NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Get everyone at the table from all entities and discuss this and only then will we see a consensus one way or the other on this issue.
$$$ is that there is middle ground and that will be when this country will gain traction on solutions instead of political ideology only which comes from both sides.
I think if the US army steps up its war mongering, they could easily wipe out half the world's population and restore the planet's natural balance.

I believe the fuel capacity of a B-29 is 9,000 gallons.

Crank up the Enola Gay and the first tank of fuel is on me, destination North Korea.

No where near half the population but this will get the ball rolling.
I think if the US army steps up its war mongering, they could easily wipe out half the world's population and restore the planet's natural balance.

I believe the fuel capacity of a B-29 is 9,000 gallons.

Crank up the Enola Gay and the first tank of fuel is on me, destination North Korea.

No where near half the population but this will get the ball rolling.

We could take out all of India without anyone caring. Everyone would probably thank us.

Mexico city also gives us a lot of bang for the bomb. :D
I think if the US army steps up its war mongering, they could easily wipe out half the world's population and restore the planet's natural balance.

I believe the fuel capacity of a B-29 is 9,000 gallons.

Crank up the Enola Gay and the first tank of fuel is on me, destination North Korea.

No where near half the population but this will get the ball rolling.

We could take out all of India without anyone caring. Everyone would probably thank us.

Mexico city also gives us a lot of bang for the bomb. :D

I happen to like and respect Indian and Mexican folks.
I believe the fuel capacity of a B-29 is 9,000 gallons.

Crank up the Enola Gay and the first tank of fuel is on me, destination North Korea.

No where near half the population but this will get the ball rolling.

We could take out all of India without anyone caring. Everyone would probably thank us.

Mexico city also gives us a lot of bang for the bomb. :D

I happen to like and respect Indian and Mexican folks.
Do you like and respect the stink they put off? Or all the good land they're wasting?
We could take out all of India without anyone caring. Everyone would probably thank us.

Mexico city also gives us a lot of bang for the bomb. :D

I happen to like and respect Indian and Mexican folks.
Do you like and respect the stink they put off? Or all the good land they're wasting?

Doctor friend of mine is Indian and I spend 2 weeks in Puerto Morales every year!
Shacles -

I don't understand why you are presenting points no one disputes, and others which are blatantly nonsense

Well that's where we are at an impasse. Likewise, I believe when you have a Temperature spike followed by a DECREASE in temperature during a time when old World War II battleship technology, German rocket technology, refineries, and heavy industry are increasing, followed by a direct correlation between sun spot activity and record cold temps and record snowfall around the globe, the idea "man made" global warming is the biggest cause of the earth's temperature instead of changes in the sun .... is utter nonsense. There is no logical tie of facts between cooling trends we experience and saying some "man made" CO2 level is the biggest culprit to it all. I'm not buying into it, especially when I see a select few politicians like Al Gore profiting from this theory. There have been scientists that have come forth (as I provided before) who make a statements about their fellow colleagues, that there are still other research and information being ignored or discarded ..... what do they have to gain by remaining skeptical?

As long as we have cooling temperature changes that coincide with observations they see with the sun surface, and nations experiencing record cold conditions they haven't seen in over 20 (sometimes well over 30 years), I will always stand by my scientific belief. Nothing I've heard or seen has been able to explain away and convince me otherwise.
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Higher temperatures and a longer growing season mean some of Earth's chilliest regions are looking increasingly green, researchers say.

Today, the plant life at northern latitudes often looks like the vegetation researchers would have observed up to 430 miles (700 kilometers) farther south in 1982, according to a new study.

"It's like Winnipeg, Manitoba, moving to Minneapolis-Saint Paul in only 30 years," study researcher Compton Tucker of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., said in a statement.

Source: Arctic gets greener as climate warms up - Science
Shakles -

I just provided links which show that sun spot activity has not been in sync with rising temperatures for 40 years. I think that is worth considering.

