NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Looks more like a series of not well understood natural cycles.

And yet you understand them - and the foremost scientists of our time don't. Funny, isn't it?

Can you see a natural cycle in thi chart?


So what? Worse things have happened in earth's history, like super-volcanos, asteroid hits... and Mother Nature always restores the balance. So just chill out, move to higher ground (I'm there) and relax. :cool:

Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha
And yet you understand them - and the foremost scientists of our time don't. Funny, isn't it?

Can you see a natural cycle in thi chart?

So what? Worse things have happened in earth's history, like super-volcanos, asteroid hits... and Mother Nature always restores the balance. So just chill out, move to higher ground (I'm there) and relax. :cool:

Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha

I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
It was inevitable because it was obvious to the public anyways, graph or no graph..
record cold winters over the entire European Continent and North America....for over a decade now it`s been like this
Winter Blitz: Snow and Ice Blanket Germany


Jack Frost continued to bite at Germany's nose on Tuesday, with snow still falling across many parts of Germany on Tuesday, following heavy snowfall on Sunday and Monday, the German Weather Service (DWD) reported. The service said that 3.5 billion tons of snow fell in the country on Sunday alone. With winter weather continuing, that figure could rise to 6 billion tons by Wednesday.
Cold days keep spring away from Manitoba
Moscow braces for biggest March snowfall in 50 years
Heavy snow blankets France and the UK, sparking transport chaos
Germans in the eastern and southern parts of the country awoke to blowing snow on Wednesday, as a cold snap snarled morning traffic.
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall

Heavy snow has fallen in several European cities, with Amsterdam one of the worst affected.

As well as the Netherlands, Northern France, Belgium and Germany have also been hit by the snow.

BA has been forced to cancel several services this morning going to the Dutch capital. According to the latest update, flights should resume at 11.45 today. However, flights from Heathrow to Paris, Munich, Geneva and Stockholm were cancelled earlier today, and delays are still affecting those routes.

The Dutch carrier KLM has cancelled all flights until noon today, although passengers who were scheduled to fly short-haul services to Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Paris are being offered replacement ground transportation.
Surprise October snow hits central Germany – Suspected record

By Robert On October 28, 2012 · 13 Comments

The severe drop in temperature – by 20 degrees within a week – also occurs “very, very seldom,” he added.
With winter’s first onslaught, fallen trees blocked train lines between Leipzig and Munich, causing delays and diversions to the ICE high speed rail network.
A further 10-15 cm of snow is expected overnight in the Alps and in the Ore Mountains in Saxony, where DWD said temperatures could fall as low as minus ten.
It was just too obvious, that`s why most of the media jumped off the band wagon and many climatologists are now critics that don`t want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers
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So what? Worse things have happened in earth's history, like super-volcanos, asteroid hits... and Mother Nature always restores the balance. So just chill out, move to higher ground (I'm there) and relax. :cool:

Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha

I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

how to interpret my comment? MBH98/99 is as radioactive as Al Gore and the warmists have gone out of their way to avoid them. I was laughing because Saigon actually posted up a picture of the hockey stick graph even knowing the scorn with which it is held by everyone.
Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha

I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

how to interpret my comment? MBH98/99 is as radioactive as Al Gore and the warmists have gone out of their way to avoid them. I was laughing because Saigon actually posted up a picture of the hockey stick graph even knowing the scorn with which it is held by everyone.

Thanks for your clarification IanC...
I would have been astonished otherwise, because you are not a reality denier but I wanted to hear it from you...because there are more than a few REALITY DENIERS in these enviro-threads that love to twist words or quote us having said things we never said.
So what? Worse things have happened in earth's history, like super-volcanos, asteroid hits... and Mother Nature always restores the balance. So just chill out, move to higher ground (I'm there) and relax. :cool:

Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha

I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
It was inevitable because it was obvious to the public anyways, graph or no graph..
record cold winters over the entire European Continent and North America....for over a decade now it`s been like this
Winter Weather Hits German Airports and Roads - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cold days keep spring away from Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall - Telegraph
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall

Heavy snow has fallen in several European cities, with Amsterdam one of the worst affected.

