NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Again, what you are suggesting is physically impossible, and I have explained why several times.

But you are a known liar so what weight does your "explanation" carry in the face of researchers who have stated that if you buck the consensus, you risk not only losing funding but putting the brakes on your career?
Total BS.
"many climatologists are now critics and don't want to be associated any more with this ridiculous "science"
Great fabrication there and well produced but it does not sell to the overwhelming majority of scientists and 95%+ climatologists.

American Meterological Association AND The American Chemical Association as well as 16 other associations all agree that there is global warming and man plays a significant part in it.
I am sure your spin is based on science and theirs is liberal dogma.

No, theirs is based on fraud and a desire to fleece the middle class of all of their wealth through exorbitant energy prices. Why else mandate that the USN buy AVGAS at 35 dollars a gallon when the regular stuff sells for 4?

You have to have government rules to get those kind of sweetheart deals. But don't believe us look up the head of the IPCC and see what he says about the 17 year long flat line for global temps. He's a devout warmist who has made millions from the scam. Seems kind of strange that he would admit it if it weren't true.

Don't you agree?

No, I don't agree, nor does anyone that knows the science behind the warming of our world. As for your flat line, what a bunch of crap. 1998, 2005, 2010, three very warm years in the space of 14 years. And the ten warmest years on record are since 1998.

For those that actually get out and observe, the world is indeed warming. But not in a straight line. It is quite clear when you see someone like Wallyeyes stating that it is flat for so many years, and that proves global warming because it is not warming. Then, when we have a very warm year, and the warming takes another step up, they start yelling natural variation. Yet they expect no one to see the contradiction in their statements.

And that is all a lie perpetrated by Hansen and his falsification of the historical temp record as you very well know. What's more important is, he himself has realised he can't pull that shit anymore, so he's backpedalling just as fast as his little bicycle will let him.

It's you asshats who scream bloody murder whenever there is a temp spike. We've allways maintained it's natural variability. It's wonderful to see you asshats try and claim our position when all along it was you making the ridiculous claims.

Quite amusing. Too bad for you that the internet allows us to see what you really said.
And consider the kind of conspiracy that Walleyes is stating. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has to be in on that conspiracy. And all the governments, in spite of their very differant political systems. Now that is one grand conspiracy. Or a bunch of very large tinfoil hats.:razz:

I find it amusing that you can realise the perfidy of conspiracies that deal with a few million dollars but when you are dealing with trillions all of a sudden you can't see how it could possibly be done.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I find it amusing that you can realise the perfidy of conspiracies that deal with a few million dollars but when you are dealing with trillions all of a sudden you can't see how it could possibly be done.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Ends justify the means.
btw. For about the 400th time on these threads - it is impossible that research science results are based on funding.

Saying 40000 times won't make it true. Researchers themselves have stated that funding dries up if you don't tow the line. Turn in results that buck the consensus and you risk ending your career.

For your information, it's "toe the line," not "tow the line."
I find it amusing that you can realise the perfidy of conspiracies that deal with a few million dollars but when you are dealing with trillions all of a sudden you can't see how it could possibly be done.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually the conspiracy would involve tens of thousands of people in a hundred countries, involving billions of dollars and take place over decades.

It would be likely a greater conspiracy than that alleged by Holocaust Deniers.

Keep in mind that someone posted here yesterday that 15% of medical researchs woul consider manipulating data if their career was at risk. That means 85% of sclimate research must be considered valid - and means your conspiracy just grew several dozen times over in the need to find the thousands of researchers who would fake data - and the means to shut the other 85% up.

Do you see how laughable this has become? A conspiracy with tens of thousands of witnesses in a hundred countries - all taking place in complete silence?

Which is why you do not believe it any more than I do.
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I find it amusing that you can realise the perfidy of conspiracies that deal with a few million dollars but when you are dealing with trillions all of a sudden you can't see how it could possibly be done.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually the conspiracy would involve tens of thousands of people in a hundred countries, involving billions of dollars and take place over decades.

