Nancy Pelosi

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.

Thanks for sharing your opinion, but you know your opinion doesn't mean anything in this case, don't you?

Same as yours

Of course. I am pleased with the outcome though.

I added more, so reread my response.

Thanks for the suggestions, but I doubt your judgment will sway Democratic House Members decisions. Your strategy skills would probably be appreciated more by your own party. We got this.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

Got it. You had the house, but you sucked, so it is rightfully returned to Liberals, and Pelosi will resume her rightful place as Speaker. Now you're pouting about it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.
Feinstein and Pelosi both submitted support several of the more than 7,000 (Seven Thousand) pieces of pork in Barry's $1 trillion NON-Stimulus bill, pork that gave themselves personal tax payer-funded loans they never paid back that went to bailing out their hunbands' bankrupting businesses.

'Nuff said....

I don't care what they do / say since to try to make up for that (which has been NOTHING).

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Pelosi is on something like #1,145....yet they are going to award her with another Speaker of the House position....

Pelosi remaining in power simply confirms there is no one new to replace her. Poor Democrats have nothing in the way of new leadership or ideas.

Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.

Thanks for sharing your opinion, but you know your opinion doesn't mean anything in this case, don't you?

Same as yours... Are you melting a little snowflake?

I mean it seem like you feel the same Hag will usher in a new era or are you hoping she bring on full tilt Socialism instead?

Pelosi did not call for Bush impeachment nor will she call for Trump.

Mark it!

I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the most effective Speaker of the House in my recollection.

Better than the one that got the budget balanced?

She and Harry couldn't get that done, with a Dem Congress, and a Dem president
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I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how goofy it is.

Thank You, I certainly appreciate that . You are very generous.

Besides Pelosi has been, and I imagine that she will continue to be VERY ENTERTAINING.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

Got it. You had the house, but you sucked, so it is rightfully returned to Liberals, and Pelosi will resume her rightful place as Speaker. Now you're pouting about it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.

That is only one of her impressive skills. She also keeps her caucus focused on important things. Ryan should have taken notes.
Get over it Tards. The Midterms are over.

You can't use "fear of Pelosi" for political gain for another two years.

America rejected that move
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection

Calling Madam Pelosi and idiot is idiotic. She's an accomplished pol and a devout Catholic, unlike Ryan.

She was able to pass healthcare reform, something no speaker had been able to accomplish in history. Even in the face when a full court press, convincing the biddable that the PPACA was an example of creeping socialism, wich was led by a special interest, the Medical Pharmaceutical Complex, and the Republican Party.
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.
Paul Ryan was a globalist who only seemed to help Obama raise our taxes and ever helped his party when he was needed. His legacy is losing the House to the Democrat. May he rot in Hell.

GOP 2017-2018 no longer able to blame Dem's the GOP establishment outed themselves as RINO's in bed with Dems.
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.

Scares you really bad, don't she?
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

Got it. You had the house, but you sucked, so it is rightfully returned to Liberals, and Pelosi will resume her rightful place as Speaker. Now you're pouting about it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.

Thanks once again for posting an uninformed opinion. You might consider most people fact check before forging ahead. Of course most people are not lemmings.
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.

LOL, another effort by a butt hurt kook to assassinate the character of a winner. Why don't you grow up, and put on big boy pants and stop bull shitting. You must know on some level you have zero credibility.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

The Banana Republic continues in the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. and Leader McConnell, whose non feasance and machinations are examples of what goes on in such a republic.

McConnell has the ethics of a reptile; Ryan accomplished his goals, to pass a faux reform tax bill to benefit the few, and then retire to a job in a conservative think tank and be well compensated for his efforts.

Speaker (to be again) Pelosi has no hidden agenda, She wants to lead our nation in the spirit of the Preamble, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; she is unlike the axis of evil, Trump and McConnell, she is and has been a good emissary for The Beatitudes and Ryan was not.

I just want to address one of your lies. The tax cut bill cut the taxes of everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. But since you and half of America pays no taxes the tax cut did not benefit you, unless you now have a job or got a raise or bonus.

and yes a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 million is more than a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 thousand. So fricken what?
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.

LOL, another effort by a butt hurt kook to assassinate the character of a winner. Why don't you grow up, and put on big boy pants and stop bull shitting. You must know on some level you have zero credibility.
I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.

LOL, another effort by a butt hurt kook to assassinate the character of a winner. Why don't you grow up, and put on big boy pants and stop bull shitting. You must know on some level you have zero credibility.

everything he said about Pelosi is true, sorry if the truth about your leaders upsets you.
"The character of a winner"?
WOW, you must be in the entailment business yourself!

And if you don't believe me, “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it".....

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