As well as the Netherlands, Northern France, Belgium and Germany have also been hit by the snow.

BA has been forced to cancel several services this morning going to the Dutch capital. According to the latest update, flights should resume at 11.45 today. However, flights from Heathrow to Paris, Munich, Geneva and Stockholm were cancelled earlier today, and delays are still affecting those routes.

The Dutch carrier KLM has cancelled all flights until noon today, although passengers who were scheduled to fly short-haul services to Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Paris are being offered replacement ground transportation.
Surprise October snow hits central Germany - Suspected record
Surprise October snow hits central Germany – Suspected record

By Robert On October 28, 2012 · 13 Comments

The severe drop in temperature – by 20 degrees within a week – also occurs “very, very seldom,” he added.
With winter’s first onslaught, fallen trees blocked train lines between Leipzig and Munich, causing delays and diversions to the ICE high speed rail network.
A further 10-15 cm of snow is expected overnight in the Alps and in the Ore Mountains in Saxony, where DWD said temperatures could fall as low as minus ten.
It was just too obvious, that`s why most of the media jumped off the band wagon and many climatologists are now critics that don`t want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

Total BS.
"many climatologists are now critics and don't want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
Great fabrication there and well produced but it does not sell to the overwhelming majority of scientists and 95%+ climatologists.

American Meterological Association AND The American Chemical Association as well as 16 other associations all agree that there is global warming and man plays a significant part in it.
I am sure your spin is based on science and theirs is liberal dogma.
Mann's hokey stick? really? hahahaha

I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
It was inevitable because it was obvious to the public anyways, graph or no graph..
record cold winters over the entire European Continent and North America....for over a decade now it`s been like this
Winter Weather Hits German Airports and Roads - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cold days keep spring away from Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall - Telegraph
Surprise October snow hits central Germany - Suspected record
Surprise October snow hits central Germany – Suspected record

By Robert On October 28, 2012 · 13 Comments

The severe drop in temperature – by 20 degrees within a week – also occurs “very, very seldom,” he added.
With winter’s first onslaught, fallen trees blocked train lines between Leipzig and Munich, causing delays and diversions to the ICE high speed rail network.
A further 10-15 cm of snow is expected overnight in the Alps and in the Ore Mountains in Saxony, where DWD said temperatures could fall as low as minus ten.
It was just too obvious, that`s why most of the media jumped off the band wagon and many climatologists are now critics that don`t want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

Total BS.
"many climatologists are now critics and don't want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
Great fabrication there and well produced but it does not sell to the overwhelming majority of scientists and 95%+ climatologists.

American Meterological Association AND The American Chemical Association as well as 16 other associations all agree that there is global warming and man plays a significant part in it.
I am sure your spin is based on science and theirs is liberal dogma.

No, theirs is based on fraud and a desire to fleece the middle class of all of their wealth through exorbitant energy prices. Why else mandate that the USN buy AVGAS at 35 dollars a gallon when the regular stuff sells for 4?

You have to have government rules to get those kind of sweetheart deals. But don't believe us look up the head of the IPCC and see what he says about the 17 year long flat line for global temps. He's a devout warmist who has made millions from the scam. Seems kind of strange that he would admit it if it weren't true.

Don't you agree?
I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
It was inevitable because it was obvious to the public anyways, graph or no graph..
record cold winters over the entire European Continent and North America....for over a decade now it`s been like this
Winter Weather Hits German Airports and Roads - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cold days keep spring away from Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall - Telegraph
Surprise October snow hits central Germany - Suspected record
It was just too obvious, that`s why most of the media jumped off the band wagon and many climatologists are now critics that don`t want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

Total BS.
"many climatologists are now critics and don't want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
Great fabrication there and well produced but it does not sell to the overwhelming majority of scientists and 95%+ climatologists.

American Meterological Association AND The American Chemical Association as well as 16 other associations all agree that there is global warming and man plays a significant part in it.
I am sure your spin is based on science and theirs is liberal dogma.

No, theirs is based on fraud and a desire to fleece the middle class of all of their wealth through exorbitant energy prices. Why else mandate that the USN buy AVGAS at 35 dollars a gallon when the regular stuff sells for 4?