It would be likely a greater conspiracy than that alleged by Holocaust Deniers.

Keep in mind that someone posted here yesterday that 15% of medical researchs woul consider manipulating data if their career was at risk. That means 85% of sclimate research must be considered valid - and means your conspiracy just grew several dozen times over in the need to find the thousands of researchers who would fake data - and the means to shut the other 85% up.

Do you see how laughable this has become? A conspiracy with tens of thousands of witnesses in a hundred countries - all taking place in complete silence?

Which is why you do not believe it any more than I do.

:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: No, it wouldn't you twit. All you would need are a few people placed high in a former VP of the USA who has connections out the wazoo, the head of some UN governing body to control the information that is released and to legislate the transfer of monies from one country to the other poorer countries...kind of like that Pechauri guy from the IPCC...yeah, he is placed high enough he can do it..then oh, let's see a few scientists in your pocket who will publish whatever crap science you wish them too and keep dissenting papers from being published thereby creating that ever popular consensus, then a few willing groups to further the fraud in exchange for copious amounts of cash...

No, poor simpleton the whole thing could be run with fewer than 20 people. All the rest are simply along for the ride. After all, stealing money with government assistance is a hell of a lot easier than working.

That's why you are fighting tooth and nail to keep this shit going.
Westwall -

Either you really have not thought this through, or you don't believe it either and are just posting it as some kind of fig leaf.

If a research facility was going to manipulate data, then quite a few people would have to know about it - obviously. Multiply that by the forty major research institutes, the 50 or so major scientific organisations, and another hundred scientists who know enough to smell a rat when they see them. Add into that politicians in a dozen strongly conservative governments, and stakeholders in various ministries.

And who would run such a scheme? How would it have been organised? How do they communicate with each other?

The idea of any such conspiracy is far beyond the reach of any organisation. Obviously.

Really - this is far beyond silly. It's tinfoil hat territory.
nice charts dub. but once again, what % of the atmosphere is CO2?

What makes you think a small % can't do things? Would you like to test some nerve gas and prove your point? Even the smallest percentage of a greenhouse gas traps more heat than the large percentages of nitrogen and oxygen that aren't greenhouse gases. Only water traps more heat than CO2.
That`s even funnier than your avatar, because you don`t know how to listen either nor do you have an idea what the difference between toxicity and absorption is.
It`s got dick all to do with "trapping heat". Infrared light is not heat unless you convert it to heat and when it is heat, residing in a mass it does not travel at the speed of light any more.
Ever heard of the Beer Lambert law?
"Only water traps more heat"...
Water vapor absorbs so much more IR at the CO2 absorption wavelength that you can`t even measure the CO2 IR absorption in a spectrophotometer unless you remove all traces of water first else there is nothing left over for the CO2 to absorb.
If you have trouble understanding that, it`s a bit like democrats and the national debt. As long as you got democrats absorbing all the taxes there will never be a single penny left over to pay down the matter how much more tax we pay.
And we got way more water vapor than CO2 in the atmosphere at any given time.
You don`t know the difference between logic, pseudo-logic , fact or fiction so don`t even try to argue physics using democratic demagoguery.
"nerve gas" won`t raise the temperature because the atmosphere does not have any nerves and CO2 is not a "nerve gas"
You don`t know which end is up !
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btw. For about the 400th time on these threads - it is impossible that research science results are based on funding.

Saying 40000 times won't make it true. Researchers themselves have stated that funding dries up if you don't tow the line. Turn in results that buck the consensus and you risk ending your career.

For your information, it's "toe the line," not "tow the line."

"tow the line"...and that came from the same guy that says my English is terrible
And now this:
"- it is impossible that research science results are based on funding. "
He should tell that to the "climatologists" in Canada. They started screaming when the Government of Canada cut the funding for "climatology research"
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The amount of CO2 was not the same in the past and who knows what kind of shitty asshole you pulled that from. The amount of CO2 has shown a constant rise and seasonal trend since it was first measured. All the ice cores agree the amount of CO2 was 0.028% before the industrial age.

