Nancy Pelosi: "We Have A Right To Know What's In The GOP Healthcare Bill Before It Passes"

Proving liberals have no shame, their hypocrisy is limitless. Obama called slaves immigrants and nobody said a word. Then when Ben Carson called slaves immigrants, an actual black man vs Obama the half black the left flew into a rage over Carson's comment.

Pelosi wrote: “Members must not be asked to vote on this legislation before the CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation have answered the following questions about your legislation in 2018 and 2019, over the 10-year budget window, and in the decade after: How will this bill measure up to the Affordable Care Act and current Medicaid law on coverage, quality, and cost? And how will it impact Medicare solvency?”

ACA was scored 20 years out and she is talking about same standard being applied here, there is no hypocrisy here.

Pelosi wrote: “Members must not be asked to vote on this legislation before the CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation have answered the following questions about your legislation in 2018 and 2019, over the 10-year budget window, and in the decade after: How will this bill measure up to the Affordable Care Act and current Medicaid law on coverage, quality, and cost? And how will it impact Medicare solvency?”

ACA was scored 20 years out and she is talking about same standard being applied here, there is no hypocrisy here.
Thanks for vindicating the thread title!
She is so senile, she doesn't remember her famous statement about the ACA bill "We have to pass the ACA to find out what's in it".

Pelosi wrote: “Members must not be asked to vote on this legislation before the CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation have answered the following questions about your legislation in 2018 and 2019, over the 10-year budget window, and in the decade after: How will this bill measure up to the Affordable Care Act and current Medicaid law on coverage, quality, and cost? And how will it impact Medicare solvency?”

ACA was scored 20 years out and she is talking about same standard being applied here, there is no hypocrisy here.
Thanks for vindicating the thread title!

You are a fucking idiot

Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Have a Right to Know What’s in Health Care Bill Before It Passes’

The title is a total lie and a gross distortion of what Pelosi was actually talking about in 2009 and now.
What a hypothetical Jew loving skank this fossil is. This is proof of how mentally deranged she is and she needs to retire. Again, what a two faced hypocrite!
Jews aside......this hypocrite must think most of America is as stupid as Democrat voters.

Well by uncritically swallowing the misleading headline you are being as stupid as Breitbart thinks you are.

Time to look in that mirror bud.
What a hypothetical Jew loving skank this fossil is. This is proof of how mentally deranged she is and she needs to retire. Again, what a two faced hypocrite!
Steve, when your sorry white ass come to here to post shit, please bring some creds......Breitbart news crap lowers your IQ score as well as your nuts...both I'm sure are very sensitive to brain freezes....however, I do agree....I have never in my entire life, ever tired so much as seeing old white people in politics...I mean, your race and its love for free bee's via tax payers is making us all sick.
What a hypothetical Jew loving skank this fossil is. This is proof of how mentally deranged she is and she needs to retire. Again, what a two faced hypocrite!
Jews aside......this hypocrite must think most of America is as stupid as Democrat voters.

Well by uncritically swallowing the misleading headline you are being as stupid as Breitbart thinks you are.

Time to look in that mirror bud.
These idiots that hang onto that conservative shit keeps us all alert on just how ignorant some people are in this country.
regardless what's in the RussianWingers BIG PLAN there wont be much difference between it and the current plan. They haven't had enough time to draft a working model ... give them SIX MORE YEARS.
there cant be much to it, Turmps uber money saving "buy across state lines" epiphany has already been crushed.

now what ?
Turmps uber money saving "buy across state lines" epiphany has already been crushed.
That's not true! It's still being worked on.

At the Fox News Republican debate last month, Donald Trump offered a way to lower health care costs: allow insurers to sell their policies across state lines.

“What I’d like to see is a private system without the artificial lines around every state,” he said. “I have a big company with thousands and thousands of employees. And if I’m negotiating in New York or in New Jersey or in California, I have like one bidder. Nobody can bid.” Erasing those lines, he said, would result in “great plans.”

The idea of developing a more national market for health insurance has become a major part of Republican health reform orthodoxy. A bill to allow interstate insurance sales was introduced in Congress in 2005, and, since then, has been a part of the platform of every Republican presidential nominee. Mr. Trump is not alone in his view: Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal have all endorsed it. Aside from repealing the Affordable Care Act, allowing insurers to sell their products across state lines appears to be the most popular health policy idea among the G.O.P. candidates.

It’s such a perennial suggestion that when Len Nichols, a health policy professor at George Mason University and the author of a 2009 paper on the subject, was asked for comment, he said: “Are you kidding me? We’ve been through this about 30 decades ago.”

The trouble is that varying or numerous state regulations aren’t the main reason insurance markets tend to be uncompetitive. Selling insurance in a new region or state takes more than just getting a license and including all the locally required benefits. It also involves setting up favorable contracts with doctors and hospitals so that customers will be able to get access to health care. Establishing those networks of health care providers can be hard for new market entrants.

“The barriers to entry are not truly regulatory, they are financial and they are network,” said Sabrina Corlette, the director of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.
Jews aside......this hypocrite must think most of America is as stupid as Democrat voters.

Well by uncritically swallowing the misleading headline you are being as stupid as Breitbart thinks you are.

Time to look in that mirror bud.
These idiots that hang onto that conservative shit keeps us all alert on just how ignorant some people are in this country.
Who gave you permission to post here? Now mind your master and get your black ass back to the plantation where you belong, boy!
Steve, steve steve.....since when do I or anyone with a working brain cell listens to white stupid maggots like you? Honestly, you make the retards look like scholars....that's how fuckin fucked you white whores are to me
Everybody listens to American patriot Steve McGarrett when he talks, just like E.F. Hutton!

anyone who listens to your horseshit can debunk anything you say in less than 60 seconds, so naturally you get attention, you're an easy target and get laughed at all the time.

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