Nashville Flower Shop Refuses Business with Republicans.


Here's TN's Public Accommodation Law.

It is illegal for a place of public accommodations to refuse or deny the full and equal enjoyment of goods, facilities and accommodations based on Age (40+), Color, Creed, National Origin, Race, Religion and Sex. The law applies to any business, accommodation, refreshment, entertainment, recreation or transportation facility, licensed or not, whose goods, services, facilities and privileges are extended, offered, sold or otherwise made available to the public.

This law includes prohibitions on publishing, circulation or displaying any material that communicates that any person is unwelcome on the basis of unlawful discrimination.
Yep. You have to be on the protected classes gravy-train to get these special "rights".
It is. Do you think it should be illegal?
Of course.
Yup, I wouldn’t shop there .. likely there would be lousy service and overpriced flowers..
The left ruined a bakery shop owner and tried to put him in jail for refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual couple on religious grounds. A Nashville flower shop apparently gets away with refusing to deal with republicans (how would they know?) because republicans defend the 2nd Amendment.
Isn't this some kind of discrimination?

I believe places like that bakery that didn't want to make a cake for faggots shouldn't have to. So if a business doesn't want to service republicans then I can't complain because I'm not a hypocrite.
Republicans don't need flowers to send to families of those slaughtered by gun violence. They've got thoughts and prayers.
Of course if we just execute those that commit gun crimes soon there wouldnt be repeat offenders....

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