 was just a day that some people did something. People do stuff all the time.
Like that white guy that blew up a building he ain't never talked about by white folks.
She should because what Omar said was true,

and also it was him that said "there were good people on both sides" when referring to white supremacists .

He was referring to people who feel differently about the tearing down of Civil War memorials, Penny not white supremecists! I really wish you on the left would stop with that silly claim. It was bullshit's bullshit NOW. Yet you keep trotting it out like it's meaningful...which says a lot about you!

If you say so, but I so doubt it. Even if he was , he should understand that Omar was referring the fact that most Muslims are fine people. Then again, he hates Muslims.
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
i am still angry at Nancy Pelosi's make up job
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
oh hell - she's mad at him every minute of every waking day - it's not like any particular reason matters anymore.
She should because what Omar said was true,

and also it was him that said "there were good people on both sides" when referring to white supremacists .

There ARE, actually.

They pay their taxes, love their children, are faithful to their spouses, contribute to charity, obey laws and by and large are responsible citizens who happen to hold an opinion that different from yours.

Your complaint with President Trump's statement is that they are white and refuse to succumb to crumble under your kind of idiotic political correctness.

Most of them are probably rednecks that don't work.

One gets a red neck by WORKING on construction sites, building roads and bridges, plowing, sowing and harvesting the land, walking the streets wearing blue and maintain the law, get scorched putting out fires and other honorable and honest jobs performed by honest and honorable people.

Your contempt of the people who provide your food and keep you safe is noted.
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
i am still angry at Nancy Pelosi's make up job
I'm just mad..
She should because what Omar said was true,

and also it was him that said "there were good people on both sides" when referring to white supremacists .
They are good if you are white.
If you ph uk like champs and have babies in between your abortions with a single parent percentage nearing 80% and are teenagers what exactly do you think is going to happen? Ask Five O, EMS, First Responders and Fire Departments and any combination thereof. They will tell you.
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
i am still angry at Nancy Pelosi's make up job
I'm just mad..
i wonder what Nancy is gonna do when at least one eye falls out
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
i am still angry at Nancy Pelosi's make up job
I'm just mad..
i wonder what Nancy is gonna do when at least one eye falls out

Keep wondering that, tramp should be blind and have no eyes.
Pelosi hits Trump over use of 9/11 images to criticize Muslim lawmaker

Pelosi criticized President Donald Trump on Saturday for a Twitter post that used 9/11 imagery while suggesting Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, was dismissive of the New York attacks.

The Left’s refusal to acknowledge the ideology that committed the 9-11 mass murder hate crime is disturbing and yet very revealing.
Who is this "left" that refuses to acknowledge why 9/11 happened?
i am still angry at Nancy Pelosi's make up job
I'm just mad..
i wonder what Nancy is gonna do when at least one eye falls out
Wear low cut blouses..
What does this picture say about 911?
Omar said it wrong. She should have said that it was radicalized Sadie Aribia people so does that mean that the best friend of Kushner who kills reporters is OK.

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