NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

No, they just make me smarter than you are.

We have already established that isn't true. You can't even speak to the most basic science of climate change in your own words.

Nonsense, I have FAR MORE experience of right wing governments than you have. Let's compare shall we....which countries with extreme right wing governments have you been to and studied?

You don't get it and I doubt that you ever will. When you use the word wing, either right or left, you are talking about the same house and the house is liberalism. Extreme conservativism is, agan, an oxymoron....and are just a moron.

The fact is - you have 0 real world experience of politics and governments. You have never been to a country which suffers under tyranny, and have never been to a socialist country. You have no basis to even be discussing this topic.

The fact is that you don't know squat and you have lost this discussion as surely as you lost the climate change discussion. And I still can't help but notice that you remain unable to name even 3 things that you can do in your supposedly conservative country with no government interference at the federal, regional, or local level...and you still claim to live in a conservative nation. You are laughable.
Let`s assume for a moment he is indeed in Finland.
Only a dumb Fin would have to look it up at Wikipedia how they elect their Prime Minister and who that is currently
Here is "Saigon" lecturing you :
The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011.The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.

And if you Google "Finland" you get:
Government of Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And :
The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011. The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.

Good catch. Guess that pretty much proves he is a fraud. Of course, we all knew that before he got caught. Have to be sure to bookmark that bit of's priceless.

By the way....seen his quote lately. Denying that hitler's germany was socialist. Imagine, claiming that the National Socialist German Workers' Party was not socialist. Of course anyone who would get caught in such a blatant case of fraud as not knowing his own president wouldn't likely have the first clue with regards to political philosopy. Just another instance of an elitist wannabe being found out as a fake.

Very good catch indeed. Congrats.
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The Fox glacier is advancing and has been since 1985 I believe. Sometimes at the rate of up to one meter per day, as is the Franz Josef Glacier...

Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear.

You'd really post absolutely anything at all, wouldn't you? I bet you looked for a New Zealand source as well, and couldn't find a single one that backed up your silly claims! Why else would you use some bizarre source?

Scientists revealed this past week New Zealand's famous Franz Josef Glacier is dramatically retreating. Deidre Mussen investigates what the future holds for our nation's glaciers.

Over the past three decades, some New Zealand glaciers have quietly vanished.

The paper, published in Global and Planetary Change, an international journal, in April, shows New Zealand's glaciers have lost 15 per cent of ice mass in the 32 years to 2008, a massive 8.4km3. However, the rate of loss was less dramatic than the previous 100 years, when ice mass almost halved.

New Zealand Glaciers Melting Away |

Having lived there for several years, yes I know it quite well and have actually spent a great deal of time on the Franz Josef glacier and it is in fact advancing. If you can bother to read the below account you will see that the VAST majority of glacial melting occured in the 1930's which puts the lie to your assertions yet again. As far as sources you use wiki which is a joke, so here is a NZ source for you...satisfied?

"When first visited by geologist and explorer Julius Haast in 1864, the front edge of the Franz Josef stood near Sentinel Rock, several kilometres further downvalley than today. Franz Josef began a rapid retreat in the mid-1930s. A lake formed in front of the glacier between 1939 and 1949, but rapidly filled with rock debris. Since then, the Franz Josef and the Fox have been retreating, with occasional brief advances. The Franz Josef was at its smallest extent in 1982, but since then its front has once again advanced about a kilometre."

2. Tasman, Franz Josef and Fox glaciers ? Glaciers and glaciation ? Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand
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Drought is normal in New Zealand, especially on the south island.

Finance Minister Bill English now believes the drought could cost the nation's economy up to $2 billion - double the figure estimated last week.

"The latest advice is that somewhere between $1 billion and $2 billion will be knocked off our national income, and as every week goes by, the prospect of it being $2 billion instead of $1 billion grows,'' he told TVNZ's Q + A programme.

Mr English further warned that the drought could potentially knock 30 per cent off New Zealand's growth rate in a year.

Unusually, the driest part of New Zealand today was Southland. Gisborne and northern Hawkes Bay also hadn't had rain yet.

