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NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

I guess the effects are most evident in Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina, India, Alaska, Peru, Bolivia and increasingly in Scandinavia.

So describe an unprecedented climate effect being seein in any of those places. Describe anything that is going on in any of those places that is unheard of in terms of natural variability.

Good luck with that. Once more you have painted yourself into a corner that you can't possibly get out of without simply dodging the question entirely because no data exists showing any climate related phenomena in any of those places that is outside of natural variability.
There are conservative governments in England, Finland, New Zealand, Germany....shall I do on?

You need to go on because so far, you haven't named a single conservative government. I serously doubt that you even know what conservative means. You might start by learning what classical liberalism was, which is how modern conservativism defines itself....you know, the guys who founded the US...the guys who thought that government should be small and restrict itself to very narrowly defined activities. A conservative government doesn't believe its people derive their rights from government. A conservative governemnt sees its primary role as protecting those rights that don't come from governemnt.

Which one of those governments restricts itself to verry narrowly defined activities and genuinely believes, and acts in accordance with the belief that government is not the source of the people's rights...keeps its tax burden on individuals very small....requires little income to accomplish its narrowly defined activities...and genuinely supports the idea of individual freedom.

All the governments you have named thus far are socialist to one degree or another and believe in social welfare, artificial social equality like welfare, affirmative action, and income redistribution....ideas that are diametrically opposed to conservativism.

The US is no longer a conservative government but in comparison to those you have named, it is very conservative.

Honestly - how can you not know this? Isn't it common knowledge?

Honestly, how can you be so ignorant of political philosophy so as to have confused any of those governments with a conservative goverment. Less socialist does not equal conservative.

Tell you what siagon, how about you name 3 things you can do in your little piece of socialist heaven that involves absolutely no government interference at the national, regional, and local level, without going into the most drab and prosaic aspects of your life. How free do you believe you really are? How conservative is your governemtn really? Under a truely conservative government you would have more difficulty naming things that involve government interference than things that don't.
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You need to go on because so far, you haven't named a single conservative government.

Oh, fuck me!!!

You silly, stupid child. Really.

Go and check, come back and apologise. Or you can keep lying of course, while everyone laughs at you.

I named 4 countries - they all have undisputably conservative governments, unquestionably and incontrovertibly.
You need to go on because so far, you haven't named a single conservative government.

Oh, fuck me!!!

You silly, stupid child. Really.

Go and check, come back and apologise. Or you can keep lying of course, while everyone laughs at you.

No need to check. I already know. Clearly you don't and if you think they are I am afraid that you are bieng laughted at.

I named 4 countries - they all have undisputably conservative governments, unquestionably and incontrovertibly.[/QUOTE]

Then you clearly don't have the slightest idea of what conservative means. You think less liberal means conservative and that simply isn't the case. You have already been humiliated insofar as the science goes here but you really don't want to enter into a debate of political philosophy with me because I will mop the floor with you, publicly humiliate you and perhaps make you cry like a little girl.

I can't help but note that you didn't even attempt to name just 3 things that you can do in your little socialist eutopia that involve no government interference at any level without getting into the most banal aspects of your life. We both know that it is because you know that you can't name even 3 things of any importance....and you claim to live under a conservative government.
You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.
You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.

Saigon is a pathological liar.
No need to check. I already know.

Well obviously you don't.

You have to be honest with yourself here - at the point your own politics become so extreme that you deny that the Conservative Party is Conservative, you have completely lost contact with reality.

Here you are denying that four conservative governments are conservative - when ANY dictionary will tell you they are. Would I also be right in suggesting that you have not been tp even one of the countries inolved here?

Face it - you ARE an extremist.

The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party, is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom that espouses the philosophies of conservatism and British unionism. As of 2013 it is the most powerful party in the United Kingdom, being the largest single party in the House of Commons with 303 MPs, the largest party in local government with 9,391 councillors, and the largest British party in the European Parliament with 25 MEPs. It governs in coalition with the Liberal Democrats, with party leader David Cameron as Prime Minister.

Conservative Party (UK) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.

Well, I do write about politics for a living. At the time you start publishing books on politics, perhaps you'll be in a position to discuss my use of terms.

you really don't want to enter into a debate of political philosophy with me because I will mop the floor with you, publicly humiliate you and perhaps make you cry like a little girl.

Oh, I do look forward to that. I imaine your views on Foucault will be as breath-taking as your views on the British Antarctic Survey.
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You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.

Well, I do write about politics for a living. At the time you start publishing books on politics, perhaps you'll be in a position to discuss my use of terms.

you really don't want to enter into a debate of political philosophy with me because I will mop the floor with you, publicly humiliate you and perhaps make you cry like a little girl.

Oh, I do look forward to that. I imaine your views on Foucault will be as breath-taking as your views on the British Antarctic Survey.

