Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

Hahaha. It was a bad business decision by both the flower shop and the baker. Republicans and Democrats can be refused. Political Parties are not a protected class federally or in any state, I don't believe.
I stay away from any right wing business if they stick their political nose out there to get chopped off. In 2023 there literally is nothing that the right offers for this country to make it a better place, in fact They offer the opposite. They bring down everything they go after with hate and they are driven by hate . They offer a more ugly hateful cruel way in every aspect of their positions,
America has passed thousands of Draconian style gun laws over the past 50 years, and to no avail.

Just last year, Sleepy Joe made a big deal about signing Gun Control.

Insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.
That maybe is one of the stupidest post today. Tell us about those endless laws they have passed to restrict bills that have failed.
Sure. How do you know? Let’s try and see what happens. Worse case kids still die but we tried.
Yes .. let's infringe on American rights so we can say we tried. What an absurd idea in the name of another prohibition that will be just as successful as the last 2 government attempts .... and it won't solve the underlying problem we continue to see with mass shooters.
I'll give you the definition of a wimp.
Not really interested in your definitions. If you can't break out of the two party death spiral, or don't want to. That's on you.
Someone who attacks both parties, they do it so they can't get backed into a corner , they will just attack both sides , that is a wimp. You want to make a fool out of them, just ask them what they want from a party then. This is the answer, you will get a list of every possible happy meal ideas that they are suggesting neither party does . But here is what they miss , one of those parties I guaranty does a better job of their happy meals list then the other party. They think they are making a point, what they are doing is showing that they have no point. These people are wimps also.
Lesser of two evils doesn't work on me.
Damn I was hoping for a baker who refused to bake a Trumpybear cake.

Oh well, can't have everything.

That said. Hahahahaha.

Political association is not a protected class.

I hear Gym is going to investigate and issue some new subpoenies.

That being said. The florist is in business to make a profit, right? Stupid business decision.

Beam me up......

"Subpoenies"? Is that a new kind of flowering perennial shrub?

Oh gosh. Now what are we gonna do? I think I'll go in looking like a drag queen; buy some flowers; then whip out a MAGA hat at the last minute. Gotcha Sucka!
Wow... maybe you should go back to drinking, you'd have more fun.

I'm not going to chase you around the denial bush. Several of the protected classes aren't "immutable", so that's clearly not a criteria. But you go on pretending.

In any case, why do you think it matters? Why do you think it's ok discriminate against people for mutable traits, but not immutable traits?

Also, why just a few immutable traits? Why some and not others?

Because some mutable traits have a history of discrimination. Clearly, you don't want to have discrimination against Catholic or Jews, which has actually been a thing that happened in this country. Heck, even the Mormons, who were chased out of four states before they settled in Utah. But you can't just single all of them out, so very sensibly you make ALL religions protected. Not that the WASPs are going to ever encounter discrimination.

Same thing with gays and trans. There's a history of discrimination against them, thus why they need protection.

For Political affiliation- well, not really a long history of that, unless you count McCarthyism. So if you walk into a Democratic Florist wearing your MAGA hat, you probably are just there to fuck with people.

That's not how the Constitution works. The Constitution says what the government can do, not what businesses can or can't do.

The constitution also allows government to regulate business through the Commerce Clause, Article 1, Section 8. You can also argue that states have the right to set Public Accommodation laws under the Tenth Amendment. I should point out that while CO and OR have PA laws that cover gay and trans people, TN does not.
You should have said the same exact thing to the queers who sued the Christian baker.
That reminds me. Those 'queers' COULD have found another shop that would have been more than happy to accomodate...but that was not the goal. The goal was to make this guy an example to christians and conservatives that they'd better knuckle under to the Gay and Trans Terrorists or be ruined. And activist judges went along with it, misinterpreting the law, to give them their way. Bible indicates that judges are going to be judged more harshly than the rest of us because God put them in that position and they better dispense justice, not favoritism.
This is the shop if any conservatives want to give them a call, a yelp rating, etc

FLWR Shop in Belle Meade, Tennessee

That reminds me. Those 'queers' COULD have found another shop that would have been more than happy to accomodate...but that was not the goal. The goal was to make this guy an example to christians and conservatives that they'd better knuckle under to the Gay and Trans Terrorists or be ruined. And activist judges went along with it, misinterpreting the law, to give them their way. Bible indicates that judges are going to be judged more harshly than the rest of us because God put them in that position and they better dispense justice, not favoritism.

Actually, what I recall about the bible is that Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me."

So the homophobic bakers are going to have some 'splaining to do when they get to the imaginary afterlife.

Now, in the case of these bakers... there's a law. It was explained to them what the law was.
For Political affiliation- well, not really a long history of that, unless you count McCarthyism.
Actually, history is replete with examples. Why would you not count McCarthyism? Were you a fan?
So if you walk into a Democratic Florist wearing your MAGA hat, you probably are just there to fuck with people.
But asking a Christian baker to make a cake for a gay wedding, knowing that they oppose it, isn't fucking with people?

The hypocrisy around here stinks to high heaven.

All together now, "It's different when we do it!!"
Really, because you seem pretty angry and miserable... People who hope for the end of the world so they can get even with the "sinners" aren't happy people.
Seeing the end to evil people makes me very happy. Weren't you glad when Jeffery Dahmer received justice? That's how I will feel when all evil is destroyed. Happy indeed.
Actually, what I recall about the bible is that Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me."

So the homophobic bakers are going to have some 'splaining to do when they get to the imaginary afterlife.

Now, in the case of these bakers... there's a law. It was explained to them what the law was.
They aren't brothers. NO ONE should be forced to bake a cake for anyone. Now if there were cakes in there that the queers would be happy with i'm sure the baker would have been happy to sell THAT to them. BUT TO MAKE THEM BAKE A CAKE SPECIFICALLY and put something on it that THEY DO NOT WANT TO DO is illegal.

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