All the ice cores also show that a rise in atmospheric CO2 follows a rise in the global temperature meaning that it is a result, not a cause. That being the fact, why do you guys now assume that suddenly, CO2 is causing warming.
They also assume that criminals will not put more than 7 shells in a clip, because it`s the "law"
Westwall -

Either you really have not thought this through, or you don't believe it either and are just posting it as some kind of fig leaf.

If a research facility was going to manipulate data, then quite a few people would have to know about it - obviously. Multiply that by the forty major research institutes, the 50 or so major scientific organisations, and another hundred scientists who know enough to smell a rat when they see them. Add into that politicians in a dozen strongly conservative governments, and stakeholders in various ministries.

And who would run such a scheme? How would it have been organised? How do they communicate with each other?

The idea of any such conspiracy is far beyond the reach of any organisation. Obviously.

Really - this is far beyond silly. It's tinfoil hat territory.

So why don`t you get a job in a research facility, like Monsanto or Dow Chemicals...they are huge.
If you have what it takes then go ahead and do some research while in their employ, what the side effects of their latest registered and gov. approved pesticide is. Then try report it to the US FDA.
Some faceless career bureaucrat in the US FDA which approved that pesticide will make a phone call and get you fired from your job faster than you can say "conspiracy".
If it has not been so then why do we need legislation to protect "whistle blowers"..?
by the way as "terrible" as my English is according to you, let me point out that it`s organization not "organisation"
There are "climatologists" who wanted a law that meteorologists who make dissenting comments on TV should have their credentials withdrawn and get fired.
You fancy the term "deniers" and want to put AGW skeptics in the same category as "holocaust deniers"...which is a criminal offense in Europe.
No it does not take a conspiracy for researchers to toe the line. All it takes is intimidation and thinly veiled threats from a Professor, the Dean or who ever is organizing the grant money for a study from which they expect an outcome that supports their views. If you don`t toe the line you won`t last long.
You never have studied at a University or done any research have don`t try tell me how it`s really done.
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So why don`t you get a job in a research facility, like Monsanto or Dow Chemicals...they are huge.
If you have what it takes then go ahead and do some research what the side effects of pesticides are and try report it to the US FDA.
The US FDA who approved that pesticide will get you fired from your job faster than you can say "conspiracy"

He lives in a dream world where nothing sordid ever happens except by people who he disagrees with.

He isn't bright enough to take a few minutes and see that the medical community is openly admitting that it is reeling from the effects of exactly the sort of misuse of money, and data manipulation that we are talking about and the medical community is a highly rigorous, mature, hard science, organization where identifiable individuals die as a result of that sort of behavior.... as opposed to the very immature and micky mouseish definitely not hard science community where steaming piles of junk such as the recent marcott paper can pass peer review long enough to cause a media sensation and then be retracted while the media sensation continues to shout the misinformation as if it were true.

One has to actually be capable of critical thinking to see that sort of thing. Folks like siagon and thunder, and rocks and dubya have demonstrated beyond any doubt that critical thinking isn't something that they are capable of.
Wonderful posting, as always SSDD. It's rare I read one of your rants without laughing out loud.

And yet there is STILL no explanation as to how this massive global socialist conspiracy works. Not a single document, not a single witness to a conspiracy which involves tens of thousands of people in a hundred countries and in several hundred research institutes.

And there is still no explanation as to how, given that it is impossible to produce maniupated reports in most universities, this conspiracy works.

Can you really not seee how silly this all is?
So why don`t you get a job in a research facility, like Monsanto or Dow Chemicals...they are huge.
If you have what it takes then go ahead and do some research what the side effects of pesticides are and try report it to the US FDA.
The US FDA who approved that pesticide will get you fired from your job faster than you can say "conspiracy"

He lives in a dream world where nothing sordid ever happens except by people who he disagrees with.

