NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Living in a socialist nation though,

And there you go again - your own political extremism leading you to twist facts into childish nonsense.

The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011. The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.

Katainen's government is a right-left coalition of the National Coalition Party, Social Democratic Party, Left Alliance, Green League, Swedish People's Party and Christian Democrats. Katainen's predecessor Mari Kiviniemi was elected Prime Minister in June 2010, after the resignation of Matti Vanhanen. Kiviniemi's and Vanhanen's governments both were centre-right coalitions, consisting of the National Coalition, Centre Party, Green League and Swedish People's Party.

Government of Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The right wing National Coalition Party leads the government right now as the largest party, back by two other right-wing parties and three left-wing parties. The previous two governments were both entirely right-wing.

Yuor own views on politics are just so extreme it is impossible for you to get a realistic graps on simple facts, clearly.
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Hopefully your writing is government subsidized then, because you clearly have no idea what you speak of.

Like many real conservatives, I own and run my own business. I sell journalism around the world, write in more than one language, and have two books being published this year.

Somehow I think I have a little more experience of what real left and right wing dictatorships look like close up than you do. Feel free to put that to the test.
Foucault was a social philosopher...he wasn't really a political philosopher. Some of his thoughts touched on politics but political theory really wasn't his arena. If you view him as an actual political philosopher, I can see why you know as little as you do.

Jesus wept....

Foucault’s political philosophy consists of non-normative descriptions of reality that nevertheless have considerable critical force. Foucault’s political philosophy is a philosophy that undertakes the project that the young Karl Marx described as the ‘ruthless criticism of all that exists’. The purpose of this critical philosophy of Foucault’s is precisely to ‘shut the mouths’ of all those who would prescribe anything – including, perhaps most prominently, Marxists.

Michel Foucault?s Political Philosophy

The fact that Foucault also wrote about topics like sexuality and psychiatry does not mean that he is not studied in Political Philosophy, his work is now central to the field, along with Schmitt, Habermas, Kant, Heidigger etc.
In which countries are the effects "clearly evident?" I'm not aware of any. I think you mean countries where the populace has been thoroughly brainwashed and bamboozled.

I wouldn't have thought for a moment that you would be aware of them.

I guess the effects are most evident in Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina, India, Alaska, Peru, Bolivia and increasingly in Scandinavia.

Elsewhere I can appreciate the effects may not be quite so visible, though they still evident if you look at climate data.

I have no idea why people would be "brainwashed" by their own first-hand experience.

Oh! Do tell! What effects....and be exact.

I'm reluctant to waste time when we both know you aren't interested in the topic - but if you choose one of the countries listed, I'll describe the impacts.
I wouldn't have thought for a moment that you would be aware of them.

I guess the effects are most evident in Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Chile, Argentina, India, Alaska, Peru, Bolivia and increasingly in Scandinavia.

Elsewhere I can appreciate the effects may not be quite so visible, though they still evident if you look at climate data.

I have no idea why people would be "brainwashed" by their own first-hand experience.

Oh! Do tell! What effects....and be exact.

I'm reluctant to waste time when we both know you aren't interested in the topic - but if you choose one of the countries listed, I'll describe the impacts.

Let's start with a country I know very well. New Zealand.
Let's start with a country I know very well. New Zealand.

I am sure you are well aware that the current droughts is expected to cost billions of dollars...then there is the melting of the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers....

I mentioned the other day that New Zealand had never had a fatality from a tornado prior to 1991, and have now had 3 fatal tornado events since then.

I'm off to work now so don't have time to go into more detail, but can no later.
Let's start with a country I know very well. New Zealand.

I am sure you are well aware that the current droughts is expected to cost billions of dollars...then there is the melting of the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers....

I mentioned the other day that New Zealand had never had a fatality from a tornado prior to 1991, and have now had 3 fatal tornado events since then.

I'm off to work now so don't have time to go into more detail, but can no later.

Drought is normal in New Zealand, especially on the south island.

The Fox glacier is advancing and has been since 1985 I believe. Sometimes at the rate of up to one meter per day, as is the Franz Josef Glacier...

