Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail. If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).

Hopefully next time she catches a bullet, no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!

That's a pretty harsh sentence for being a confused young woman.

Death to ALL fascist ANTIFA pigs, all 5th columnist traitors to western civilization can get it too!

"Death to ALL" who hold opinions you oppose? Seem down right creepy to me. Who or what has made you into the evil doer you've become?

BTW, I looked up ANTIFA, maybe you ought to too:

Urban Dictionary: antifa

op Definition. Antifa. Short for (militant) anti-fascists. Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don't like nationalists or fascists.

First I've seen the term today, seems to contradict this phrase you posted, to wit: "no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!"

If the term has a different meaning maybe you could explain and define it, along with my other question related to your pathological hate.
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail. If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).

Hopefully next time she catches a bullet, no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!

That's a pretty harsh sentence for being a confused young woman.

Death to ALL fascist ANTIFA pigs, all 5th columnist traitors to western civilization can get it too!

"Death to ALL" who hold opinions you oppose? Seem down right creepy to me. Who or what has made you into the evil doer you've become?

BTW, I looked up ANTIFA, maybe you ought to too:

Urban Dictionary: antifa

op Definition. Antifa. Short for (militant) anti-fascists. Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don't like nationalists or fascists.

First I've seen the term today, seems to contradict this phrase you posted, to wit: "no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!"

If the term has a different meaning maybe you could explain and define it, along with my other question related to your pathological hate.

Anitifa= Soros youth goon squad.

That's the reality of it.
She swung at him first, clearly self defense on his part.

LMAO. In your tiny hypocritical and lying mind that is a use of reasonable force. He's a coward, like Trump and most of his supporters. A sucker punch on another man is cowardice, on a women it is an example of a cowardly bully.
Misogynist much? Why would a sucker punch on a woman be any different than a sucker punch on a man? Seriously? Are you implying that a woman is less capable of dealing with a defensive punch than a man would be?
It's cowardly to go after someone smaller and weaker than you are. Nathan, like all Nazi bullies, is a spineless coward who chose to go after a woman then fade back into the crowd. If he was proud of what he did, why hasn't he come forth and said so?

That said, if you're going to confront fucking Nazi scumbags, you should be smart enough to know they'll lie, cheat, suckerpunch and do other things fucking Nazi scumbags do. You know, much like the LWLs on this forum. :)
Again, Reuters took a picture of her attacking Nathan Damigo first with a large liquor bottle in her right hand. He took action and neutralized the attacker in swift fashion.

Look in her right hand!
The still has the bottle in her hand, the video does not. Explain that!
She attacked him first and dropped the bottle. She lost her hat in the process too.

Here she is seen prior to attacking Nathan Damigo. Her hat is on and her facemask is pulled up and she's got the bottle in her hand. Reports are coming out that she threw several bottles at some people earlier in the day including M80 fire crackers.

They (ANTIFA) started throwing "bombs" at the crowd of free speechers who were minding their own business. At that point you have a riot, and ANTIFI (including this poor idiot girl) were the antagonists. What do the laws say about starting a riot in California? In Alaska he would be considered as "assisting the police" heh
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail. If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).

Hopefully next time she catches a bullet, no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!

That's a pretty harsh sentence for being a confused young woman.

Death to ALL fascist ANTIFA pigs, all 5th columnist traitors to western civilization can get it too!

"Death to ALL" who hold opinions you oppose? Seem down right creepy to me. Who or what has made you into the evil doer you've become?

BTW, I looked up ANTIFA, maybe you ought to too:

Urban Dictionary: antifa

op Definition. Antifa. Short for (militant) anti-fascists. Middle-class champagne socialist/communist/anarchist white boys who don't like nationalists or fascists.

First I've seen the term today, seems to contradict this phrase you posted, to wit: "no mercy for fascist antifa pigs!"

If the term has a different meaning maybe you could explain and define it, along with my other question related to your pathological hate.

The meaning is it's time to start putting bullets in fascist antifa pigs, there is no debate here pal, we have her real name now, no more mask for that dead bitch.
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
The still has the bottle in her hand, the video does not. Explain that!
She attacked him first and dropped the bottle. She lost her hat in the process too.

Here she is seen prior to attacking Nathan Damigo. Her hat is on and her facemask is pulled up and she's got the bottle in her hand. Reports are coming out that she threw several bottles at some people earlier in the day including M80 fire crackers.

Let a jury figure it out. Either way, all fucking Nazis are scum. All Nazis and Commie bastards should be the first ones shot in the Zombie Apocalypse to cleanse the world of scumbags.
you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
The girl did not take a swing. The punk bully was charging her and she put her arm up in defense. The convicted armed robber and disgraced former Marine is a punk.
Someone calling himself gallantwarrior should not be critiquing avatar names.
Wrong, faggot. She took a swing.

Not in that video.
The still has the bottle in her hand, the video does not. Explain that!
She attacked him first and dropped the bottle. She lost her hat in the process too.

Here she is seen prior to attacking Nathan Damigo. Her hat is on and her facemask is pulled up and she's got the bottle in her hand. Reports are coming out that she threw several bottles at some people earlier in the day including M80 fire crackers.

Let a jury figure it out. Either way, all fucking Nazis are scum. All Nazis and Commie bastards should be the first ones shot in the Zombie Apocalypse to cleanse the world of scumbags.
But American nationalists are Patriots.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
He is a convicted armed robber already. He got caught robbing someone at gunpoint. This would be his second felony if he gets charged and convicted.
you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
She's a self admitted anarchist and from the red and black she signifies that she's a communist anarchist. You lefties are literally supporting someone /openly/ communist while calling those on the other side fascist nazi's... Ya'll are brainless zombies.

A sucker punch by a man twice the size of his female victim is apolitical - it is a cowardly act by a bully who will be prosecuted and if convicted will be lucky if he only gets a one year commitment to the county jail, five years probation and terms which prevent his ownership or possession of a firearm, a fine, restitution to the victim and counseling.

If I were the prosecutor I would charge him with a felony (Aggravated Battery) and seek an aggravated prison commitment (See: CA Penal Code Sec. 243(d).
He is a convicted armed robber already. He got caught robbing someone at gunpoint. This would be his second felony if he gets charged and convicted.

The still has the bottle in her hand, the video does not. Explain that!
She attacked him first and dropped the bottle. She lost her hat in the process too.

Here she is seen prior to attacking Nathan Damigo. Her hat is on and her facemask is pulled up and she's got the bottle in her hand. Reports are coming out that she threw several bottles at some people earlier in the day including M80 fire crackers.

Let a jury figure it out. Either way, all fucking Nazis are scum. All Nazis and Commie bastards should be the first ones shot in the Zombie Apocalypse to cleanse the world of scumbags.
But American nationalists are Patriots.
So were fucking scumbag Nazis.

Anyone who is against the Constitution is, by definition, unAmerican. While the fucking Nazis and other scumbags like Commies have a right to be heard, they don't have a right to be respected. If the Zombie Apocalypse comes, I'll be shooting them as easily as I shoot zombies.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?

No, actually it's the first daughter, you know, the one Trump agrees is a nice piece of ass, walking down a model runway with her titty flopping.
Because you lust after her and believe all models are sluts?

Really? When did you first realize you could read people's minds over the internet? Can you tell what I'm thinking about you right now?
Translation: I'm as big a lying **** as I think Ivanka is. No, I refuse to answer your question so I'll just accuse you of reading minds and being a fucking asshole for asking me an honest question.

No worries, kid. You live in a free country paid for in blood by people a lot better than you will ever be.

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