He isn't bright enough to take a few minutes and see that the medical community is openly admitting that it is reeling from the effects of exactly the sort of misuse of money, and data manipulation that we are talking about and the medical community is a highly rigorous, mature, hard science, organization where identifiable individuals die as a result of that sort of behavior.... as opposed to the very immature and micky mouseish definitely not hard science community where steaming piles of junk such as the recent marcott paper can pass peer review long enough to cause a media sensation and then be retracted while the media sensation continues to shout the misinformation as if it were true.

One has to actually be capable of critical thinking to see that sort of thing. Folks like siagon and thunder, and rocks and dubya have demonstrated beyond any doubt that critical thinking isn't something that they are capable of.

Equating scientists that are skeptical,..."deniers" of what he believes with criminal holocaust denial, punishable with prison sentences in Europe tells me how "tolerant" he would be as a R&D department head if you get results that don`t suit him
Looks more like a series of not well understood natural cycles.
And yet you understand them - and the foremost scientists of our time don't. Funny, isn't it?

Can you see a natural cycle in thi chart?

That chart is a joke and anyone who uses it as evidence to support anything other than the failing of cliamte science today is a f'ing idiot.

And anyone who would call mann one of the foremost scientists of our time is 75 IQ points below a f'ing idiot.

This cement head is still insisting on the very same "global energy budget" that climatologists have already scrapped when it came up short by showing where all that "extra heat" is.
It`s not in the atmosphere and they could not find it with 3255 Argo-buoys in the oceans either since 2000 all the way to 2013.
There still is no "extra heat" in Europe either. Today the army had to rescue people in Hungary with tanks. Motorists have been stuck at sub-zero temperatures since Thursday.
T-72 battle tanks trundled along icy roads, while thousands of people waited in cars on the M1 motorway from Budapest to Vienna.
Many had been stuck on the road since Thursday evening.
On Friday afternoon, the interior ministry sent text messages to all mobile phone subscribers, telling people to stay in their cars as long as their fuel lasted, then move to other vehicles to stay warm.
The message should also have said, "if you are in an electric car then you are fucked .."

I still suspect "Saigon" lives in the U.S. and wants to suck up to Democrats so that he gets his green card without having to pass a citizenship test that would overtax his IQ...and after he gets his green card and a DL he`ll buy a Chevy Volt.
The time frame when he makes all his posts just don`t jive with somebody living in the time zone Finland is in.
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Wonderful posting, as always SSDD. It's rare I read one of your rants without laughing out loud.

And yet there is STILL no explanation as to how this massive global socialist conspiracy works. Not a single document, not a single witness to a conspiracy which involves tens of thousands of people in a hundred countries and in several hundred research institutes.

And there is still no explanation as to how, given that it is impossible to produce maniupated reports in most universities, this conspiracy works.

Can you really not seee how silly this all is?

If you want to see how it works, take a look at the medical community which is far better organized and rigorously controlled than the climate science community. If it can happen in medicine, it can happen anywhere and the evidence is blatantly obvious in climate science and has been revealed in detail in the climategate emails.

What is silly is that any sane individual would claim that such fraud is impossible. Simply stupid.
I tell you what, SSDD, when you have evidence of this massive socialist global conspiracy, you present it.

I have explained to you in some detail why and how most scientific reseach is protected from political interference, and I think you now also understand that.

You simply don't have a point.
Wonderful posting, as always SSDD. It's rare I read one of your rants without laughing out loud.

And yet there is STILL no explanation as to how this massive global socialist conspiracy works. Not a single document, not a single witness to a conspiracy which involves tens of thousands of people in a hundred countries and in several hundred research institutes.

And there is still no explanation as to how, given that it is impossible to produce maniupated reports in most universities, this conspiracy works.

Can you really not seee how silly this all is?

If you want to see how it works, take a look at the medical community which is far better organized and rigorously controlled than the climate science community. If it can happen in medicine, it can happen anywhere and the evidence is blatantly obvious in climate science and has been revealed in detail in the climategate emails.

What is silly is that any sane individual would claim that such fraud is impossible. Simply stupid.

absurd better describes it

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