Nancy Pelosi

I suspect Pelosi will do as she always did. Be the biggest idiot who ever held the position of Speaker of the House in my recollection
Pelosi can only do a couple of things well.
Raise taxes and screw up the economy.
Oh, and she's also really good at grabbing power.

What's she's not good at is fixing things and lying.
She sucks at both.
Her lies are too obvious.
This comes from her arrogance.
She feels that the media will cover her on her lies.

LOL, another effort by a butt hurt kook to assassinate the character of a winner. Why don't you grow up, and put on big boy pants and stop bull shitting. You must know on some level you have zero credibility.
That's rich, coming from a person who supports a political party that cannot govern to save their lives, and as a result have to bring millions of illegals here to change the demographics of the electorate. People that can only win by vote farming in districts that are controlled by corrupt political operatives willing to look the other way and let it happen.
And when all their cheating fails, they claim that the only reason they lost was because Republican racists suppressed the vote. ...essentially claiming the other side is doing what they are guilty of.
I just want to address one of your lies. The tax cut bill cut the taxes of everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich

I pay taxes and it didn't cut mine.

In fact it RAISED a couple grand
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

The Banana Republic continues in the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. and Leader McConnell, whose non feasance and machinations are examples of what goes on in such a republic.

McConnell has the ethics of a reptile; Ryan accomplished his goals, to pass a faux reform tax bill to benefit the few, and then retire to a job in a conservative think tank and be well compensated for his efforts.

Speaker (to be again) Pelosi has no hidden agenda, She wants to lead our nation in the spirit of the Preamble, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; she is unlike the axis of evil, Trump and McConnell, she is and has been a good emissary for The Beatitudes and Ryan was not.

I just want to address one of your lies. The tax cut bill cut the taxes of everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. But since you and half of America pays no taxes the tax cut did not benefit you, unless you now have a job or got a raise or bonus.

and yes a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 million is more than a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 thousand. So fricken what?

?So fricken what"? 5% of a thousand is $50; 5% of a million is $50,000 Which hurts more?

The tax bill helped those who don't need a tax cut, raised our national deficit and ultimately debt, and didn't do anything to change the lifestyle of the many.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

The Banana Republic continues in the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. and Leader McConnell, whose non feasance and machinations are examples of what goes on in such a republic.

McConnell has the ethics of a reptile; Ryan accomplished his goals, to pass a faux reform tax bill to benefit the few, and then retire to a job in a conservative think tank and be well compensated for his efforts.

Speaker (to be again) Pelosi has no hidden agenda, She wants to lead our nation in the spirit of the Preamble, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; she is unlike the axis of evil, Trump and McConnell, she is and has been a good emissary for The Beatitudes and Ryan was not.

I just want to address one of your lies. The tax cut bill cut the taxes of everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. But since you and half of America pays no taxes the tax cut did not benefit you, unless you now have a job or got a raise or bonus.

and yes a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 million is more than a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 thousand. So fricken what?

?So fricken what"? 5% of a thousand is $50; 5% of a million is $50,000 Which hurts more?

The tax bill helped those who don't need a tax cut, raised our national deficit and ultimately debt, and didn't do anything to change the lifestyle of the many.

so you want to punish success and reward failure. I get it.

on the deficit, Obama doubled the national debt in 8 years, he added more to the national debt with his 8 years of deficits than all previous presidents COMBINED.

as a result of the Trump tax cuts and his spending cuts, the revenues to the federal government have increased and the deficit is being reduced. He is doing exactly what you say you want done.

the tax cut proposed by Trump recently applies only to middle class incomes, are you opposed to that too?
Democrats have no real choice unless they can convince Dingy Harry to abandon the Searchlight whorehouse and come back to Congress where his abilities to fuck things up is more fully appreciated.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

The Banana Republic continues in the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. and Leader McConnell, whose non feasance and machinations are examples of what goes on in such a republic.

McConnell has the ethics of a reptile; Ryan accomplished his goals, to pass a faux reform tax bill to benefit the few, and then retire to a job in a conservative think tank and be well compensated for his efforts.