I was sort of astonished the first time I encountered someone who demonstrated complete ignorance about a certain subject but was unshakably convinced that he knew everything there was to know about that subject. Unshakable even after being repeatedly presented with incontrovertible evidence that he was wrong in his claims. I couldn't understand how anyone could be that 'certain' with absolutely nothing to back it up. More recently, I found something that kind of made it all fall into place. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect and it explains the strange behavior of many of the denier cultists who post on here. Also explains Sarah Palin and Herman Cain and others in the political arena like the tea party candidates. If you haven't checked this out before, Saigon, I think you would enjoy reading these explanations of this effect. Might explain a lot about some of these AGW deniers whose arrogant ignorance you've encountered on here. These articles are all good but different from each other. The RationalWiki one has a particularly pithy summary.

Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dunning-Kruger effect - RationalWiki

When Ignorance Begets Confidence: The Classic Dunning-Kruger Effect

Psychology Today
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Jon -

that is why they have had to change the term so many times

global warming

climate change

weather change

ect ect

Actually no, that's another childish myth. The only person using the term 'weather change' is you.

The term climate change came into use 25 years ago - glad to see you finaly noticed.

It's good to know that a person who can not spell "etc" can still be a scientific genius.

The term "climate change" only came into widespread use among AGW cultists about 5 years ago when it became obvious that the climate wasn't warming an longer.

yup exactly
You need to go on because so far, you haven't named a single conservative government.

Oh, fuck me!!!

You silly, stupid child. Really.

Go and check, come back and apologise. Or you can keep lying of course, while everyone laughs at you.

No need to check. I already know. Clearly you don't and if you think they are I am afraid that you are bieng laughted at.

I named 4 countries - they all have undisputably conservative governments, unquestionably and incontrovertibly.

Then you clearly don't have the slightest idea of what conservative means. You think less liberal means conservative and that simply isn't the case. You have already been humiliated insofar as the science goes here but you really don't want to enter into a debate of political philosophy with me because I will mop the floor with you, publicly humiliate you and perhaps make you cry like a little girl.

I can't help but note that you didn't even attempt to name just 3 things that you can do in your little socialist eutopia that involve no government interference at any level without getting into the most banal aspects of your life. We both know that it is because you know that you can't name even 3 things of any importance....and you claim to live under a conservative government.[/QUOTE]

LOL. This fool wishes to live under a conservative government where everyone where armbands with the crooked cross.

SSDD hasn't the slightest idea of what conservative means in the context of the politics of the international community. To him, anything to the left of the attitudes in South Podunk, Texas, is communism. A real poster child for willfull ignorance and intentional stupidity.
No need to check. I already know.

Well obviously you don't.

Obviously I do. There are no conservatve european nations. Perhaps you don't know what conservative means because you never lived in a conservative nation. I have lived under a conservative government but haven't for at least 30 years. You are clueless.

You have to be honest with yourself here - at the point your own politics become so extreme that you deny that the Conservative Party is Conservative, you have completely lost contact with reality.

Calling oneself conservative doesn't make one conservative. The British conservative party is far more liberal than the US republican party and the republican party is no longer conservative. It is simply less liberal than the democrat party. You obviously don't know jack.

And I note that you still haven't been able to name just 3 things that you can do in your country that involves no government interference without going to the most mundane aspect of your life....and then you claim to live under a conservative government? You are a joke.

Here you are denying that four conservative governments are conservative - when ANY dictionary will tell you they are. Would I also be right in suggesting that you have not been tp even one of the countries inolved here?

Define conservative. My bet is that you can't even do that.

A conservative government operates on certain principles...principles that are sorely lacking in the US government and damned near absent in european governments. Some of those principles are as follows:

First and foremost a conservative government establishes and protects negative liberty as opposed to positive liberty. Positive liberty is a liberal tool because it is a source of governmental power.

A conservative government values tradition and freedom over governmental power. I can't help but note that you can't even name 3 things you can do without government interference without going to the most tedious aspect of yoru life. If you lived under a conservative government you would have a more difficult time naming things that the government interfered in.

Conservative governments are not politically correct. If you find political correctness in a government, it is not conservative no matter what it says. A conservative government is concerned with protecting your inalienable rights, not fabricating rights to protect such as the right to not be offended.

A few other characteristics of a conservative government is the acknowledgement, but not the enforcement of a moral order. Tell me any of the governments you listed track along those lines. A conservative government tends to respect custom, tradition, and continuity as opposed to liberals who actively seek changes in all aspects of one's life and will use the law to enforce those changes. Conservative governments tend to preserve variety as opposed to liberal government who seek homoginization....active mixing of various cultures to the point that the original culture is lost in favor of one the state feels that it can live with.....

A conservative government is strongly in favor of privat property and rarely if ever interferes with the rights that go along with private property. Simple ownership does not mean that one has property rights. Excessive regulation degrades property rights and is a tool of liberalism. A conservative government will avoid law and regulation that moves any group or the society at large towards collectivism. None of the states you named have had a very good record on one of the cornerstones of conservativism.

