Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.

Hahaha. It was a bad business decision by both the flower shop and the baker. Republicans and Democrats can be refused. Political Parties are not a protected class federally or in any state, I don't believe.

Political viewpoints are.

Honestly there has to be everyone protected or nobody protected. Getting to pick and choose what is a protected class is too open for abuse.
Political viewpoints are.

Honestly there has to be everyone protected or nobody protected. Getting to pick and choose what is a protected class is too open for abuse.

Honestly, protection should be limited to essential services. Flowers and Wedding Cakes don't qualify imo.
Honestly, protection should be limited to essential services. Flowers and Wedding Cakes don't qualify imo.

I put the line at actual Public Accommodations, point of sale items. Only contracted services for certain events to me don't apply to the whole "everything sold makes it a PA" mantra the left wants.
So you have no idea how your government-less society would work, just that it would be awesome...
:rolleyes: Libertarians don't want a "government-less" society.

See, that's why I didn't bother getting into it. I'd be up against all your pre-conceived notions, and there's just too many to wade through.
Fucking academic. It's the Heisenberg Compensator dodge from Star Trek TNG.

Just stay the course. Don't ever bail on the Ds and Rs! They truly love you.
:rolleyes: Libertarians don't want a "government-less" society.

See, that's why I didn't bother getting into it. I'd be up against all your pre-conceived notions, and there's just too many to wade through.


Just stay the course. Don't ever bail on the Ds and Rs! They truly love you.

then state your plan, or stop wasting everyone's time.
then state your plan, or stop wasting everyone's time.
I don't have a plan for "government-less" society. That was your invention. My plan is keep government out of deciding social issues, and focused on protect individual rights instead.
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Had help from weak gun laws and those how push them.
No law would have stopped this killer tranny, did any of the gun laws we have now do anything? Restricting law abiding gun owners will not do one thing, except infringe on law abiding citizens 2nd amendment rights
Yeah, not going to go there with you joe, we’ve been here recently, it’s not worth it.
I agree, you getting your underwear pulled up in an atomic wedgie probably isn't worth it to you.
Why does that make a difference?

Even if it did, is religion a choice? Veteran status? And, these days, gender is a choice, right? Yet these are "protected classes". Why not political affiliation? Shouldn't business owners be required treat everyone equally? Or are some more equal than others?

Actually, Gender Identification probably isn't a choice. You have cis-gender and transgender.

Religion is specifically protected and spelled out in the law. So is veteran status.

Political affiliation is not.

Of course. Insults are your go-to when you have a weak argument. Why do you think your argument is weak? Maybe it's just that your position is wrong?
Naw, insults are fun... when directed at people who deserve them.

This is a tired conceit, with no more justification than - "They won't do what I want so I'm gonna sick the government on them". "They're not people!", "They chose to open a business, so now they are beholden to the state and must do as they are told"
Yup. They have to follow the law, just like I do.
I don’t know if it’s discrimination but it sounds like a dumb business strategy but if they can afford to take the loss in income and stay afloat so be it.
Yeah. Selling flowers in Tennessee's gotta be pretty lucrative. Hahaha
Laws can't be unconstitutional. Ignoring free exercise, as well as freedom of speech and association is unconstitutional.

Obviously, unconstitutional laws will be struck down. Where does the Constitution say that businesses can do whatever they want (or don't want)?
Actually, Gender Identification probably isn't a choice. You have cis-gender and transgender.
I'm not going to chase you around the denial bush. Several of the protected classes aren't "immutable", so that's clearly not a criteria. But you go on pretending.

In any case, why do you think it matters? Why do you think it's ok discriminate against people for mutable traits, but not immutable traits?

Also, why just a few immutable traits? Why some and not others?
Naw, insults are fun... when directed at people who deserve them.
Sure, but if it's all you got, you're just jerking off.
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Obviously, unconstitutional laws will be struck down. Where does the Constitution say that businesses can do whatever they want (or don't want)?
That's not how the Constitution works. The Constitution says what the government can do, not what businesses can or can't do.
No law would have stopped this killer tranny, did any of the gun laws we have now do anything? Restricting law abiding gun owners will not do one thing, except infringe on law abiding citizens 2nd amendment rights
Sure. How do you know? Let’s try and see what happens. Worse case kids still die but we tried.
Sure. How do you know? Let’s try and see what happens. Worse case kids still die but we tried.

America has passed thousands of Draconian style gun laws over the past 50 years, and to no avail.

Just last year, Sleepy Joe made a big deal about signing Gun Control.

Insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.
Nothing is further away from "truth" than the two-party circle jerk. As far as I'm concerned, at this point, anyone who votes D or R is at best an idiot. At worst a traitor.
I'll give you the definition of a wimp. Someone who attacks both parties, they do it so they can't get backed into a corner , they will just attack both sides , that is a wimp. You want to make a fool out of them, just ask them what they want from a party then. This is the answer, you will get a list of every possible happy meal ideas that they are suggesting neither party does . But here is what they miss , one of those parties I guaranty does a better job of their happy meals list then the other party. They think they are making a point, what they are doing is showing that they have no point. These people are wimps also.

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