NASCAR hoaxer Bubba Wallace booed when introduced, cheers when he crashes

You make a lot of money on that night??? :poke: Only time I was in the infield, I was so bombed and tired -- I fell asleep on the grass for most of the race... Didn't think that would ever be possible..
I made *some* money, and a lot of memories... I likely could have made like three or four times the amount I did, but at least half those logs weren't paid for with cash. I got alcohol, I got good food... I got... Well... Lets just say I wish back then today's cell phones existed.

Hell... My internal voice or censor so to speak has always been a little faulty. I've never been a shy person, but I'm definitely a introvert. But with a couple beers in me the filter isn't there anymore. I'm like sixteen and the guy I was with, who's name I can't remember he was the son of one of my dads friends, was eighteen... He's done this many times with his family, and couldn't believe the stupid shit I was getting away with. Tits, tits, everywhere.

I hit on this guys wife, respectfully mind you I was sitting at his fire, thinking it was his daughter. He notified me fairly quick that it was his wife, and the guy I was with was thinking of running... He later told me there was a tone that I didn't pick up on ... Because my response was "holy shit man, you hit the jack pot. How did you pull that off?" I don't remember what he said, but his wife ( who was actually about 15 years older than I thought she was ) disappeared for about 15 minutes while her husband and his brother and I talked, and got HER DAUGHTER who is like a year younger than me, and basically threw her at me.

I mean she took after mother... Oh my god she took after momma. She's a looker. Now I was pretty sure right away that it was her daughter mind you, after finding out how bad I fucked up her age to begin with... But I asked anyway. Because... Filter is fuck'n broke. I'm not thinking, just talking. And the daughter didn't *look* like she was happy being taken away from wherever it was she came from. So my first words directly toward the daughter is "my god you are going to age well"... and... I tried for something about wine aging getting better or... Something... I fucked it all up... But instead of one happy mother now, I got a happy daughter as well, because evidently not having a coherent thought and stumbling over oneself is endearing to some people.


I spent several hours there at their little spot. It was damn near midnight when I met them... Oh the memories of that night... I hope I go to bed and dream about it.
Bubba Wallace is a crybaby and a phony!

I've always thought he was a nice guy. I believe he got caught up in something above his head. He didn't discover the noose, it was one of his crew who reported it to NASCAR. My guess is that he got swept up by some more radical in his crew.

The noose was there for over a year. Apparently a crew member had too much time on his hands and tied that particular knot to make it easier to grab the rope for the door.

Thus far, it appears that George Soros, BLM, and the other terrorist groups leading the local Democrats along by the nose!

I love it!!! Thinking it was a noose is a natural reaction, but be a man and admit you were wrong. He didn't, instead he doubles down calling it a "straight up noose." We had photographic evidence the fucking thing had been there since at least October of last year, long before Wallace was in that garage stall. So he had no reason not to apologize to NASCAR fans.

When introduced fans booed him. When he crashed 17 laps into the race, they cheered. LOL

Now he's the most hated driver in NASCAR.

Nice. Hopefully someone on his crew left his lug nuts loose too.
You saying his audience is racist? That the sport can't tolerate women or minorities? I'm LIVID mad at NASCAR for doing the virtue groveling thing. THAT'S who needs to be booed...

That's not what I said or my intention at all FCT... My opinion in the beginning it was all about PR... First NASCAR phucked up and I think we agree on that... Then Bubba acted like a petulant child... It would have probably all blown over given time but now he screwed up with Michael McDowell at Bristol... He made his bed...

Willie T Ribbs
Wendell Scott

Bubba wasn't the first and if NASCAR doesn't dry up and blow away he won't be the last...
Bubba's been around NASCAR for 12 to 15 years... You would think he would know his audience better...

Edit: 10 years...

I don't follow NASCAR but I had heard he isn't very good. He hasn't really won, right? So, he was likely trying to follow in kapernick's footsteps to use race hustling to make up for his lack of racing success....
I don't follow NASCAR but I had heard he isn't very good. He hasn't really won, right? So, he was likely trying to follow in kapernick's footsteps to use race hustling to make up for his lack of racing success....

