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NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...


I suggest you ask some other poster - one you trust - quite what is so funny about this thread and your posting on it.

I'm starting to feel a little bad about humiliating you here.

In typical liberal fashion, you lack any sense of humor and as such, aren't quite able to grasp that it is you who is being humiliated. You laugh, but don't know that you are laughing at yourself.
Luulet, että olet ainoa henkilö, joka tietää wiki kääntää? Ja vaikka te haastaa kielenkäyttö, joka tekee kansalainen? Piti käydä wiki oppia, miten hallitus toimii ja joka istuu markkinajohtajan asemaansa.

Mitä petosten olet. Olen kirjaimellisesti nauraa ääneen sinulle.

Yes, you see this doesn't work in Finnish.

I an understand what you are trying to say - but it is very clearly and obviously not written by a Finn, because you use the formal register (which we use only in, very formal situations) and you use the full 'book' version of many words (olet, sinulle) where we normally use shortened forms, like 'oot' and 'sulle'.

For instance, the dictionary word for twenty is 'kaksi kymentaa'. Any Finn would write 'kakskyt', or similar.

, aren't quite able to grasp that it is you who is being humiliated. You laugh, but don't know that you are laughing at yourself.

Right. I am very humilated because you don't know what fascism is. Obviously.
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My matter, counters your anti-matter, the resultant energy product warms my tummy for a short while....and that is good...:lol::lol:

Did you see polarbear's catch? Siagon was lecturing someone on the mechanism of elections in finland and who was in power and it turned out to be a direct copy and paste from wiki. He is a fraud, and a liar.

He is probably an unemployed farm hand in missippi who thinks being an elitest writer in finland would be glamorous. He displays all the inteligence one would expect from an unemployed farm hand in rural missisippi.

Check it out how he spelled twenty in Finnish when he tried to swindle about his knowledge of colloquial Finnish:
For instance, the dictionary word for twenty is 'kaksi kymentaa'. Any Finn would write 'kakskyt', or similar.
That`s because he does not have an ä key on his keyboard.
translate twenty to finnish
Also it`s one word not 2 as he wrote 20: kaksi kymentaa
And would`nt you know it if you Google for colloquial Finnish "Saigon" quoted the #1 Google search result example, again straight from Wikipedia, just like he had to do for the PM of Finland:
kakskyt for 20
He put me on his "ignore list" after I challenged him to run his finger across his keyboard which would generate the ASCII sequence which comes from a keyboard in Finland.
This "educated journalist in Finland" knows s.f.a. and has to Google every item. Be that who the PM of Finland is, how to say 20 in Finnish or what a photon is.
I`m German and live in Canada, but I don`t have to Google who the PM is in Canada or who the Chancellor of Germany is. Nor do I have to Google how to say 20 in either language...or what a photon is and what it can and can not do....
Notice almost none of the so called "deniers" have to resort to Google==>copy==> paste & post.
While the "educated" warmists do nothing but!
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I think he's a Vietnamese immigrant to Finland....
His avatar does suggest that, doesn`t it ?

A bell Huey has 2 blades on the tail rotor not 3
A Vietnamese would at least know what kind of Helicopters were used to evacuate the Saigon embassy:

Especially a Journalist
If he is indeed in Finland then he got his PC in a thrift-shop for a buck after a tourist dumped it. Because with an English default keyboard layout it would be useless for a Fin in Finland.
I got lot`s of friends from Europe visiting me in Canada and let them use my PC so they can stay in touch with relatives in France, Germany etc. via e-mail. Many times it does not work because the special characters that they have on their keyboards don`t exist on a standard USA/Canada keyboard.
And it`s a bitch to do "Start=>Programs=>Accessories=>System Tools=>Character map" etc just to be able to write ä, é , ö , or even tell somebody back in the old country how much something costs in €,...because all we have is the $ ASCII on our keyboards
It can get really confusing for a German in Germany to read what another German in the U.S. or Canada is trying to say.
For ä, ö etc I have to write "ae" "oe" and the "ß" I have to substitute with "ss" ...we have words with "s" ,"ss" and and "ß" like "Schloss" or "Schloß"
one is a padlock the other a castle. Then we have "das" ,"dass" and "daß" so unless you got the country specific keyboard you can`t even spell correctly and the grammar gets .a.f`d. up

How could a "Journalist living in Finland", as he claims he is, possibly make a living writing on a keyboard without these ASCII keys ???

