Natalia Veselnitskaya Denies Offering Trump Jr. Information


I believe we're watching the end of the democrat party. It will split into two parties and remain powerless for decades. SCOTUS is ours.
And just think, these fools slinging this Russia nonsense continually are helping bring that about! Win win....
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted
I'm beginning to wonder how much the DNC paid her to set up this entire issue. To a progressive, it is the appearance of impropriety that is the crime, not an actual crime.

This is a campaign against the image of Trump's inner circle. Raise enough questions, and you can then create a list of "questionable" or unanswered questions against Republican's and the President in future elections.
No one has to attack Clinton

WOW, you're more fucked up and delusional than your normal self.....Hope the constipation eases, for your sake....

So, none of you morons on here attacks Clinton???.......LOL
No one has to attack Clinton

WOW, you're more fucked up and delusional than your normal self.....Hope the constipation eases, for your sake....

So, none of you morons on here attacks Clinton???.......LOL
I did not say 'No one DOES attack Hillary', poor wretched self-agonizing, ignorant snowflake...I said 'No one HAS TO attack Hillary'.

Words have meaning - educate yourself.
She worked for the same group that did the FAKE Dossier on Trump.

She also was denied entrance in to the US by Immigration but someone in The Obama Regime overrode the decision and then arranged for her to meet with Trump Jr.

Isn't it interesting that every time there are "RUSSIANS" involved the meetings were arranged by The Obama Regime?

And then the meetings were WIRETAPPED?

Look at what they did to Jeff Sessions


And now Trump Jr.

Hillary Clinton met with Russian Operatives, Ambassadors and Russian Businessmen CONSTANTLY, including many of the IDENTICAL people that were sent to meet the Trump Campaign.

Exactly why wasn't Hillary Clinton under Surveillance? Why aren't there any LEAKS about her conversations with ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL?

Not a peep.


To use the Power of the US GOVERMENT to conduct Illegal Surveillance and engage in a Smear Campaign is highly unethical and is not only against THE LAW, it is an IMPEACHABLE Offense, and involves Jail Time.....and we haven't even addressed ILLEGALSurveillance, Illegal Unmasking, Collusion with The Media, DNC, Clinton Campaign and leaking of Classified Intel....from even the Head of THE FBI....

Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted
The Trumpflakes don't even know what they're screaming about any more. It changes from minute to minute. They just know everything is falling apart, and it's all the fault of those dirty liberals, so they need to attack those liberals somehow.

Needless to say, the welfare of the country is not of any concern to them. It's entirely about their hate now, and that hate is driving them to run cover for treason.
Why wasn't Hillary Clinton's meeting with this Chinese Operative "OFF THE RECORD" wiretapped by Obama and then released to The Media?

Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted

‘Insistent’ Chinese Ambassador Requested ‘Private’ Talk With Clinton Campaign Aides

Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai requested a meeting with Hillary Clinton’s top aides in January 2016, according to an internal email circulated among the former Secretary of State’s senior presidential campaign officials.

“Chinese Ambassador Cui invited me over to the residence Tuesday for a coffee and to make a request. He wants to have an informal, private, off the record get together with a few of us to discuss the next year and the current state of US-China affairs,” wrote Clinton campaign aide Kurt Campbell in the Jan. 7, 2016, email.

“He asked me to host a social meal at my house in the next month. He was fairly insistent and indicated that he wanted to pass along some perspectives. I told him I’d reach out to you all to see about your judgement on this and possible availability. I’m happy to make some chili and cornbread by the fire but let’s first decide whether this makes sense. Please let me know your thinking,” Campbell said.
Golly, you mean a Russian government agent said something? That means we have to believe it! After all, that's how our intelligence agencies and law enforcement have always acted. For example, if someone says they didn't do that crime they were filmed doing, the police simply stop investigating them.


The Trumpflakes are either seriously reatarded, or seriously treasonous.
That's right guys and girls we are REATARDED! You heard the moron who can't spell RETARDED we are all REATARDED!
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
Looks like she was a stooge for Fusion GPS. It was a set up.
Rob Goldstone admits HE set up the meeting of Tramp Jr and the Russian agent and HE has NOTHING to do with Fusion GPS, which was hired by REPUBLICANS opposing Don THE Con.
I'm beginning to wonder how much the DNC paid her to set up this entire issue

Yeah and wait a full year, until they have the "Don" right where they want him............
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump. It illustrates very effectively why the Democrats have been losing elections and are regulated to nothing but being a regional party.

There is no positive message, indeed, there isn't even a positive idea in the party. They only have hate. Hate Republicans. Hate Trump. Hate anyone who disagrees with them. Hate for the United States of America.
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted

and yet there's that whole email thing saying "Russia wants to help your father so we should meet".

and of course, Russian operatives should be believed, right?

treasonous 'tards.
n a statement, Mark Corallo added: “Specifically, we have learned that the person who sought the meeting is associated with Fusion GPS, a firm which according to public reports, was retained by Democratic operatives to develop opposition research on the President and which commissioned the phony Steele dossier.”

Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
Already a PROVEN lie, SUCKER!!!!!

yeah but drug addled trump loons would rather believe a Russian operative than their own intel forces.

true freaks of nature.
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump. It illustrates very effectively why the Democrats have been losing elections and are regulated to nothing but being a regional party.

hey dickhead........was it the democrats that told Donny-baby, Jared and Manafort to meet with a Russian operative???

Yes or No???................LOL
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump. It illustrates very effectively why the Democrats have been losing elections and are regulated to nothing but being a regional party.

hey dickhead........was it the democrats that told Donny-baby, Jared and Manafort to meet with a Russian operative???

Yes or No???................LOL

Don Jr. just released the full Russia emails and they contain a potential smoking gun — read them here
Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday released the entire set of emails between himself and music publicist Rob Goldstone — and they contain explicit promises of support from “Russia and its government for Mr. Trump.”

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