Drought cost doubles - Droughts - NZ Herald News

Keep in mind that Finance Minister speaking here is Bill English - who is right wing. It' the worst drought in 30 years, and just as importantly seems to be part of a growing trend of extreme weather conditions in New Zealand.

None of which addresses the fact that drought is normal for New Zealand now does it? My gosh but you're an obtuse one aren't you.

"The standard image of New Zealand is one of peaceful green pastures and sunny country towns. However, the New Zealand experience can be very different. Floods and droughts can affect virtually all parts of the country, from Northland down to Invercargill, in any year."

The New Zealand Hydrological Society (Incorporated)

And I notice you ran away from your laughable assertions about the tornado history of New Zealand. Unsurprising. The fact is New Zealand experiences an average of 20 tornado's per year and has since time began. The reason why so few people are killed is primarily one of location. The vast majority of New Zealand tornados are confined to a very narrow area that has been left alone for the most part till the 1960's when development began in that area.

But those are facts and you don't "do" facts.
You think owning a business makes you conservative? You think writing in more than one language makes you conservative? You think having a book published makes you conservative?

No, they just make me smarter than you are.

No, you only have experience with various shades of left.

Nonsense, I have FAR MORE experience of right wing governments than you have. Let's compare shall we....which countries with extreme right wing governments have you been to and studied?

The fact is - you have 0 real world experience of politics and governments. You have never been to a country which suffers under tyranny, and have never been to a socialist country. You have no basis to even be discussing this topic.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Sure junior, sure!
When you use the word wing, either right or left, you are talking about the same house and the house is liberalism.
Again, when you say right wing, left wing, you are, in reality, just speaking about the various forms of socialism.

Right. And you actually believe this, do you?


I am genuinely speechless.....!
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Denying that hitler's germany was socialist. Imagine, claiming that the National Socialist German Workers' Party was not socialist.

Yes, imagine that!

I am not going to bother to prove that Hitler was right wing. For any to have ever thought otherwise must have involved more brainwashing that can ever be undone by mere facts. Better you keep believing what you believe, youg man!
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Westwall -

Rather than just spam the thread, you could actually correct poor SSDD on this to save him further humiliation.

My matter, counters your anti-matter, the resultant energy product warms my tummy for a short while....and that is good...:lol::lol:
My matter, counters your anti-matter, the resultant energy product warms my tummy for a short while....and that is good...:lol::lol:

In New Zealand the mountain glaciers have been in general retreat since 1890, with an acceleration of this retreat since 1920. Most of the glaciers have thinned measurably and have reduced in size, and the snow accumulation zones have risen in elevation as the 20th century progressed. During the period 1971–75, Ivory Glacier receded 30 m (98 ft) from the glacial terminus, and about 26% of the surface area of the glacier was lost over the same period. Since 1980 numerous small glacial lakes were created behind the new terminal moraines of several of these glaciers. Glaciers such as Classen, Godley and Douglas now all have new glacial lakes below their terminal locations due to the glacial retreat over the past 20 years. Satellite imagery indicates that these lakes are continuing to expand. There has been significant and ongoing ice volume losses on the largest New Zealand glaciers, including the Tasman, Ivory, Classen, Mueller, Maud, Hooker, Grey, Godley, Ramsay, Murchison, Therma, Volta and Douglas Glaciers. The retreat of these glaciers has been marked by expanding proglacial lakes and terminus region thinning. The loss in volume from 1975–2005 is 11 percent of the total.[34]

Several glaciers, notably the much-visited Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers on New Zealand's West Coast, have periodically advanced, especially during the 1990s, but the scale of these advances is small when compared to 20th-century retreat. Both glaciers are currently more than 2.5 km (1.6 mi) shorter than a century ago. These large, rapidly flowing glaciers situated on steep slopes have been very reactive to small mass-balance changes. A few years of conditions favorable to glacier advance, such as more westerly winds and a resulting increase in snowfall, are rapidly echoed in a corresponding advance, followed by equally rapid retreat when those favorable conditions end.[35] The glaciers that have been advancing in a few locations in New Zealand have been doing so due to transient local weather conditions, which have brought more precipitation and cloudier, cooler summers since 2002.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you use the word wing, either right or left, you are talking about the same house and the house is liberalism.
Again, when you say right wing, left wing, you are, in reality, just speaking about the various forms of socialism.

