Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

Nazis are scum. Eradicating them off the face of the planet should be legal just like shooting hogs as vermin. No season, no bag limit.

Most leftists are on some kind of medication for mental issues, guaranteed theyd shoot themselves and other libs before they ever shoot a conservative or 'alt-righter'. Lol
My goodness, you certainly do weave some interesting tales, my frightened little friend.

Stick with what you know......

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Fascinating.....I scare you that sorry.
That wasnt a story peabrain,it was a sentence.
Of course, my frightened little friend.

You're not very good at this.
Maybe you should go back to polishing your wallet chain.
Pretty funny.....:lol: I'm sure your joking is of the nervous, frightened kind. Don't worry. I apologize for intimidating you.

Why would I fear a 300lb bull dyke?
The face sitting. That's why.

The American left has done what no one else ever could, made Nazis look good and given them a respectability they didn't have before.

But she saw Supergirl pick up the bad guy and throw him across the room. Supergirl wouldn't lie.
The American left has done what no one else ever could, made Nazis look good and given them a respectability they didn't have before.
Thats half true. It has been done Germany. How do you think Germany went from Weimar to Hitler and the NS? This is history repeating itself...only this time, it's in America.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
You do not play a game with people who are fighting a war.

You think that's sinking into the people's heads yet? MANY of us are more than willing to die and kill in this war.
Nazis are scum. Eradicating them off the face of the planet should be legal just like shooting hogs as vermin. No season, no bag limit.

Same with commies

The good news is that, except for China, communism is effectively dead, but the fucking Nazis are still around.

Boy are you sadly mistaken. Communism is more of a threat than some neo nazi LARPERS.
Because we owe China a lot of money and Nazis don't have their own country?

Nazis are scum. Eradicating them off the face of the planet should be legal just like shooting hogs as vermin. No season, no bag limit.

Same with commies

The good news is that, except for China, communism is effectively dead, but the fucking Nazis are still around.

Boy are you sadly mistaken. Communism is more of a threat than some neo nazi LARPERS.
Because we owe China a lot of money and Nazis don't have their own country?


International communism didnt die with the fall of the USSR....It relocated to Latin America
She assaulted Nathan with a deadly weapon. She should be in jail.
The convicted armed robber and less than honorably discharged coward was not assaulted. Only his fellow racist bigots like you promote that nonsense lie.
He was assaulted by her with what looks to be a bottle of Jameson. In fact she was seen earlier throwing bottles at people. Reuters is all over this now.


Picture from Reuters (note the bottle in her right hand)
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
Why insist on referring to that thug as a "girl". As far as ascertainable, she's an adult and made her choice to assault someone larger than her. She got what she deserved and apparently her attorney knows it. Otherwise, she'd be filing a suit against the guy she forced to defend himself instead of begging for money online. Oh, wait, why isn't she still supported by her parent's health insurance?

What she deserved? You're a pig.
Little bitch came at me like that, I'd clock her one, too. What makes people like, and you, think she has some special dispensation assault anyone without reasonable expectation that they defend themselves?

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