Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

Bullshit , by far the most dangerous states are all right wing states , and that includes all crime. and no it isn't the democratic cities in these hate party states , if that was the case the main problem would be in democrat states with their democratic city's. There is not one thing that republican states have over democratic states , If you had a choicer you would be stupid to live in a red state , they are a disaster As FAR AS JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING IS CONCERNED , SO THAT MAKES YOU 100% WRONG.
You are friggin nuts seek help, California blue state, large blue cities horrible crime same with San Fransisco. My state Ohio red counties and cities are fine large blue cities run by Democraps horrible crime so how about you take your nonsense and shove it.
Name a state and I will name the city in that state that has been Democrat run for decades. Louisiana kinda seesaws between red and blue Right now a Democrat is the Governor and the murder capital of the US New Orleans hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1872.

The two biggest cities in Louisiana, Baton Rouge and New Orleans have been under total democrat party control for decades....
It was needed when the discrimination was systemic and local government mandated.
Government discrimination is an entirely different matter. Equal protection of the law is fundamental. The problem is that people confuse equal protection of the law with equal treatment in society. They're not the same thing.
We are past that point now but they keep coming up with new things to apply the outdated laws to.
Exactly. That's such a common pattern. Bad law begets more bad law.
To me the line in the sand is when you run a business that invites the public onto your property without reservations or permission.
That's the "public accommodations" line and I think it's arbitrary and weak. It's basically just a conceit cooked up by socialists as a "foot in the door" toward democratic control of the economy in general. They want anyone who dares to conduct trade to accept the government as their supervising "partner".
It depends on the State Laws.

States have a responsibility to to set standards for business practices - and businesses must conform to them.

If businesses don't like any particular law, they can support politicians who want to change the law. Chambers of Commerce usually have a lot of political clout.

Laws can't be unconstitutional. Ignoring free exercise, as well as freedom of speech and association is unconstitutional.
Government discrimination is an entirely different matter. Equal protection of the law is fundamental. The problem is that people confuse equal protection of the law with equal treatment in society. They're not the same thing.

Exactly. That's such a common pattern. Bad law begets more bad law.

That's the "public accommodations" line and I think it's arbitrary and weak. It's basically just a conceit cooked up by socialists as a "foot in the door" toward democratic control of the economy in general. They want anyone who dares to conduct trade to accept the government as their supervising "partner".

I disagree. some things are slippery slopes, others are the whole purpose of government in a society, setting the lines and enforcing the lines.
Right, you don't like the truth, just be honest with yourself!
Nothing is further away from "truth" than the two-party circle jerk. As far as I'm concerned, at this point, anyone who votes D or R is at best an idiot. At worst a traitor.
Nothing is further away from "truth" than the two-party circle jerk. As far as I'm concerned, at this point, anyone who votes D or R is at best an idiot. At worst a traitor.

That leaves you the choice of manning the barricades or impotently complaining without actually trying to change anything.
I disagree. some things are slippery slopes, others are the whole purpose of government in a society, setting the lines and enforcing the lines.
Yeah - well, we disagree on the purpose of government. And this is exactly why I call you a statist. You share the fundamental liberal premise that government is there to "run" society - to decide what constitutes a good society and force everyone to comply. I don't believe is there to manage society. It's there to preserve freedom, so we can manage it ourselves via voluntary collaboration. Government is the opposite of voluntary collaboration.
Nothing is further away from "truth" than the two-party circle jerk. As far as I'm concerned, at this point, anyone who votes D or R is at best an idiot. At worst a traitor.
I vote my values which means the Party that does not kill babies, and want to take my hard earned money, and give it to someone who won't work. I am not a huge fan of any politicians, I personally think they stir us up, and sit back and get rich, while laughing at us in the back rooms sipping brandy, and smoking cigars.
Yeah - well, we disagree on the purpose of government. And this is exactly why I call you a statist. You share the fundamental liberal premise that government is there to "run" society - to decide what constitutes a good society and force everyone to comply. I don't believe is there to manage society. It's there to preserve freedom, so we can manage it ourselves via voluntary collaboration. Government is the opposite of voluntary collaboration.

Setting the lines isn't running it.

Voluntary collaboration fails at the macro level, you see it in communes, you would see it in whatever Libertarian nightmare you would want to create. The common denominator is you can't eliminate the human condition of some people being assholes.
Setting the lines isn't running it.
Uh huh. Just like regulating isn't banning. Parse it however you like. It's unnecessary, intrusive government.
Voluntary collaboration fails at the macro level ...
It really doesn't. It's how we handle the vast majority of social problems. For now at least. Some people thing government should be the "decider" in pretty much every situation.
No, there isn't, and any other viewpoint is just deluding yourself about it.
Stay the course! Vote for Ds and Rs no matter how fucking bad they are! It's your patriotic duty!

The stupidity of this viewpoint, combined with the stubborn resolve of those who hold it, is absolutely stunning.
How would your perfect society actually work?
Just fine.
Uh huh. Just like regulating isn't banning. Parse it however you like. It's unnecessary, intrusive government.

It really doesn't. It's how we handle the vast majority of social problems. For now at least. Some people thing government should be the "decider" in pretty much every situation.

That's micro scale, not macro.

It's why kibbutzs can sometimes work and communism always fails.
Stay the course! Vote for Ds and Rs no matter how fucking bad they are! It's your patriotic duty!

The stupidity of this viewpoint, combined with the stubborn resolve of those who hold it, is absolutely stunning.

Just fine.

It's called reality. Unless you want to overthrow the binary system, you work within the binary system.

So you have no idea how your government-less society would work, just that it would be awesome...

Fucking academic. It's the Heisenberg Compensator dodge from Star Trek TNG.
The baker knew the couple and would sell them anything off the shelf. But would not bake them the specific cake they wanted. He got sued, but we are seeing liberal run businesses refusing service to conservatives. You're a hypocrite.
Hahaha. It was a bad business decision by both the flower shop and the baker. Republicans and Democrats can be refused. Political Parties are not a protected class federally or in any state, I don't believe.

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