Natalia Veselnitskaya Denies Offering Trump Jr. Information

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted

"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime," Persily said. "And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted
/---- Libtard Moonbats need no evidence. The seriousness of the charge is enough to demand a full fledged investigation (Hillary Russian collusion is the exception to the rule.)
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NOT from the Kremlin....and the Kremlin doesn't even know who she is....

That sound, snowflakes, is the air going out of yet another bogus 'collusion' claim....

Apparently, Kremlin doesn't even know who the heck that Veselnitskaya is. I Googled her (in Russian) and guess what: she's a lawyer married to a crooked businessman but doesn't have anything to do with Kremlin (yes, liberals, I know you hate to hear about this!), it looks like a well paid attempt from Deep State to compromise both presidents.
Kremlin denies knowledge of meeting between Russian lawyer & Trump Jr.
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Golly, you mean a Russian government agent said something? That means we have to believe it! After all, that's how our intelligence agencies and law enforcement have always acted. For example, if someone says they didn't do that crime they were filmed doing, the police simply stop investigating them.


The Trumpflakes are either seriously reatarded, or seriously treasonous.
Right wingers' half brained mandate........

"The best method to defend the orange clown, is to attack Clinton"

Right wingers' half brained mandate........
"The best method to defend the orange clown, is to attack Clinton"
No one has to attack Clinton....her crimes and scandals come oozing out all by themselves.
She said the trumps sought her out.
Not that the Russian govt sought them out.

Turns out "adoption" translates to "sanctions".
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted

Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai requested a meeting with Hillary Clinton’s top aides in January 2016, according to an internal email circulated among the former Secretary of State’s senior presidential campaign officials.

“Chinese Ambassador Cui invited me over to the residence Tuesday for a coffee and to make a request. He wants to have an informal, private, off the record get together with a few of us to discuss the next year and the current state of US-China affairs,” wrote Clinton campaign aide Kurt Campbell in the Jan. 7, 2016, email.

“He asked me to host a social meal at my house in the next month. He was fairly insistent and indicated that he wanted to pass along some perspectives. I told him I’d reach out to you all to see about your judgement on this and possible availability. I’m happy to make some chili and cornbread by the fire but let’s first decide whether this makes sense. Please let me know your thinking,” Campbell said.
Really? Are people "outside the Beltway" truly naive to the fact that "adoptions" is merely the proxy term Russia invokes for "sanctions."
Quite simply, but for the sanctions imposed in 2012 (?), there would be no prohibition on Americans adopting Russian children.

Why are sanctions important? Because, per the Logan Act, political candidates have no authority or permission to discuss U.S. policy matters. Now it's so that few or none have been charged under the Logan Act; however, AFAIK in recent times, none but Trump and his cronies have willfully obfuscated and confounded efforts to discern the precise circumstances and nature of their interactions and discussions with officials and/or agents, one of whom the USIC has determined is most likely the top spy in the U.S., of an American adversary.

Quite simply, upon being informed that a Russian had information detrimental to the Clinton campaign's efforts, Trump, Jr. should have said he wanted and would have nothing to do with that individual or the information they may have to offer. He should then have immediately shared with the FBI whatever information he'd received that a Russian had and was offering any such information.

That is what should have been the end of the matter, yet it was not. Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Kusher all attended the meeting. Now you tell me, to what irrelevant meeting do the top three principals, aside from the candidate, individuals who are supposed to put country ahead of party, go?

I believe we're watching the end of the democrat party. It will split into two parties and remain powerless for decades. SCOTUS is ours.

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