But Saigon is definitely not posting from a PC in Finland.
He almost got me banned from this forum when his own IP stared at him after I planted a funky java script inside a .jpg file
He even started a thread and posted:
"Warning, polarbear collects IP`s from forum members"...as if a retired engineer, busy raising 3 grand children would have nothing better to do
Also all his posts are made during the wrong time frame. He is not posting from Finland or any country in that time zone.
I think SSDD nailed it..."Saigon" is an unemployed farmhand in Mississippi, I think he is a refugee in the U.S. sucking up to Democrats so that he can get his green card without the usual process.
The name of this thread is "nasa top global warming nut admits warming has stopped"...shit happens, he did indeed admit just that and so did almost all Met offices that warming has stalled for a whole decade now..
Now they are baffled where all "the missing heat" went that the rise in CO2 should have caused.
It`s not showing in the atmosphere and can`t be found in the oceans either...with 3255 Argo buoys that sample down to 2000 meters depth since 2002.
Their latest theory is that all 3255 buoys are in error and that all the data they gathered needs "re-adjustment"
Phänomen "fehlende Wärme": Klimaforscher rätseln über Meereskälte
(phenomenon "missing heat". Colder oceans baffle climate researchers)

But it will be a cold day in hell before the usual warmist liars in this forum admit they lied despite all the evidence you got that they lied.
They start cursing you and then disappear and re-appear under a new user name and just keep on going....Like "UnderRoll" a.k.a. "RollingThunder" wo calls everybody who does not agree with his CO2 psychosis "a fucking retard"
He even admitted that he got banned from other forums and came back here because we let him
Or like "Poophead" the "physicist" who kept spelling it "physisist"..

He used "microwavable frogs" that he pops in his microwave oven as an example how long wave radiation is converted into heat to "explain" how CO2 absorbs "heat"
I haven`t seen hide or hair from him since Christmas after he was confronted with a few facts anybody who studied physics/thermodynaics should have known.
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The missions might change but main purpose of a government bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. Since Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle there isn't much for NASA to do but they have an incredible budget none the less. NASA turned into a home for old engineers and sloppy scientists and the administration still thinks the federal government is an employment agency. Somebody needs to trim the NASA budget.
Or like "Poophead" the "physicist" who kept spelling it "physisist"..

He used "microwavable frogs" that he pops in his microwave oven as an example how long wave radiation is converted into heat to "explain" how CO2 absorbs "heat"
I haven`t seen hide or hair from him since Christmas after he was confronted with a few facts anybody who studied physics/thermodynaics should have known.

It might be that a physisist might believe that microwaves emit long wave radiation. Phyusisists and hog farmers. A physicist and practically anyone with even a tenuous grasp of radiation knows that long wave isn't what heats your spaghetti-o's in the microwave.
My matter, counters your anti-matter, the resultant energy product warms my tummy for a short while....and that is good...:lol::lol:

Did you see polarbear's catch? Siagon was lecturing someone on the mechanism of elections in finland and who was in power and it turned out to be a direct copy and paste from wiki. He is a fraud, and a liar.

He is probably an unemployed farm hand in missippi who thinks being an elitest writer in finland would be glamorous. He displays all the inteligence one would expect from an unemployed farm hand in rural missisippi.

Yes, but then I have known saigon's a fraud from the beginning. My personal belief is he is living in his moms basement in Queens.
I think he's a Vietnamese immigrant to Finland....

Viet Namese?

Well, I give you points for originality!!

There are around 5,000 Viet Namese people here, most of whom came in the 1970's - and they are great people. I love Viet Nam and have been there a few times, but no - I'm not Viet Namese.
Did you see polarbear's catch? Siagon was lecturing someone on the mechanism of elections in finland and who was in power and it turned out to be a direct copy and paste from wiki. He is a fraud, and a liar.

He is probably an unemployed farm hand in missippi who thinks being an elitest writer in finland would be glamorous. He displays all the inteligence one would expect from an unemployed farm hand in rural missisippi.

Actually I was explaining to you that Finland has a conservative government - not the socialist government you claimed it had.

I had thought the Wiki page might have helped convince you, but obviously not!

Only idiots use wiki for anything nimrod. It is not a credible source for anything.
Or like "Poophead" the "physicist" who kept spelling it "physisist"..