You have to have government rules to get those kind of sweetheart deals. But don't believe us look up the head of the IPCC and see what he says about the 17 year long flat line for global temps. He's a devout warmist who has made millions from the scam. Seems kind of strange that he would admit it if it weren't true.

Don't you agree?

Every day now more and more scientists go public since the media witch hunt has stopped.
Here is another article:
Stillstand der Temperatur: Erklärungen für Pause der Klimaerwärmung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die meiste Energie, die Treibhausgase in der Luft zurückhalten, gelangt in die Meere, sie sollten physikalischen Berechnungen zufolge etwa 90 Prozent der Energie schlucken. Die Wärme der Ozeane würde also den besten Indikator für die Klimaerwärmung liefern.
Das Problem ist, die große Wassermenge von geschätzten 700 Billiarden Litern in den Weltmeeren systematisch zu überwachen. Gerade mal gut 3000 Bojen treiben seit knapp zehn Jahren umher
Die Ergebnisse aber können andere Wissenschaftler nicht überzeugen. "Die Unsicherheiten der Daten sind zu groß", schreibt Kevin Trenberth vom National Center for Atmospheric Research in den USA (NOAA), einer der renommiertesten Experten auf dem Gebiet. "Wir müssen unsere Messungen verbessern".
Key points translation:
Most of the energy that greenhouse gasses can trap is absorbed by the oceans. Which would according to NOAA`s Kevin Trenberth be the best indicator if global warming is indeed happening.
He says we have to improve our data gathering.
The problem is that the 700 "billiarden" ( 1 German "billiard"= )...the 700 000 000 000 000 liters of ocean water are monitored with only 3000 buyos that also measure water temperature below the surface, and they have been in operation only since 10 years.
Till then...before 2002 there were only spotty satellite data and occasional sampling by ships. All that data has recently been discarded by NOAA as inaccurate. Trenberth adds it is imperative we improve our data.

While I was reading this article another update appeared just hour later which by coincidence addressed the second point you also raised.

Der linked to this source, published in England February 4th:
Under cap-and-trade, flying is greener than taking the bus ? The Register
Under cap-and-trade, flying is greener than taking the bus

Dr Grischa Perino of the University of East Anglia uses the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) - a typical cap-and-trade scheme - as an example. Under the ETS, emissions by one company can be offset by another. Firms that hold more emission allowances than they need can sell these to other firms, which in turn use them to increase their own emissions
The problem is that only industries judged to be high-carbon, such as aviation and electricity generation, are included. Road transport, for instance, is not.
"If you consider making a trip from London to Glasgow, flying has higher physical [carbon] emissions than a coach journey," explains Dr Perino.
"However, additional emissions of flights are fully offset by the EU ETS, even without buying the offsets offered by most airlines when buying tickets, while those of the coach are not and therefore are additional.
Similarly, while an energy saving appliance used in the home might save you money as it may pay for its greater cost through lower electricity bills, it will not reduce carbon emissions. If less electricity is used, the power generation companies will have more allowances, which they will sell to someone else - airlines, maybe, or heavy industry - who will then be able to emit more carbon.
Dr Perino points out that most organisations active in the field of carbon emissions have failed to grasp these facts and thus the advice they give to people on reducing their carbon footprint is often quite wrong.
Yes that`s how screwy the "math" is that "climatologists" employ.
I had a hunch when I checked up on Al Gore`s "starving polar bears" while I was serving in the arctic. I may not be a biologist but as an engineer I can easily figure out how much a polar bear I just encountered weighs.
If my footprint does not quite make the same depression on the same turf where the bear was just seconds earlier then with ~ 4 times the footprint area of my boots, and ~ the same psi ground pressure transfer he must be at least 4 times heavier than I am...and I was standing on one leg while a polar bear always has at least 2 paws on the ground.
I never seen a bear ..(and I have seen lots!) where I was that was "starving" like Al Gore`s said or encountered an adult bear that weighed less than 900 pounds. Most were over 1000 lbs and none of them ever stood on one leg either. There are no carbon footprints but there all kinds of footprints from all kinds of animals that thrive in the arctic...which would be a dome of death if it were as cold as "climate experts" say it should be.
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the media witch hunt has stopped.