Fox Glacier

Franz Josef Glacier

And I guess you either forgot or more likely choose to ignore the fact that you are quite simply ridiculously wrong about tornado fatalities. Three Kiwi's were killed by an F2 in Frankton on the 25th of August 1948. At least 80 were injured and over 100 buildings damaged or destroyed. Then in 1991 one Kiwi was killed in Albany, two more were kille in Waitara on the 15th of August 2004 and there was a fatality in Albany again on the 3rd of May 2011, and finally again three more were killed in Hobsonville (a suburb of Auckland as is Albany BTW) on the 6th of December 2012. So yet again you prove yourself to be fantastically WRONG in every respect.

I like how you have modified your statement to read 1991, when before you claimed 2012 was the first till I schooled you. It's a shame you didn't read my post accurately or you would have saved yourself the embarassment of being catastrophically wrong about tornado fatalities. But then you're catastrophically wrong about everything anyway.
Do you in fact know anything?
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The Fox glacier is advancing and has been since 1985 I believe. Sometimes at the rate of up to one meter per day, as is the Franz Josef Glacier...

Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear.

You'd really post absolutely anything at all, wouldn't you? I bet you looked for a New Zealand source as well, and couldn't find a single one that backed up your silly claims! Why else would you use some bizarre source?

Scientists revealed this past week New Zealand's famous Franz Josef Glacier is dramatically retreating. Deidre Mussen investigates what the future holds for our nation's glaciers.

Over the past three decades, some New Zealand glaciers have quietly vanished.

The paper, published in Global and Planetary Change, an international journal, in April, shows New Zealand's glaciers have lost 15 per cent of ice mass in the 32 years to 2008, a massive 8.4km3. However, the rate of loss was less dramatic than the previous 100 years, when ice mass almost halved.

New Zealand Glaciers Melting Away |
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In New Zealand the mountain glaciers have been in general retreat since 1890, with an acceleration of this retreat since 1920. Most of the glaciers have thinned measurably and have reduced in size, and the snow accumulation zones have risen in elevation as the 20th century progressed. During the period 1971–75, Ivory Glacier receded 30 m (98 ft) from the glacial terminus, and about 26% of the surface area of the glacier was lost over the same period. Since 1980 numerous small glacial lakes were created behind the new terminal moraines of several of these glaciers. Glaciers such as Classen, Godley and Douglas now all have new glacial lakes below their terminal locations due to the glacial retreat over the past 20 years. Satellite imagery indicates that these lakes are continuing to expand. There has been significant and ongoing ice volume losses on the largest New Zealand glaciers, including the Tasman, Ivory, Classen, Mueller, Maud, Hooker, Grey, Godley, Ramsay, Murchison, Therma, Volta and Douglas Glaciers. The retreat of these glaciers has been marked by expanding proglacial lakes and terminus region thinning. The loss in volume from 1975–2005 is 11 percent of the total.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The funny thing is that you chose this country as one you know well - and yet you didn't know that two of the countries major tourist attractions were in general long-term retreat.
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Drought is normal in New Zealand, especially on the south island.

Finance Minister Bill English now believes the drought could cost the nation's economy up to $2 billion - double the figure estimated last week.

"The latest advice is that somewhere between $1 billion and $2 billion will be knocked off our national income, and as every week goes by, the prospect of it being $2 billion instead of $1 billion grows,'' he told TVNZ's Q + A programme.

Mr English further warned that the drought could potentially knock 30 per cent off New Zealand's growth rate in a year.

Unusually, the driest part of New Zealand today was Southland. Gisborne and northern Hawkes Bay also hadn't had rain yet.

Drought cost doubles - Droughts - NZ Herald News

Keep in mind that Finance Minister speaking here is Bill English - who is right wing. It' the worst drought in 30 years, and just as importantly seems to be part of a growing trend of extreme weather conditions in New Zealand.
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Hopefully your writing is government subsidized then, because you clearly have no idea what you speak of.

Of course it is government subsidized. He lives in a socialist nation. The funny thing is that he doesn't even know it. That is how far his government has dumbed him down.
Hopefully your writing is government subsidized then, because you clearly have no idea what you speak of.

Of course it is government subsidized. He lives in a socialist nation. The funny thing is that he doesn't even know it. That is how far his government has dumbed him down.