Speaker (to be again) Pelosi has no hidden agenda, She wants to lead our nation in the spirit of the Preamble, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; she is unlike the axis of evil, Trump and McConnell, she is and has been a good emissary for The Beatitudes and Ryan was not.

I just want to address one of your lies. The tax cut bill cut the taxes of everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. But since you and half of America pays no taxes the tax cut did not benefit you, unless you now have a job or got a raise or bonus.

and yes a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 million is more than a tax cut of 5% on a tax bill of 1 thousand. So fricken what?

?So fricken what"? 5% of a thousand is $50; 5% of a million is $50,000 Which hurts more?

The tax bill helped those who don't need a tax cut, raised our national deficit and ultimately debt, and didn't do anything to change the lifestyle of the many.

which hurts more? getting more money in your take home does not hurt. both will probably spend the extra money which will help the economy and create more jobs. Trying to target tax policy is why we have the mess of federal regulations that we have today. Trying to help congressional funders and buddies is corrupt, an across the board tax rate, or cut, is the only fair policy.
The only noticeable difference from RINO will be more open attacks on President Trump. With full support of the MSM. I hope President Trump continues to fight them. Thank God for Lewandowki and Bongino types giving full support. Need more!

Oh yeah and some babble about infrastructure by the "moderates" lol.
Nancy Pelosi and her group of American haters are in a lame duck Congress for the next two years. They will burden the country with crap that will help no one. Thanks to Paul Ryan and his lousy leadership, the GOP in the 2018 midterm simply had no accomplishments to run on. To think the American people decisions to put Nancy Pelosi back into the majority was the right thing to do shows the rest of the country how the term Banana Republic is a reality on US shores

The Banana Republic continues in the Senate, under the leadership of Sen. and Leader McConnell, whose non feasance and machinations are examples of what goes on in such a republic.

McConnell has the ethics of a reptile; Ryan accomplished his goals, to pass a faux reform tax bill to benefit the few, and then retire to a job in a conservative think tank and be well compensated for his efforts.

Speaker (to be again) Pelosi has no hidden agenda, She wants to lead our nation in the spirit of the Preamble, and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; she is unlike the axis of evil, Trump and McConnell, she is and has been a good emissary for The Beatitudes and Ryan was not.
pelosi sure did a job on you....
Got it. You had the house, but you sucked, so it is rightfully returned to Liberals, and Pelosi will resume her rightful place as Speaker. Now you're pouting about it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.

Thanks once again for posting an uninformed opinion. You might consider most people fact check before forging ahead. Of course most people are not lemmings.
Wry, being a partisan hack that you are, you are the one that is willfully uninformed, you being in the area of frisco. There is no one better to rub shoulders with the 1% than she is. Good are such a minion.
Got it. You had the house, but you sucked, so it is rightfully returned to Liberals, and Pelosi will resume her rightful place as Speaker. Now you're pouting about it. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.

That is only one of her impressive skills. She also keeps her caucus focused on important things. Ryan should have taken notes.

And yet fails to get stuff done when in power.

Go figure you would support her.

Why is it her rightful place?

Why not elect some fresh blood instead of that old hag?

Because that's what the house members wanted. It's not that complicated.

Then it is a stupid move as usual. Instead your political party should move from the old hag and bring in fresh faces but as usual Democrats do what is never in their best interest.

Good thing about Pelosi is she will keep Trump in power and not allow Pence to become President.
They don't keep Pelosi in power because of her looks, or her knowledge.
The only reason that she is kept at that position is because she is good at
squeezing money out of the top 1% elitists with fundraising for the party.
That's it, and that is the only thing she brings to the democrat table.
America suffers for it.

That is only one of her impressive skills. She also keeps her caucus focused on important things. Ryan should have taken notes.

And yet fails to get stuff done when in power.

Go figure you would support her.

She got healthcare passed without 1 single republican vote. Her record is better than the Ryan's could hope to be.

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