Natalia Veselnitskaya Denies Offering Trump Jr. Information

The Associated Press @AP
The Latest: Russian lawyer says she was summoned to Trump Tower, asked if she had information on Clinton campaign.

8:05 AM - 11 Jul 2017

The Latest: Russian lawyer describes meeting Trump's son
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the ongoing investigations into possible collusion between Trump campaign associates and Russia (all times local): 7:30 a.m.

Russian lawyer: Trump campaign approached her about getting dirt on Hillary-not the other way around
A Russian lawyer tells NBC’s “Today” show that she was summoned to Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign to meet with Donald Trump Jr. and asked if she had information on the Clinton campaign. The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, told NBC she received a phone call from a man she didn’t know and was told to meet with the Trump campaign. She says she didn’t have information on the Clinton campaign and has never worked for the Russian government.

NBC’s “Today” and MSNBC aired an interview of the lawyer on Tuesday. It’s her first public comment since Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged that he made time for the meeting hoping to get information on Clinton, his father’s Democratic presidential opponent.

Veselnitskaya says Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, attended the meeting but left after a few minutes. Paul Manafort, then Trump’s campaign chairman, also attended but never participated and spent much of the meeting on his phone. It wasn’t clear from the NBC report who in the meeting asked her for information.

On Clinton, she says through a translator: “It’s quite possible they were looking for information. They wanted it so badly.”

The Latest: Trump Jr. tweets email chain on Russia meeting
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump. It illustrates very effectively why the Democrats have been losing elections and are regulated to nothing but being a regional party.

hey dickhead........was it the democrats that told Donny-baby, Jared and Manafort to meet with a Russian operative???

Yes or No???................LOL

Don Jr. just released the full Russia emails and they contain a potential smoking gun — read them here
Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday released the entire set of emails between himself and music publicist Rob Goldstone — and they contain explicit promises of support from “Russia and its government for Mr. Trump.”

Who said this back in 2008???

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump.

Yes it is nonsense to think the DNC played a role a year ago to set this up to take The Don Donnie down. It's like being down 10 runs in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and saying we got them just where we want them.....
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.
You ignorant fuck! You're the one making the 'moral equivalency' argument bringing up accusation against Clinton and Obama JUST AS I SAID YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS WOULD! Before throwing around phrases that sound good to you, you should understand what their fucking definitions are, SHIT FOR BRAINS!

BTW, you fucking idiot, Pence will likely wind up in the shit along with the rest of the Orange Cabal you fucking dimwit given he was the head MFIC of the Orange transition team and has numerous lies and conflicts on record already! So Orrin Hatch with no involvement or taint of the Orange Cabal has a better chance than Pence you fucking dummy!
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump.

Yes it is nonsense to think the DNC played a role a year ago to set this up to take The Don Donnie down. It's like being down 10 runs in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and saying we got them just where we want them.....

Well Obama sent Hillary's favorite Russian Diplomat and his to Jeff Sessions then was Secretly Wire Tapping them.

He then had his and Hillary's favorite Russian Diplomat call Michael Flynn and was Secretly Wire Tapping them.

The Obama Regime OVERRODE a VISA DENIAL for this Russian Lawyer, and Surprise, Surprise, she shows up at TRUMP TOWER wanting to speak with TRUMP, but gets Trump Jr. instead, and this was SECRETLY WIRETAPPED.

Never mind that Trump Jr. threw her out and nothing illegal or unethical was discussed. Never mind that ILLEGAL wiretapping on Sessions uncovered nothing unethical or ILLEGAL.

Never mind that The ILLEGAL Surveillance on Flynn and the transcripts of it was used to actually EXONERATE HIM.

And Never mind that all three of these meetings were ILLEGALLY LEAKED TO THE PRESS by THE OBAMA REGIME and that SUSAN RICE was unmasking all of THE TARGETS of ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE and disseminating it to every mother fucker on THE PLANET.

Never mind that Comey was LEAKING LIKE A CANOE Blasted by a SHOTGUN!

Seriously, Mueller is going to sweep all this shit under the rug for Obama, Clinton, THE DNC, Rice and Lynch...because this was COLLUSION and ABUSE OF POWER, and these are FELONIES that mandate PRISON TIME.

If Mueller had any INTEGRITY, he'd go after CORRUPTION instead of being the head of a FUCKING CLEAN UP CREW trying to bury the crimes of the most Corrupt Presidency we have ever had.


Obama Bin Spying should be served a dose of Justice, but he'll get a Library and a $64 Million Dollar Book Deal with a Russian Backed Publishing Company.
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Natalia Veselnitskaya Denies Offering Trump Jr. Information

too fucking late .. theres been more lies told about the meeting than Trump has putters.

time to put these lying bastards under oath in front of a Grand Jury.
Really? Are people "outside the Beltway" truly naive to the fact that "adoptions" is merely the proxy term Russia invokes for "sanctions."
Quite simply, but for the sanctions imposed in 2012 (?), there would be no prohibition on Americans adopting Russian children.

Why are sanctions important? Because, per the Logan Act, political candidates have no authority or permission to discuss U.S. policy matters. Now it's so that few or none have been charged under the Logan Act; however, AFAIK in recent times, none but Trump and his cronies have willfully obfuscated and confounded efforts to discern the precise circumstances and nature of their interactions and discussions with officials and/or agents, one of whom the USIC has determined is most likely the top spy in the U.S., of an American adversary.

Quite simply, upon being informed that a Russian had information detrimental to the Clinton campaign's efforts, Trump, Jr. should have said he wanted and would have nothing to do with that individual or the information they may have to offer. He should then have immediately shared with the FBI whatever information he'd received that a Russian had and was offering any such information.