Well, that is good news.

I just checked with your own excellent source - Der Spiegel - and found this statement and stories:

The next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts won't be released until late 2013. But insiders say that thanks to faster computers and better models, the report will offer more precise predictions and adjust anticipated changes in sea levels and precipitation. By Olaf Stamp.

In 1972, environmental guru Dennis Meadows predicted in his seminal study "The Limits to Growth" that the world was heading toward an economic collapse. Forty years on, he tells SPIEGEL ONLINE that nothing he has seen since has made him change his mind.

Research published Thursday in the journal Science says that even slightly warmer temperatures could start melting permafrost, which in turn threatens to trigger the release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases trapped in ice. By Christoph Seidle.

As the United Nations climate change conference in Doha wraps up, many environmentalists are feeling hopeless about the lack of progress. But in a SPIEGEL interview, German government advisor Kai Konrad says that Berlin and Europe are taking the wrong approach to motivating others.

Global Warning

Heat waves, sinking cities, droughts and disappearing polar ice caps -- the effects of climate change are catastrophic.

Climate Change - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Last edited:
I`m not sure how to interpret your comment.
Mann`s custom hockey stick tailored to fit the CO2 monster has already been replaced by Met-offices around the world with this one:

Every major news media in Europe had it since January.
It was inevitable because it was obvious to the public anyways, graph or no graph..
record cold winters over the entire European Continent and North America....for over a decade now it`s been like this
Winter Weather Hits German Airports and Roads - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Cold days keep spring away from Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
Flights in Europe cancelled after heavy snowfall - Telegraph
Surprise October snow hits central Germany - Suspected record
It was just too obvious, that`s why most of the media jumped off the band wagon and many climatologists are now critics that don`t want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
The only ones who still insist on Mann`s hockey stick are the reality deniers

Total BS.
"many climatologists are now critics and don't want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
Great fabrication there and well produced but it does not sell to the overwhelming majority of scientists and 95%+ climatologists.

American Meterological Association AND The American Chemical Association as well as 16 other associations all agree that there is global warming and man plays a significant part in it.
I am sure your spin is based on science and theirs is liberal dogma.

No, theirs is based on fraud and a desire to fleece the middle class of all of their wealth through exorbitant energy prices. Why else mandate that the USN buy AVGAS at 35 dollars a gallon when the regular stuff sells for 4?

You have to have government rules to get those kind of sweetheart deals. But don't believe us look up the head of the IPCC and see what he says about the 17 year long flat line for global temps. He's a devout warmist who has made millions from the scam. Seems kind of strange that he would admit it if it weren't true.

Don't you agree?

No, I don't agree, nor does anyone that knows the science behind the warming of our world. As for your flat line, what a bunch of crap. 1998, 2005, 2010, three very warm years in the space of 14 years. And the ten warmest years on record are since 1998.

For those that actually get out and observe, the world is indeed warming. But not in a straight line. It is quite clear when you see someone like Wallyeyes stating that it is flat for so many years, and that proves global warming because it is not warming. Then, when we have a very warm year, and the warming takes another step up, they start yelling natural variation. Yet they expect no one to see the contradiction in their statements.
And consider the kind of conspiracy that Walleyes is stating. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has to be in on that conspiracy. And all the governments, in spite of their very differant political systems. Now that is one grand conspiracy. Or a bunch of very large tinfoil hats.:razz:
And consider the kind of conspiracy that Walleyes is stating. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has to be in on that conspiracy. And all the governments, in spite of their very differant political systems. Now that is one grand conspiracy. Or a bunch of very large tinfoil hats.:razz:

This is one point that also baffles me - the idea that literally tens of thousands of people could be a part of some masive conspiracy.

I wonder if there is really a single person on this forum who believes all of he dozens of governments in the world would be capable of keeping such a thing secret even if they wanted to?

It also seems more than a litrle unlikely to me that a young person would spend years studying physics at university, would learn how to conduct great research - and then go out in the world determined to fake the results every project they touched.