He used "microwavable frogs" that he pops in his microwave oven as an example how long wave radiation is converted into heat to "explain" how CO2 absorbs "heat"
I haven`t seen hide or hair from him since Christmas after he was confronted with a few facts anybody who studied physics/thermodynaics should have known.

It might be that a physisist might believe that microwaves emit long wave radiation. Phyusisists and hog farmers. A physicist and practically anyone with even a tenuous grasp of radiation knows that long wave isn't what heats your spaghetti-o's in the microwave.
Yeah, besides that there is a big difference between heat generated by inductive eddy currents and IR.
Put something that conducts electricity in a micro wave and watch the sparks fly. A black paper dish would absorb IR out in the sun better than earth at albedo 0.5
But in a microwave the only way to heat the paper dish even if it`s pitch-black is by making it soaking wet so inductive eddy currents are enabled.

Yes and they also know that real re-emitted photons that came from CO2 which absorbed them don`t drop back down to earth like "back-radiation" smart bombs and hit another CO2 molecule dead on...1 molecule in over 2600 other possible molecular "targets".
That`s why all these "CO2 infrared experiments" use 100% CO2 in a closed bottle...because with 380 ppm there is no measurable temperature increase.
At a 100% absorption the CO2 IR absorption is saturated and can absorb no more IR...
All the CO2 can do is redirect the photons it did absorb in all possible directions..Outside a bottle in front of a heat lamp, on open terrain under the sun there is not only convection which is not there in the lab-bottle, these photons also meet less hurdles going up and out into space because up and out the actual CO2 ppm gets lower and lower as the pressure drops with each foot of altitude.
That`s why "climatologists" prefer to use "molar ppm" that stays the same no matter what the altitude...on top of that they subtract H2O vapor which makes the molar ppm even higher than what it would be if they would not use air with zero humidity as they do with their "moisture corrections".
That`s how they got to their "energy budget" and that`s why they got "missing heat" after an entire decade with more probes where there haven`t been any before.
Even terms like "correction" have been bastardized by these bastards.
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I think he's a Vietnamese immigrant to Finland....
His avatar does suggest that, doesn`t it ?

A bell Huey has 2 blades on the tail rotor not 3
A Vietnamese would at least know what kind of Helicopters were used to evacuate the Saigon embassy:

Especially a Journalist
If he is indeed in Finland then he got his PC in a thrift-shop for a buck after a tourist dumped it. Because with an English default keyboard layout it would be useless for a Fin in Finland.
I got lot`s of friends from Europe visiting me in Canada and let them use my PC so they can stay in touch with relatives in France, Germany etc. via e-mail. Many times it does not work because the special characters that they have on their keyboards don`t exist on a standard USA/Canada keyboard.
And it`s a bitch to do "Start=>Programs=>Accessories=>System Tools=>Character map" etc just to be able to write ä, é , ö , or even tell somebody back in the old country how much something costs in €,...because all we have is the $ ASCII on our keyboards
It can get really confusing for a German in Germany to read what another German in the U.S. or Canada is trying to say.
For ä, ö etc I have to write "ae" "oe" and the "ß" I have to substitute with "ss" ...we have words with "s" ,"ss" and and "ß" like "Schloss" or "Schloß"
one is a padlock the other a castle. Then we have "das" ,"dass" and "daß" so unless you got the country specific keyboard you can`t even spell correctly and the grammar gets .a.f`d. up

How could a "Journalist living in Finland", as he claims he is, possibly make a living writing on a keyboard without these ASCII keys ???

But Saigon is definitely not posting from a PC in Finland.
He almost got me banned from this forum when his own IP stared at him after I planted a funky java script inside a .jpg file
He even started a thread and posted:
"Warning, polarbear collects IP`s from forum members"...as if a retired engineer, busy raising 3 grand children would have nothing better to do
Also all his posts are made during the wrong time frame. He is not posting from Finland or any country in that time zone.
I think SSDD nailed it..."Saigon" is an unemployed farmhand in Mississippi, I think he is a refugee in the U.S. sucking up to Democrats so that he can get his green card without the usual process.
The name of this thread is "nasa top global warming nut admits warming has stopped"...shit happens, he did indeed admit just that and so did almost all Met offices that warming has stalled for a whole decade now..
Now they are baffled where all "the missing heat" went that the rise in CO2 should have caused.
It`s not showing in the atmosphere and can`t be found in the oceans either...with 3255 Argo buoys that sample down to 2000 meters depth since 2002.
Their latest theory is that all 3255 buoys are in error and that all the data they gathered needs "re-adjustment"
Phänomen "fehlende Wärme": Klimaforscher rätseln über Meereskälte - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Phänomen "fehlende Wärme": Klimaforscher rätseln über Meereskälte
(phenomenon "missing heat". Colder oceans baffle climate researchers)