Right. And you actually believe this, do you?

No, I don't believe this. I know this. Unlike you, I don't depend entirely on others to tell me what to think. I read their work and put it to the test. If it passes, then I accept the information till such time as it is proven false. You on the other hanbd read (maybe) and then believe or disbelieve as you have been told to do.

hitler's own words bear out your ignorance. You stated that he despised socialism and yet, in his correspondence, he descirbed how much deeper his socialism was than that of his contemporaries. He explained that socializing the individual's relationship to the state was a much deeper, and more effective form of socialism than simply nationalizing the means of production.

If you actually lived in finland, which it is now clear that you don't since you had to visit wiki to get the names of the leaders in finland, you would be living under such a state minus the overt militarism and racism.

I am genuinely speechless.....!

No, you are genuinely ignorant. You have read various socialist philosophers' ideas (maybe, more likely googled short passages and drew sweeping conclusions from those) about socialism and accept them as true without ever testing their ideas against reality. I mean, how ignorant does one have to be to claim that the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, translated National Socialist German Workers' Party was not a socialist organization.
I am not going to bother to prove that Hitler was right wing.

Proving that hitler was right wing isn't the issue. Right wing and left wing are two wings of the same house and the house is socialism. Conservativism is in an entirely different neighborhood. Had you any actual inkling of philosophy beyond that which you have googled, you would know this.

You are called out as a fraud siagon. The fact that you had to visit wiki to learn the names of your supposed country's leadership proves that you are either a blatant fraud and liar or one of the stupidest citizens of finland. That little morsel isn't going away either. When you are that stupid, people need to know and be reminded.
You are called out as a fraud siagon. The fact that you had to visit wiki to learn the names of your supposed country's leadership proves that you are either a blatant fraud and liar or one of the stupidest citizens of finland. That little morsel isn't going away either. When you are that stupid, people need to know and be reminded.

And better and better!!

So where do you think I am actually posting from? I can't wait to find out!

I didn't have to Wiki it, genius, I simply gave you the facts so you could research it yourself.

Shall we perhaps continue this discussion in Finnish?
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My matter, counters your anti-matter, the resultant energy product warms my tummy for a short while....and that is good...:lol::lol:

Did you see polarbear's catch? Siagon was lecturing someone on the mechanism of elections in finland and who was in power and it turned out to be a direct copy and paste from wiki. He is a fraud, and a liar.

He is probably an unemployed farm hand in missippi who thinks being an elitest writer in finland would be glamorous. He displays all the inteligence one would expect from an unemployed farm hand in rural missisippi.
So where do you think I am actually posting from? I can't wait to find out!

You display the intelligence of an unemployed farm hand in rural mississippi. You might be from further in the sticks than that and just a better fraud than I give you credit for.

I didn't have to Wiki it, genius, I simply gave you the facts so you could research it yourself.

Of course you did since you are a fraud and not who you claim to be. If I were going to pretend to be someone, it wouldn't be a journalist from a flyspeck socialist nation, but then maybe that is the best thing your imagination is capable of.

Shall we perhaps continue this discussion in Finnish?

Luulet, että olet ainoa henkilö, joka tietää wiki kääntää? Ja vaikka te haastaa kielenkäyttö, joka tekee kansalainen? Piti käydä wiki oppia, miten hallitus toimii ja joka istuu markkinajohtajan asemaansa.

Mitä petosten olet. Olen kirjaimellisesti nauraa ääneen sinulle.
Did you see polarbear's catch? Siagon was lecturing someone on the mechanism of elections in finland and who was in power and it turned out to be a direct copy and paste from wiki. He is a fraud, and a liar.

He is probably an unemployed farm hand in missippi who thinks being an elitest writer in finland would be glamorous. He displays all the inteligence one would expect from an unemployed farm hand in rural missisippi.

Actually I was explaining to you that Finland has a conservative government - not the socialist government you claimed it had.

I had thought the Wiki page might have helped convince you, but obviously not!

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