Narcan approved for over the counter sale. What happened to don't do drugs?


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses can now be bought over the counter.

What is this? To me this pretty much says "when you do drugs and overdose just use this and you can save a dopeheads life so they can live to do more drugs later". This is essentially approving drug use and diminishes their negative effects. It makes opiod abuse a little more acceptable.

When I was a kid we had slogans like don't do drugs, DARE officers came to our schools and talked about drugs, comic books had little ads about not doing drugs, cartoons would sometimes have little messages about not doing drugs and so on. What happened to all of that?

We should be discouraging drug use, not normalizing it.
Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses can now be bought over the counter.

What is this? To me this pretty much says "when you do drugs and overdose just use this and you can save a dopeheads life so they can live to do more drugs later". This is essentially approving drug use and diminishes their negative effects. It makes opiod abuse a little more acceptable.

When I was a kid we had slogans like don't do drugs, DARE officers came to our schools and talked about drugs, comic books had little ads about not doing drugs, cartoons would sometimes have little messages about not doing drugs and so on. What happened to all of that?

We should be discouraging drug use, not normalizing it.
Same thing that happened to abstinence only sex education. It proved inaffective at solving any real world problems.
Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses can now be bought over the counter.

What is this? To me this pretty much says "when you do drugs and overdose just use this and you can save a dopeheads life so they can live to do more drugs later". This is essentially approving drug use and diminishes their negative effects. It makes opiod abuse a little more acceptable.

When I was a kid we had slogans like don't do drugs, DARE officers came to our schools and talked about drugs, comic books had little ads about not doing drugs, cartoons would sometimes have little messages about not doing drugs and so on. What happened to all of that?

We should be discouraging drug use, not normalizing it.
The D.A.R.E. program was a failure because people have been getting high for thousands of years and will continue to do so. Throwing money away on goofy programs is pointless.
Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses can now be bought over the counter.

We should be discouraging drug use, not normalizing it.
We live in a world filled with junkies.
The D.A.R.E. program was a failure because people have been getting high for thousands of years and will continue to do so. Throwing money away on goofy programs is pointless.
Right, you can't force people not to take illicit drugs but you can force them to give up their guns?

More idiocy from the Left.
Same thing that happened to abstinence only sex education. It proved inaffective at solving any real world problems.
Clinton's surgeon general...Joycelyn Elders told us that "its natural". Teenage African American with children is like the worse in third world nations. All I ask is stop the taxpayer paying for it. Do you agree? No nothing for medical for the impregnated girl. Nada...nada...nada...That solves a real-world problem. Things will improve massively in ghettos.
Clinton's surgeon general...Joycelyn Elders told us that "its natural". Teenage African American with children is like the worse in third world nations. All I ask is stop the taxpayer paying for it. Do you agree? No nothing for medical for the impregnated girl. Nada...nada...nada...That solves a real-world problem. Things will improve massively in ghettos.
Do I agree? I don't even know what the fuck you're saying. 😄
Do I agree? I don't even know what the fuck you're saying. 😄
She said that sex with young teenagers was "natural". That was the answer to a festering problem in the 1990's. All of the children born in ghettoes with single moms over many decades. Progs always feign dense nonunderstanding went told the truth in real reasons there are problems. And if you do believe in your message, then now we know why we are in deep shit.

Cute post.

Disingenuous, but cute.

how is it disingenuous? The op spelled it out, we have to let drug addicts DIE for their addiction, or they won't learn from it....bull shit!

LIKE they can learn from it, when dead..... :rolleyes:
She said that sex with young teenagers was "natural". That was the answer to a festering problem in the 1990's. All of the children born in ghettoes with single moms over many decades. Progs always feign dense nonunderstanding went told the truth in real reasons there are problems. And if you do believe in your message, then now we know why we are in deep shit.
Bitch, you can't even speak English, I'm not taking your word on what someone else said. Drop a link. 😄
So guns, is an addiction???

More like a way of life really.
how is it disingenuous? The op spelled it out, we have to let drug addicts DIE for their addiction, or they won't learn from it....bull shit!

LIKE they can learn from it, when dead..... :rolleyes:
What is there to learn when you die from the first exposure to drugs these days?

Cartels are killing about 300 Americans a day now.

And Yes, China is giving them the goods.

But people like Joe and Hunter Biden, who got millions from China they did not pay taxes on, are to compromised to do anything about it.
Narcan which is used for opioid overdoses can now be bought over the counter.

What is this? To me this pretty much says "when you do drugs and overdose just use this and you can save a dopeheads life so they can live to do more drugs later". This is essentially approving drug use and diminishes their negative effects. It makes opiod abuse a little more acceptable.

When I was a kid we had slogans like don't do drugs, DARE officers came to our schools and talked about drugs, comic books had little ads about not doing drugs, cartoons would sometimes have little messages about not doing drugs and so on. What happened to all of that?

We should be discouraging drug use, not normalizing it.
i thought you guys would be happy that biden is now saving the lives of your precious fentynylhead children.

Cool post.

You sick disingenuous fucks are so entertaining.

Time is coming.

That is the great thing about time. No matter how evil a person or society becomes, they will all eventually die and give an account to God.

It also means that the rest of us don't have to put up with their shit forever.
You call this saving lives?

Maybe for a day or two.

if a suburban teem, thinking he is shooting up a harmless drug like oxycotton , gets fentanyl by mistake, this narcan can save his precious little conservative and definitely heterosexual life.

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