But it will be a cold day in hell before the usual warmist liars in this forum admit they lied despite all the evidence you got that they lied.
They start cursing you and then disappear and re-appear under a new user name and just keep on going....Like "UnderRoll" a.k.a. "RollingThunder" wo calls everybody who does not agree with his CO2 psychosis "a fucking retard"
He even admitted that he got banned from other forums and came back here because we let him
Or like "Poophead" the "physicist" who kept spelling it "physisist"..

He used "microwavable frogs" that he pops in his microwave oven as an example how long wave radiation is converted into heat to "explain" how CO2 absorbs "heat"
I haven`t seen hide or hair from him since Christmas after he was confronted with a few facts anybody who studied physics/thermodynaics should have known.

The helicopter in his avi is a MI-8 Hip. I think he lives in his moms basement in Queens. He doesn't know shit from shinola.
Westwall -

I am sure we all recognise Wiki's weaknesses, but it is very quick for posting on forums, and it gives good overviews for people who only want to spend 30 seconds checking something out.

I use it a lot here because the standards of literacy and intelligence are so low that anything much harder won't work!
I think he's a Vietnamese immigrant to Finland....

Viet Namese?

Well, I give you points for originality!!

There are around 5,000 Viet Namese people here, most of whom came in the 1970's - and they are great people. I love Viet Nam and have been there a few times, but no - I'm not Viet Namese.

Below are the intials of some famous sportspeople from Finland. name them and their sport. I can do it quite easily without looking them up in google or wiki or anything because unlike you I haver a brain...so here they are you have 3 minutes...


Below are the intials of some famous sportspeople from Finland. name them and their sport. I can do it quite easily without looking them up in google or wiki or anything because unlike you I haver a brain...so here they are you have 3 minutes...




To think - you used to boast about how you were a science expert, and now this is what you are reduced to!
Below are the intials of some famous sportspeople from Finland. name them and their sport. I can do it quite easily without looking them up in google or wiki or anything because unlike you I haver a brain...so here they are you have 3 minutes...




To think - you used to boast about how you were a science expert, and now this is what you are reduced to!

Not at all mr. basement dweller. EVRY FINN knows who these people are. Everyone. How come you don't? Oh, that's right you're NOT FINNISH!

What a bafoon you are, I mean really. You're a priceless numbskull!!
Wailing Wall -

There is a big difference between my not knowing my Teemu Pulkki from my Valterri Bottas - and my needing to prove it to you.

Obviously I can prove that I'm Finnish anytime - but you guys can make up any nutty stories you like. I don't mind.
Wailing Wall -

There is a big difference between my not knowing my Teemu Pulkki from my Valterri Bottas - and my needing to prove it to you.

Obviously I can prove that I'm Finnish anytime - but you guys can make up any nutty stories you like. I don't mind.

No, it's allready proven that you live in Queens in your moms basement. A Finn you are not. They are educated and clearly you aren't.

Thanks for playing, now run along junior, your playmates are calling for you.
Westwall -

Ha! Well, I may not be as educated as some - but at least I speak my third language better than you speak your first.

The thing is, Wall, the absolute and utter desperation you guys show on these threads is not difficult to spot. It's no surprise to me you are reduced to pretending that I'm not Finnish - even though it's obvious to anyone who reads these threads that I speak Finnish and quite often post things about Finland no one else would be likely to know.

Of course I understand it's embarassing that you claim to know New Zealand well, but didn't know the country is caught in the grip of the worst drought for 30 years - the severity and frequency of droughts being a key factor in NZ climate change. Ditto the fact that the major glaciers have all retreated massively during the past century, the sea levels have risen, temperatures risen, and even the now frequent appearance of 'Happy Feet' penguins is a clear indicator of climate change in Kiwiland. If you don't know your Hokianga from your Kaipara or your paua from your kina you shouldn't have chosen NZ as a topic!
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