A conservative government is self restrained in its use of power. Localities would have more power that the central government under a truely conservative government. Truely conservative government happens primarily at the local level with the central government handling tasks like negotiating foriegn treaties, delivering the mail, and protecting the borders. Again, all of the states you named have very strong central governments and weak regional and local governments in comparison thus failing the very defninition of conservative government.

Face it - you ARE an extremist.

Spoken like a true liberal who lives in fear of conservativism. You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party,

Since a genuinely conservative government would oppose any form of collectivism, the conservative and unionist party fails the conservative benchmark in its name, and right center doesn't mean anything if not put in context. Right center of what?

It is clear that as with science, you don't know jack. You read what you are spoonfed and have never taken the time to actually learn anything in your life. You are a child in the arena of political philosophy but if you want to have yourself a brand new asshole torn in public, then take your claims over to a political thread and I will be happy to demonstrate what a lifetime of study of political philosophy looks like in comparison to your quick peek at a dictionary.
LOL. This fool wishes to live under a conservative government where everyone where armbands with the crooked cross.

I guess you are one of those idiots who doesn't know political philosophy either. Hitler was a socialist. He allowed private ownership of property and the means of production unlike stalin and lenin, but he socialize the people. You could own property and business if you were a good nazi but cross the line and someone else would own your property and business.

He invented social programs that eventually broke his nations back economically which is what actually brought on the final solution...Weeks and weeks of vacation for all citizens at public cost at publicly owned and operated resorts....free medical....welfare...and the list goes on and on.

You may not know it, but you live under a conservative constitution. Read it sometime. The hallmark of a conservative government is a small footprint and very little interference in its citizens lives. Does that sound like hitler's germany to you? Does that even sound like the US to you?

SSDD hasn't the slightest idea of what conservative means in the context of the politics of the international community. To him, anything to the left of the attitudes in South Podunk, Texas, is communism. A real poster child for willfull ignorance and intentional stupidity.

You and siagon open a thread, let me know where it is and I will be happy to tear you both new assholes in public. I have been an avid student of political philosophy since this was mostly a conservative nation.
You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.

Clueless...like most liberals. He knows what he is told to know and is happy with that. Actual freedom scares the hell out of liberals.
Well, I do write about politics for a living. At the time you start publishing books on politics, perhaps you'll be in a position to discuss my use of terms.

Not everyone is good at their jobs and your obvious lack of depth in this area means that you are one who isn't very good at his job. Living in a socialist nation though, I suppose being good at your job wouldn't necessarily be the best way to keep it.

Oh, I do look forward to that. I imaine your views on Foucault will be as breath-taking as your views on the British Antarctic Survey.

Foucault was a social philosopher...he wasn't really a political philosopher. Some of his thoughts touched on politics but political theory really wasn't his arena. If you view him as an actual political philosopher, I can see why you know as little as you do.

Yes thunder, we know that you keep subconsciously telling us why you are inadequate and why you must pretend to actually understand the science. Do you really want to be proven inadequate in another field of study as well.

If so, I invite you to join siagon and rocks on their thread regarding political philosophy. I will be tearing 2 new assholes....may as well make it 3. It isn't as if you would add any difficulty to the conversation. Siagon and rocks have already demonstrated that they don't have the first notion of what conservativism is and what would constitute a conservative government. You want to weigh in on the issue and prove that you don't know jack either?
You'd have thought Saigon would have at least paused before suggesting a European nation was conservative, but no. You are absolutely right SSDD Saigon has little to no understanding of most terms he uses.

Well, I do write about politics for a living. At the time you start publishing books on politics, perhaps you'll be in a position to discuss my use of terms.

you really don't want to enter into a debate of political philosophy with me because I will mop the floor with you, publicly humiliate you and perhaps make you cry like a little girl.

Oh, I do look forward to that. I imaine your views on Foucault will be as breath-taking as your views on the British Antarctic Survey.

Hopefully your writing is government subsidized then, because you clearly have no idea what you speak of.
Anyways, back to the OP. Yes, global warming is being abandoned by scientists left and right as they hope to salvage their jobs and futures. Looks like Saigon has staked his writing future on global warming, so he'll be looking for a new line of employment in the next year or two.
In which countries are the effects "clearly evident?" I'm not aware of any. I think you mean countries where the populace has been thoroughly brainwashed and bamboozled.

I wouldn't have thought for a moment that you would be aware of them.

I guess the effects are most evident in Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina, India, Alaska, Peru, Bolivia and increasingly in Scandinavia.

Elsewhere I can appreciate the effects may not be quite so visible, though they still evident if you look at climate data.

I have no idea why people would be "brainwashed" by their own first-hand experience.

Oh! Do tell! What effects....and be exact.

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