Actually, no, I live in a country which has had a conservative government for most of the past 10 or 12 years.

What a silly little child you are.

The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011. The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.

Katainen's government is a right-left coalition of the National Coalition Party, Social Democratic Party, Left Alliance, Green League, Swedish People's Party and Christian Democrats. Katainen's predecessor Mari Kiviniemi was elected Prime Minister in June 2010, after the resignation of Matti Vanhanen. Kiviniemi's and Vanhanen's governments both were centre-right coalitions, consisting of the National Coalition, Centre Party, Green League and Swedish People's Party.

Katainen is head of the right-wing NCP, or Kokoomus.

Again, I run and own a business, I am in no way subsidised by the state. Quite the opposite, actually!
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Like many real conservatives, I own and run my own business. I sell journalism around the world, write in more than one language, and have two books being published this year.

That's a laugh. You are no more a conservative than an insect is a mammal. You think owning a business makes you conservative? You think writing in more than one language makes you conservative? You think having a book published makes you conservative?

Tell me, what do you think government's rightfull role is? Lets see how conservative you are.

Somehow I think I have a little more experience of what real left and right wing dictatorships look like close up than you do. Feel free to put that to the test.

No, you only have experience with various shades of left. You clearly don't have an idea of what conservativism is and if you have the balls to state what you believe government's rightfull role is we shall see that you are not conservative.

If you knew what conservativism was, then you would know that there can be no conservative dictatorship. You keep saying left and right wing, but you don't know that you are talking about the left and right of socialism. You haven't made a single statement so far regarding conservativism. A conservative government, as I stated is very small and unobtrusive...under a conservative government, power is concentrated at the regional and local level...closer to the people. The federal, or central government plays a limited role and isn't obvious in the people's lives. A conservative dictatorship is an oxymoron.
You think owning a business makes you conservative? You think writing in more than one language makes you conservative? You think having a book published makes you conservative?

No, they just make me smarter than you are.

No, you only have experience with various shades of left.

Nonsense, I have FAR MORE experience of right wing governments than you have. Let's compare shall we....which countries with extreme right wing governments have you been to and studied?

The fact is - you have 0 real world experience of politics and governments. You have never been to a country which suffers under tyranny, and have never been to a socialist country. You have no basis to even be discussing this topic.
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Foucault’s political philosophy consists of non-normative descriptions of reality that nevertheless have considerable critical force.

Like I said, he was not a political philosopher. He occasionally touched on political issues, but his forte was social philosophy. Now you being a socialist, I can see how you might believe social philosophy is political philosophy, but the two are different thngs.

Clearly you don't know political philosophy.

I know political philosophy well enough that most of the key figures in the study of modern political philosophy also wrote about other topics - Arendt, Butler, Sartre and Heidigger for instance, and also Habermas and Foucault. Much of Arendt's most important work is also taught in history courses, but she still a central figure in political philosophy. Butler we know largely in gender studies, but it is also often cited in Political Philosophy. Sartre also wrote fiction - but is also central to political philosophy.

It's hard to imagine a course in Pol.Phil these days NOT covering Foucault or Arendt.
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Nobody cares what people from Finland have to say.......about as relevant as people giving opinions who hail from the country of Bumfook!!!!

Let`s assume for a moment he is indeed in Finland.
Only a dumb Fin would have to look it up at Wikipedia how they elect their Prime Minister and who that is currently
Here is "Saigon" lecturing you :
The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011.The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.

And if you Google "Finland" you get:
Government of Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And :
The Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Jyrki Katainen, who has held the office since June 22, 2011. The Prime Minister designate is subject to election by the Parliament and, if elected, he or she —along with all the other ministers upon the nomination of the Prime Minister— are appointed by the President of Finland.
How dumb must a person be having to Google how their PM or President is elected...and then copy & paste it pretending it came from him.
How dumb can such an ass be assuming nobody would notice what his "education" is. It`s Google==>Wikipedia==>copy&paste===>post and that`s it !
He had to Google just to get the name of the Fin-PM
You noticed, he never answers questions....unless he found a FAQ page with a pre-chewed answer
If you would yank his router cable he is instantly as dumb as a monkey in a tree on fire.
But you are supposed to believe he is, as he puts it a well educated Journalist living in Finland
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