Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

That reminds me. Those 'queers' COULD have found another shop that would have been more than happy to accomodate...but that was not the goal. The goal was to make this guy an example to christians and conservatives that they'd better knuckle under to the Gay and Trans Terrorists or be ruined. And activist judges went along with it, misinterpreting the law, to give them their way. Bible indicates that judges are going to be judged more harshly than the rest of us because God put them in that position and they better dispense justice, not favoritism.


That reminds me. Those 'queers' COULD have found another shop that would have been more than happy to accomodate...but that was not the goal. The goal was to make this guy an example to christians and conservatives that they'd better knuckle under to the Gay and Trans Terrorists or be ruined. And activist judges went along with it, misinterpreting the law, to give them their way. Bible indicates that judges are going to be judged more harshly than the rest of us because God put them in that position and they better dispense justice, not favoritism.

And they cry and stamp their little feet when we talk about divorce.

That maybe is one of the stupidest post today. Tell us about those endless laws they have passed to restrict bills that have failed.

Look at all of the laws which did pass, including the Clintonian Assault Weapon ban which was in effect for 10 long years.

Didn't end violence at all.

These kinds of laws haven't helped in other countries either. Countries like Mexico, Congo and El Salvador have highly restricted gun laws and sky high crime. Although El Salvador under their tremendous Presidente , Senor Bukele, seems to be making progress with his plan to lock up gang members in his new ultramodern 21st century Penitentiary.
Actually, what I recall about the bible is that Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me."

So the homophobic bakers are going to have some 'splaining to do when they get to the imaginary afterlife.

Now, in the case of these bakers... there's a law. It was explained to them what the law was.
Oh brother! The key word in the verse you quoted is "brothers." Folks who deny Christ and embrace their sin are not "brothers."

And they cry and stamp their little feet when we talk about divorce.

This is what that reminds me of. Say there is a conservative board and leftists decide to take it over. And they are the conservatives decide they 're leaving. Some take off so the lib mods on the board, instead of being glad...the liberal mods harass them, ridicule them, follow them and make their lives untenable. The liberal mods need the's like the nazi guards making sure the jews didn't escape. The left isn't happy unless they make their opposition miserable. It's not enough to win. They want to rub salt into the wounds as long as they can.

same with national divorce. The left separates itself when it wants but it is the left's opinion that the right cannot do that. The left doesn't like the right but they can't do without them.The right on the other hand, can and will do just fine without mini tyrants.
I agree, you getting your underwear pulled up in an atomic wedgie probably isn't worth it to you.

Actually, Gender Identification probably isn't a choice. You have cis-gender and transgender.

Religion is specifically protected and spelled out in the law. So is veteran status.

Political affiliation is not.

Naw, insults are fun... when directed at people who deserve them.

Yup. They have to follow the law, just like I do.

I agree, you getting your underwear pulled up in an atomic wedgie probably isn't worth it to you.

No, there just no point in trying to discuss anything with someone who believes that any form of disagreement makes them guilty of the thing they are arguing about.
We aren't the ones burning down cities
Neither are we... but never mind. Here's a better question... why does it take burning down a city to get you guys to do the right thing?
Actually, history is replete with examples. Why would you not count McCarthyism? Were you a fan?
Not really a fan, we spent a week banning commies and 70 years apologizing for it.
But asking a Christian baker to make a cake for a gay wedding, knowing that they oppose it, isn't fucking with people?
Okay, here's the thing.

The couple that sued Philips in CO didn't know he was a homophobe. They went to his store in good faith and were rejected.
The couple that sued the Kleins in Oregon were actually INVITED by Melissa Klein to use their store, but when they showed up for a cake tasting, her husband started screaming homophobic bible verses at them. The Klein's then doxxed them on social media after they made their complaint, and they got death threats, which is why Oregon fined them as heavily as they did.
No, there just no point in trying to discuss anything with someone who believes that any form of disagreement makes them guilty of the thing they are arguing about.

Because all your disagreements are rooted in that thing, that's the thing.
I'm sorry my exposing your homophobia and transphobia makes you uncomfortable....

But I am here to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted!
Seeing the end to evil people makes me very happy. Weren't you glad when Jeffery Dahmer received justice? That's how I will feel when all evil is destroyed. Happy indeed.

Going to prison for what he did is justice.
Being murdered in prison by a fellow murderer is not.

The tragedy of Dahmner is that racist cops ignored pleas from the community that there was something seriously wrong there. Several murders COULD have been prevented had the police taken more serious action. In one case, they actually returned a 14 year old boy to Dahmner's custody (who was subsequently murdered.)

But back to the point, you seem to want your imaginary sky friend to murder people who don't share your values... that seem "harsh".

Oh brother! The key word in the verse you quoted is "brothers." Folks who deny Christ and embrace their sin are not "brothers."

Wow, I always find it amazing that so many Christians miss Jesus' point.
Okay, here's the thing.

The couple that sued Philips in CO didn't know he was a homophobe. They went to his store in good faith and were rejected.
Yes , of course. It's, always, different when you do it.
Yes , of course. It's, always, different when you do it.
Well, I didn't personally do anything.

The people who did do something ONLY excercised their option under the law in their states, after they encountered the discrimination they hadn't planned on.

As opposed to the guy wearing the MAGA hat who was told to get the fuck out of the store. .
That reminds me. Those 'queers' COULD have found another shop that would have been more than happy to accomodate...but that was not the goal. The goal was to make this guy an example to christians and conservatives that they'd better knuckle under to the Gay and Trans Terrorists or be ruined. And activist judges went along with it, misinterpreting the law, to give them their way. Bible indicates that judges are going to be judged more harshly than the rest of us because God put them in that position and they better dispense justice, not favoritism.
Correct. He was targeted. The goal is submission.
Neither are we... but never mind. Here's a better question... why does it take burning down a city to get you guys to do the right thing?
Yeah you are. Step out of your fantasy world.

Using your logic someone could ask, why should some have to riot at the Capitol to get you guys to stop cheating
That's not how the Constitution works. The Constitution says what the government can do, not what businesses can or can't do.

Really? Do you think before you post?

Yes, the Constitution says what the FEDERAL government can and can not do. The Federal Government can only regulate inter-state commerce.

But the Constitution also say that any powers not granted to the federal government are the responsibility of the individual states.

The State governments have the power to regulate commerce within their states. Each State has it's own Constitution - none of which say that there is an inalienable right to do business. Every State regulates business.

States have their own courts that determine if a State Law violates the State Constitution.

Geez! You make me feel like I'm teaching a 3rd grader!

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