It really is some way beyond silly.
the media witch hunt has stopped.
Well, that is good news.

I just checked with your own excellent source - Der Spiegel - and found this statement and stories:

The next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts won't be released until late 2013. But insiders say that thanks to faster computers and better models, the report will offer more precise predictions and adjust anticipated changes in sea levels and precipitation. By Olaf Stamp.

In 1972, environmental guru Dennis Meadows predicted in his seminal study "The Limits to Growth" that the world was heading toward an economic collapse. Forty years on, he tells SPIEGEL ONLINE that nothing he has seen since has made him change his mind.

Research published Thursday in the journal Science says that even slightly warmer temperatures could start melting permafrost, which in turn threatens to trigger the release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases trapped in ice. By Christoph Seidle.

As the United Nations climate change conference in Doha wraps up, many environmentalists are feeling hopeless about the lack of progress. But in a SPIEGEL interview, German government advisor Kai Konrad says that Berlin and Europe are taking the wrong approach to motivating others.

Global Warning

Heat waves, sinking cities, droughts and disappearing polar ice caps -- the effects of climate change are catastrophic.

Climate Change - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten

You are welcome !
Even though I`m on your ignore list I got you reading something else than just dumb blogs. Der Spiegel is a decidedly left wing magazine, but they can`t be too obvious about it. Even though der Spiegel has published "climatology" critical article with increasing frequency as more and more scientists come forward. The story you picked from the Spiegel archive which contains several thousand articles about climate change is about a climate guru discussing economics.
What exactly is it that impressed you so about Dennis Meadows?
The main thrust of his "limits to growth" study is stating the obvious, namely that the world population growth is exponential.
Every fifth grader knows that. But they also know that many highly industrialized countries like Germany experience a population decline despite increased immigration. Germany is not alone facing serious problems due to a top heavy population pyramid which is about to crush the less numerous younger and future generation from the top down as more people retire from the work force that no longer can be replenished at the same rate with younger people. To that we can also add the inherited and ever growing national debt.
Bot were the result of left-wing neo-Marxism and conservatives around the globe have been warning about the consequences of left wing "social engineering" for a much longer time than Dennis Meadows.

Well at least you started reading something better than just enviro blogs.
While you are at it go through the Spiegel archives and note the about face concerning the effect of CO2.
What is certain to elude you, is that the "SPON" english version is playing an entirely different tune than the German version.
That`s because most Germans don`t bother reading the English version which has a severe left wing slant. Some of the nonsense published in the English version would cost the "Spiegel" all the credibility advantage they have worked so hard to build up.
If you come across something that you spotted in the German version I`ll translate it word for word with no personal spin or bias.
But after that it`s fair game to put bambi in the headlights.
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And consider the kind of conspiracy that Walleyes is stating. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has to be in on that conspiracy. And all the governments, in spite of their very differant political systems. Now that is one grand conspiracy. Or a bunch of very large tinfoil hats.:razz:

This is one point that also baffles me - the idea that literally tens of thousands of people could be a part of some masive conspiracy.

I wonder if there is really a single person on this forum who believes all of he dozens of governments in the world would be capable of keeping such a thing secret even if they wanted to?

It also seems more than a litrle unlikely to me that a young person would spend years studying physics at university, would learn how to conduct great research - and then go out in the world determined to fake the results every project they touched.

It really is some way beyond silly.

What conspiracy ?
It`s not hard to find 10 000 people who have a problem with math and physics and decided to become "climatologists" because it`s the easiest field to get a degree.
After that what else could a "climatologist" do except conjuring up the kind of nonsense that has been conjured up ever since mankind started ignoring the village witch doctor and made some progress.
It`s the village witch doctor association which has accused all the other scientists of being part of an oil-lobby conspiracy.
It`s the reality deniers that are calling the same scientists "deniers" after their conspiracy theories no longer worked.
Here is one such "conspiracy'' we have been accused of.
Feel free to speculate which lobby is behind it this time
Global Warming Petition Project
31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs

The climate keeps ignoring the witch doctors predictions and is doing so in a spectacular fashion:

Überraschung beim Abkoppeln: Wegen eines Schneesturms in Kasachstan wurde der Rückflug von drei Raumfahrern kurzfristig verschoben, das Manöver zum Abkoppeln der Sojus-Kapsel gestoppt. Nun sollen sie am Freitag abdocken.
Massive snow storms are delaying the return of the Sojus capsule
Der Spiegel Freitag, 15.03.2013 – 14:36 Uhr
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nice charts dub. but once again, what % of the atmosphere is CO2?