That is what should have been the end of the matter, yet it was not. Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Kusher all attended the meeting. Now you tell me, to what irrelevant meeting do the top three principals, aside from the candidate, individuals who are supposed to put country ahead of party, go?

So what? Clinton people and Never Trumpers PAID big money to Russian informants for a fake dossier on Trump!
So what? Clinton people and Never Trumpers PAID big money to Russian informants for a fake dossier on Trump!

....... the funding came from a “Never Trump” Republican and not directly from the campaign war chests of any of Trump’s primary opponents.
It's funny how the RWnuts think that it's somehow a defense of the Trump criminal enterprise if they keep changing the subject to Hillary.
Veselnitskaya Vodka shot of it and you are going back and forth on the hazy details of your sleazy honeymoon with the Kremlin.....
Like "Hai Karate" be careful how you use it..
It's funny how the RWnuts think that it's somehow a defense of the Trump criminal enterprise if they keep changing the subject to Hillary.

its the joke of the year, just like the idiots covering for him.
This latest screw-up by the Trumpsters is just ANOTHER nail in that proverbial coffin......

Bury these UN-American bastards......
Ms Veselnitskaya coould not be contacted. However, in a statement to the Times she said: “Nothing at all about the presidential campaign [was discussed at the meeting. I have] never acted on behalf of the Russian government never discussed any of these matters with any representative of the Russian government.”

Well, THAT should place the entire royal screw up by Donnie on the shelf......LOL
Veselnitskaya Vodka shot of it and you are going back and forth on the hazy details of your sleazy honeymoon with the Kremlin.....
Like "Hai Karate" be careful how you use it..

Here are the 5 biggest bombshells from Donald Trump Jr’s emails about ‘Russian government attorney’
Donald Trump Jr. released the full email conversation setting up a meeting with a Russian attorney just minutes ahead of the New York Times publishing their contents.
Really? Are people "outside the Beltway" truly naive to the fact that "adoptions" is merely the proxy term Russia invokes for "sanctions."
Quite simply, but for the sanctions imposed in 2012 (?), there would be no prohibition on Americans adopting Russian children.

Why are sanctions important? Because, per the Logan Act, political candidates have no authority or permission to discuss U.S. policy matters. Now it's so that few or none have been charged under the Logan Act; however, AFAIK in recent times, none but Trump and his cronies have willfully obfuscated and confounded efforts to discern the precise circumstances and nature of their interactions and discussions with officials and/or agents, one of whom the USIC has determined is most likely the top spy in the U.S., of an American adversary.

Quite simply, upon being informed that a Russian had information detrimental to the Clinton campaign's efforts, Trump, Jr. should have said he wanted and would have nothing to do with that individual or the information they may have to offer. He should then have immediately shared with the FBI whatever information he'd received that a Russian had and was offering any such information.

That is what should have been the end of the matter, yet it was not. Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Kusher all attended the meeting. Now you tell me, to what irrelevant meeting do the top three principals, aside from the candidate, individuals who are supposed to put country ahead of party, go?

So what? Clinton people and Never Trumpers PAID big money to Russian informants for a fake dossier on Trump!

They were actually Ukranian weren't they? The same company that created the fake dossier, also employed this Russian Lawyer.
That stinks to high heaven.

You ever wonder why this RUSSIAN COLLUSION NARRATIVE started so early in the campaign, and every accusation was shot down and debunked over and over again?
And at the same time Obama was Ilegally Wire Tapping The Trump Team, hacking in to Polling Stations and trying to breach the security of our Elections Apparatus so that he could argue for a FEDERAL TAKEOVER of STATE ELECTIONS.

And Then Obama Bin Spying and his REGIME was arranging meetings and phone calls with Russians in an attempt to expose all of this to the Public and create Guilt By Association and Crime by Innuendo.

And isn't it surprising that this is still going on 7 months later? A New Attack every day. And every night they are proven to be false. This isn't a hunt for the truth. This is an attempt to destabilize our Democracy. It's a coup staged by THE LEFT, and I can tell you, that George Soros and men like him with piles of money are behind it, and so is The Democrat Party and Obama Bin Spying.

Isn't there one phucking person on The Left that finds any of this suspicious?

In fact, there have been so many accusations brought up and then debunked that it looks like President Trump actually runs RUSSIA, and PUTIN is TRUMP's PUPPET.
Ms Veselnitskaya coould not be contacted. However, in a statement to the Times she said: “Nothing at all about the presidential campaign [was discussed at the meeting. I have] never acted on behalf of the Russian government never discussed any of these matters with any representative of the Russian government.”

Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
Trump campaign approached her about getting dirt on Hillary-not the other way around
A Russian lawyer tells NBC’s “Today” show that she was summoned to Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign to meet with Donald Trump Jr. and asked if she had information on the Clinton campaign. The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, told NBC she received a phone call from a man she didn’t know and was told to meet with the Trump campaign. She says she didn’t have information on the Clinton campaign and has never worked for the Russian government.

NBC’s “Today” and MSNBC aired an interview of the lawyer on Tuesday. It’s her first public comment since Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged that he made time for the meeting hoping to get information on Clinton, his father’s Democratic presidential opponent.

Veselnitskaya says Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, attended the meeting but left after a few minutes. Paul Manafort, then Trump’s campaign chairman, also attended but never participated and spent much of the meeting on his phone. It wasn’t clear from the NBC report who in the meeting asked her for information.

On Clinton, she says through a translator: “It’s quite possible they were looking for information. They wanted it so badly.”

The Latest: Person offered to send Clinton dirt to Trump Sr.

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