I raced motorcycles for years and love all manner of racing.

Bubba Wallace wasn't in the top tier in the Cup Series (NASCAR'S top level) but he was certainly in the second tier and ahead of those in the lower series, Xfinity, Trucks, ARCA and others.

I just think he got wound up by others. Probably, one of his crew grossly overreacted and it went through the garage like a wildfire. All of a sudden he was in front of cameras and every one of them have massive egos.

The rest is history.
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I raced motorcycles for years and love all manner of racing.

Bubba Wallace wasn't in the top tier in the Cup Series (NASCAR'S top level) but he was certainly in the second tier and ahead of those in the lower series, Xfinity, Trucks, ARCA and others.

But he isn't one of the best..right? Kapernick played in the NFL so he was better than a college level player but he wasn't that successful...until he went into the race hustling business....that is a very lucrative field...
If the fans really wanted to show their contempt for the gentleman, they should have used the oldest gesture in the world to express their attitude: absolute silence.

I love it!!! Thinking it was a noose is a natural reaction, but be a man and admit you were wrong. He didn't, instead he doubles down calling it a "straight up noose." We had photographic evidence the fucking thing had been there since at least October of last year, long before Wallace was in that garage stall. So he had no reason not to apologize to NASCAR fans.

When introduced fans booed him. When he crashed 17 laps into the race, they cheered. LOL

Now he's the most hated driver in NASCAR.
It was a noose
Even NASCAR admits it
Bubba Wallace is a crybaby and a phony!

I've always thought he was a nice guy. I believe he got caught up in something above his head. He didn't discover the noose, it was one of his crew who reported it to NASCAR. My guess is that he got swept up by some more radical in his crew.

The noose was there for over a year. Apparently a crew member had too much time on his hands and tied that particular knot to make it easier to grab the rope for the door.

Thus far, it appears that George Soros, BLM, and the other terrorist groups leading the local Democrats along by the nose!
I said this before and this is with a lot of people. There are many issues where there are people in the middle. Peer pressure can be painful. And yet rewarding whether it is right or wrong because it makes a person insulated. But staying in the middle being pushed and tugged can be miserable.

I love it!!! Thinking it was a noose is a natural reaction, but be a man and admit you were wrong. He didn't, instead he doubles down calling it a "straight up noose." We had photographic evidence the fucking thing had been there since at least October of last year, long before Wallace was in that garage stall. So he had no reason not to apologize to NASCAR fans.

When introduced fans booed him. When he crashed 17 laps into the race, they cheered. LOL

Now he's the most hated driver in NASCAR.
It was a noose
Even NASCAR admits it

Yeah, but wasn’t the noose in the garage years before Wallace moved into it? If so I don’t understand how he could play the victim
Mr. Wallace made a huge scene to try and destroy NASCAR as "racist" with his phony "noosegate " scam. Further, he brought in the taxpayer funded FBI to spend countless millions "investigating" the phony story.

Wallace is racing's answer to Jessie Smollett- pulling racial scams for big money. Remember Smollett did his to push his profile and salary higher. Wallace apparently did it to help him get endorsements.
Unfortunately the lying and racist sack of shit is laughing all the way to the bank.

Some racist and oppressive country this huh? Fake a hate crime as a black man and make millions!!!

Sounds like black privilege...
Bubba's been around NASCAR for 12 to 15 years... You would think he would know his audience better...

Edit: 10 years...
But for those years he did not do squat, so he followed Colin Kaepernick's lead when he failed as a quarterback he became a race baiter

I love it!!! Thinking it was a noose is a natural reaction, but be a man and admit you were wrong. He didn't, instead he doubles down calling it a "straight up noose." We had photographic evidence the fucking thing had been there since at least October of last year, long before Wallace was in that garage stall. So he had no reason not to apologize to NASCAR fans.

When introduced fans booed him. When he crashed 17 laps into the race, they cheered. LOL

Now he's the most hated driver in NASCAR.
It was a noose
Even NASCAR admits it

A type of knot. the intent of this knot was to give someone a handle to open and close a garage door, not to intimidate anyone.

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