Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Like this gal? LOL
Somebody should suggest that bras can be her friend.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Like this gal? LOL

Is that Drew Carey in drag?
Nah, Drew lost a lot of weight and looks better in a suit and tie than that cow would. (With bags like that, "cow" is an appropriate description.)
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Like this gal? LOL
Somebody should suggest that bras can be her friend.

I still say thats Drew Carey in drag...

But it is kinda weird that you cant tell where her waist starts and her tits end.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
You guys don't have enough time to catch up as far as firearms training is concerned. We've been ready for this for years upon years. Come on out of the city and into our neck of the woods .....we can have a shootout and you will lose. Bigly....
The gang bangers in their cities have also been prepared for years. Wonder how they'll fare against the G-Bs when things get a little thin?
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
The girl did not take a swing. The punk bully was charging her and she put her arm up in defense. The convicted armed robber and disgraced former Marine is a punk.
Someone calling himself gallantwarrior should not be critiquing avatar names.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Like this gal? LOL
Somebody should suggest that bras can be her friend.

I still say thats Drew Carey in drag...

But it is kinda weird that you cant tell where her waist starts and her tits end.
I think that's what the belt is supposed to signify. You have to admit, the boxer's shoes with support hose socks are a nice touch, too.
This is why liberals need to drop the bullshit and arm themselves. Damigo could be 6 feet under right now.
You guys don't have enough time to catch up as far as firearms training is concerned. We've been ready for this for years upon years. Come on out of the city and into our neck of the woods .....we can have a shootout and you will lose. Bigly....
The gang bangers in their cities have also been prepared for years. Wonder how they'll fare against the G-Bs when things get a little thin?
Groids dont train. That's why they hit everything but their target.
Brave guy, sucker punching someone smaller than himself. Very brave.

You should go to the next beserkly protest so he can punch someone who weighs 250.
Like this gal? LOL
Somebody should suggest that bras can be her friend.

I still say thats Drew Carey in drag...

But it is kinda weird that you cant tell where her waist starts and her tits end.
I think that's what the belt is supposed to signify. You have to admit, the boxer's shoes with support hose socks are a nice touch, too.

I think we may have found our first photo of Bodey in the wild.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
The girl did not take a swing. The punk bully was charging her and she put her arm up in defense. The convicted armed robber and disgraced former Marine is a punk.
Someone calling himself gallantwarrior should not be critiquing avatar names.
Wrong, faggot. She took a swing.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
The girl did not take a swing. The punk bully was charging her and she put her arm up in defense. The convicted armed robber and disgraced former Marine is a punk.
Someone calling himself gallantwarrior should not be critiquing avatar names.
She had already attacked him with a big liquor bottle.

Look in her right hand:
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you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
I have reams of footage of liberals attacking peaceful individuals who were at an event to hear a speaker....on multiple campuses...

Your little effort at trying to parse it to "big bad right winger hitting little girls" just shows how pussified you are. There are pages of you left wing kooks making excuses for the destruction of property all because you lost an election.

There are hours of footage of people protesting and getting violent when conservative speakers go to universities.

Yeah..I have it. It is called google and it takes but a small amount of imagination to look it up. No, I will NOT be looking it up for you.

Go be a pussy on someone else's dime.

"big bad right winger hitting little girls" Is kinda the point. That big guy hitting that small woman like that is a little beyond normal conflicts.
But it's perfectly OK for a woman (small, or otherwise) to take a swing at a man (small, large, right- or left-winged)? That's "normal" in your world?
Does your avatar represent what you wish you could be? Or is that what you wish you could lay?
The girl did not take a swing. The punk bully was charging her and she put her arm up in defense. The convicted armed robber and disgraced former Marine is a punk.
Someone calling himself gallantwarrior should not be critiquing avatar names.
She had already attacked him with a bottle.

Look in her right hand:
This is why the left must be physically removed from our country. They have zero honesty...they will lie their ass off before admitting they are wrong about something. They're complete vermin.
She swung at him first, clearly self defense on his part.

LMAO. In your tiny hypocritical and lying mind that is a use of reasonable force. He's a coward, like Trump and most of his supporters. A sucker punch on another man is cowardice, on a women it is an example of a cowardly bully.
Misogynist much? Why would a sucker punch on a woman be any different than a sucker punch on a man? Seriously? Are you implying that a woman is less capable of dealing with a defensive punch than a man would be?
Sure you don' story, my frightened little friend.

That wasnt a story peabrain,it was a sentence.
Of course, my frightened little friend.

You're not very good at this.
Maybe you should go back to polishing your wallet chain.
Pretty funny.....:lol: I'm sure your joking is of the nervous, frightened kind. Don't worry. I apologize for intimidating you.

Why would I fear a 300lb bull dyke?
Dude, you might want to reconsider that premise. ;);)

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