I don't think many of us are bigs fans of Al Gore, but then the debate isn't really about the people, it's about the real effects on our planet. Yes, there are sceptical scientists out there and I'm glad there are, but you must also realise its a small number these days. Not a single international scientific organisation backs there case - 50 sit on the other side of the fence. That says a lot to me.
Shacles -

I don't understand why you are presenting points no one disputes, and others which are patently nonsense.

1. We've known for some years that Western Antarctica is losing ice, while Eastern Antarctica is gaining ice. We also know, by and large, why this is and what processes are involved. (I can link research if you like).

2. I'm afraid that simply is not true at all. There have always been spikes and troughs, but every one of the ten hottest years ever recorded occur in the past 20 years. Check with a reliable source. 1934 was the 49th hottest year on record. I just checked.

. The southern hemisphere has been cooling over the last 10 years, just about as much as the north has been warming.

Again, that is simply nonsense, and no reliable data source could claim this. On the contrary, Australia just recorded its hottest day ever, New Zealand is crippled with droughts, and Southern Hemisphere glaciers are shrinking faster than had previously been thought possible.

The sun does influence climate, without question, but most scientists abandoned it as the major cause of climate change for good reason.

Here is an article which explains why:

As supplier of almost all the energy in Earth's climate, the sun has a strong influence on climate. A comparison of sun and climate over the past 1150 years found temperatures closely match solar activity (Usoskin 2005). However, after 1975, temperatures rose while solar activity showed little to no long-term trend. This led the study to conclude, "...during these last 30 years the solar total irradiance, solar UV irradiance and cosmic ray flux has not shown any significant secular trend, so that at least this most recent warming episode must have another source."

In fact, a number of independent measurements of solar activity indicate the sun has shown a slight cooling trend since 1960, over the same period that global temperatures have been warming. Over the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been moving in opposite directions. An analysis of solar trends concluded that the sun has actually contributed a slight cooling influence in recent decades (Lockwood 2008).

Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?

Really? Who'd you check with, PRAVDA? The only way those claims can be made is because Hansen went back and falsified the historical data record. You're a poor excuse for a propagandist.
And still no solutions offered for this GLOBAL situation.

Right, wrong or indifferent, what do you propose we DO about it? Can you force other countries to lower their emissions? Should we hamstring our own economy without any promise of cooperation from China and India?

Since there is about a 30 to 50 year lag in the effects of the present level of GHGs, all we can do about it at present is prepare for the inevitable consequences. Consequences that are with us right now.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:You clowns crack me up! For thirty years you've been claiming that the ever rising temps were solely derived from CO2. Glad to see you have abandoned the false theory of CO2 as a cause and have accepted the fact that solar radiation is THE driving force for global temps. Must suck to be you.
Shakles -

I just provided links which show that sun spot activity has not been in sync with rising temperatures for 40 years. I think that is worth considering.

I don't think many of us are bigs fans of Al Gore, but then the debate isn't really about the people, it's about the real effects on our planet. Yes, there are sceptical scientists out there and I'm glad there are, but you must also realise its a small number these days. Not a single international scientific organisation backs there case - 50 sit on the other side of the fence. That says a lot to me.

Yes appeals to authority are sooooo compelling. Your experts are the same ones who claimed that Plate Tectonics was false, that phrenology was accurate, that eugenics was essential and that Pellagra was a disease of the lower classes.

It's amazing how many times they've been wrong and you just lap their crap up.
Westwall -

Given the choice between having 0 international scientific organisations in your corner, or having all of them in your corner - which would you choose?
Westwall -

Given the choice between having 0 international scientific organisations in your corner, or having all of them in your corner - which would you choose?

That's an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.

What do call your appeal to no authority? :cool:

This is what the authorities say about the recent global temperatures.





Westwall -

Given the choice between having 0 international scientific organisations in your corner, or having all of them in your corner - which would you choose?

That's an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy.

It's also a sign that you have very little science on your side of the debate.

No one is suggesting that scientists MUST be right simply because they all agree on something - but any intelligent person is going to agree that the leading physicists in the world are also our best sources of information.

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