What makes you think a small % can't do things? Would you like to test some nerve gas and prove your point? Even the smallest percentage of a greenhouse gas traps more heat than the large percentages of nitrogen and oxygen that aren't greenhouse gases. Only water traps more heat than CO2.

We can measure the amount of radiation reaching the surface of the earth from the sun. Your grapic states that twice as much radiation is coming back down from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth as is coming in from the sun.

Tell me why we can't and never have been able to measure that amount of radiation that cliamte science claims that the atmosphere is radiating back to the earth?
The amount of CO2 was not the same in the past and who knows what kind of shitty asshole you pulled that from. The amount of CO2 has shown a constant rise and seasonal trend since it was first measured. All the ice cores agree the amount of CO2 was 0.028% before the industrial age.

All the ice cores also show that a rise in atmospheric CO2 follows a rise in the global temperature meaning that it is a result, not a cause. That being the fact, why do you guys now assume that suddenly, CO2 is causing warming.
Just how much of that 4.5 billion years had life on the planet? You couldn't live on Earth as it was when life started.

According to Ohio State researchers, earth has had a breathable atmosphere for half a billion years.

Researchers Find Origin Of Breathable Atmosphere Half A Billion Years Ago

NASA doesn't disagree:

"Breathable" Atmosphere Originated Half a Billion Years Ago : News

Or these guys:

A Breathable Earth

Life exploded on the planet during the cambrian period...half a billion years ago. Humans could have lived at any time since then. Our requirements are that specialized.
btw. For about the 400th time on these threads - it is impossible that research science results are based on funding.

Saying 40000 times won't make it true. Researchers themselves have stated that funding dries up if you don't tow the line. Turn in results that buck the consensus and you risk ending your career.
Looks more like a series of not well understood natural cycles.

And yet you understand them - and the foremost scientists of our time don't. Funny, isn't it?

Can you see a natural cycle in thi chart?

That chart is a joke and anyone who uses it as evidence to support anything other than the failing of cliamte science today is a f'ing idiot.

And anyone who would call mann one of the foremost scientists of our time is 75 IQ points below a f'ing idiot.
The amount of CO2 was not the same in the past and who knows what kind of shitty asshole you pulled that from. The amount of CO2 has shown a constant rise and seasonal trend since it was first measured. All the ice cores agree the amount of CO2 was 0.028% before the industrial age.

All the ice cores also show that a rise in atmospheric CO2 follows a rise in the global temperature meaning that it is a result, not a cause. That being the fact, why do you guys now assume that suddenly, CO2 is causing warming.

Remember how they were beating the drum when a high pressure system stalled for 2 weeks last summer over the central U.S.
Now we had all Europe and North America, Canada especially so in a deep freeze since October and somehow that`s also related to CO2...according to "snow experts".
Friday, March 15, 2013

Portage La Prairie, MB


Weather - Environment Canada

In Canada we don`t need enviro bloggers lecturing us about temperature trends.
We can look it up ourselves and all the records show that temperatures in Canada have been either steady at the coastal regions or declined in Central and Northern Canada since 2000
This year all winter long we have been way below the 2000 temperatures...and winter is still hanging in...starting earlier and lasting longer ever since 2000 !
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btw. For about the 400th time on these threads - it is impossible that research science results are based on funding.

Saying 40000 times won't make it true. Researchers themselves have stated that funding dries up if you don't tow the line. Turn in results that buck the consensus and you risk ending your career.

It's obviously true. It's simply a given.

Again, what you are suggesting is physically impossible, and I have explained why several times.

You have to ask yourself why your entire basis of argument rests on a point that you know perfectly well is a simple nonsense. If you don't understand why - ask!

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