Natalia Veselnitskaya Denies Offering Trump Jr. Information

Really? Are people "outside the Beltway" truly naive to the fact that "adoptions" is merely the proxy term Russia invokes for "sanctions."
Quite simply, but for the sanctions imposed in 2012 (?), there would be no prohibition on Americans adopting Russian children.

Why are sanctions important? Because, per the Logan Act, political candidates have no authority or permission to discuss U.S. policy matters. Now it's so that few or none have been charged under the Logan Act; however, AFAIK in recent times, none but Trump and his cronies have willfully obfuscated and confounded efforts to discern the precise circumstances and nature of their interactions and discussions with officials and/or agents, one of whom the USIC has determined is most likely the top spy in the U.S., of an American adversary.

Quite simply, upon being informed that a Russian had information detrimental to the Clinton campaign's efforts, Trump, Jr. should have said he wanted and would have nothing to do with that individual or the information they may have to offer. He should then have immediately shared with the FBI whatever information he'd received that a Russian had and was offering any such information.

That is what should have been the end of the matter, yet it was not. Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Kusher all attended the meeting. Now you tell me, to what irrelevant meeting do the top three principals, aside from the candidate, individuals who are supposed to put country ahead of party, go?

So what? Clinton people and Never Trumpers PAID big money to Russian informants for a fake dossier on Trump!

You got proof it was all fake?
What, this is some kind of a nonsense reply. This person is just the latest in a series of attempts to take down Trump.

Yes it is nonsense to think the DNC played a role a year ago to set this up to take The Don Donnie down. It's like being down 10 runs in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and saying we got them just where we want them.....
I said nothing about them setting this particular person a year ago. I said this is just one in a long list of failed attempts to implicate Trump in something illicit. He clearly hasn't, but that does not stop the left from parading out these questionable sources.
Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier[/QUOTE]
Trump campaign approached her about getting dirt on Hillary-not the other way around
A Russian lawyer tells NBC’s “Today” show that she was summoned to Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign to meet with Donald Trump Jr. and asked if she had information on the Clinton campaign. The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, told NBC she received a phone call from a man she didn’t know and was told to meet with the Trump campaign. She says she didn’t have information on the Clinton campaign and has never worked for the Russian government.

NBC’s “Today” and MSNBC aired an interview of the lawyer on Tuesday. It’s her first public comment since Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged that he made time for the meeting hoping to get information on Clinton, his father’s Democratic presidential opponent.

Veselnitskaya says Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, attended the meeting but left after a few minutes. Paul Manafort, then Trump’s campaign chairman, also attended but never participated and spent much of the meeting on his phone. It wasn’t clear from the NBC report who in the meeting asked her for information.

On Clinton, she says through a translator: “It’s quite possible they were looking for information. They wanted it so badly.”

The Latest: Person offered to send Clinton dirt to Trump Sr.


Donnie-baby is WAY over his head in covering his royal screw-up.

how can any thinking individual believe this idiot's flip-flopping on why he called his pals to meet the Kremlin lawyer?...

Version 1: The meeting was primarily about adoptions. Don Jr. didn’t mention anything about the election to the Times.

Version 2: The impetus for the meeting was the promise of negative information about Hillary Clinton.
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.
You ignorant fuck! You're the one making the 'moral equivalency' argument bringing up accusation against Clinton and Obama JUST AS I SAID YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS WOULD! Before throwing around phrases that sound good to you, you should understand what their fucking definitions are, SHIT FOR BRAINS!

BTW, you fucking idiot, Pence will likely wind up in the shit along with the rest of the Orange Cabal you fucking dimwit given he was the head MFIC of the Orange transition team and has numerous lies and conflicts on record already! So Orrin Hatch with no involvement or taint of the Orange Cabal has a better chance than Pence you fucking dummy!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!
Here we go again, libtardos.

So let me get this straight.

So the lame stream media claims Trump Jr. received an email that there's a person who wants to offer him information regarding Russians colluding with the DNC. He agrees to listen to what this dingbat has to say.

She comes to the meeting and rambles about some stupid innuendos and claims it's Trump Jr. who is the one trying to obtain information from her and she never indicated she was the one who was offering information in order to get the meeting.

Trump Jr. basically tells her to buzz off and ends the meeting.

So, if Trump Jr.'s email shows he was offered information, she shows up and has no information whatsoever, and now denies she offered information to get the meeting, then either this is a blatant setup or she is a blatant attention whore trying to be important.

When asked how Trump Jr. seemed to have the impression that she had information about the Democratic National Committee, she responded:

“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

Now can one of you libtardos point out what crime was committed here. TIA

Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr.: I didn't have Clinton info they wanted
nothing burger.png
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.
You ignorant fuck! You're the one making the 'moral equivalency' argument bringing up accusation against Clinton and Obama JUST AS I SAID YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS WOULD! Before throwing around phrases that sound good to you, you should understand what their fucking definitions are, SHIT FOR BRAINS!

BTW, you fucking idiot, Pence will likely wind up in the shit along with the rest of the Orange Cabal you fucking dimwit given he was the head MFIC of the Orange transition team and has numerous lies and conflicts on record already! So Orrin Hatch with no involvement or taint of the Orange Cabal has a better chance than Pence you fucking dummy!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!
The irony of my statement to another OBVIOUSLY passed at least 100 meters over your elongated skull you fucking Hollywood Hero Wannabe. I didn't say Hatch was next in line did I, shit for brains!!!! Learn how to fucking read asshole!
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.
You ignorant fuck! You're the one making the 'moral equivalency' argument bringing up accusation against Clinton and Obama JUST AS I SAID YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS WOULD! Before throwing around phrases that sound good to you, you should understand what their fucking definitions are, SHIT FOR BRAINS!

BTW, you fucking idiot, Pence will likely wind up in the shit along with the rest of the Orange Cabal you fucking dimwit given he was the head MFIC of the Orange transition team and has numerous lies and conflicts on record already! So Orrin Hatch with no involvement or taint of the Orange Cabal has a better chance than Pence you fucking dummy!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!
The irony of my statement to another OBVIOUSLY passed at least 100 meters over your elongated skull you fucking Hollywood Hero Wannabe. I didn't say Hatch was next in line did I, shit for brains!!!! Learn how to fucking read asshole!

You were commenting on the line of succession because you mentioned Pence and then jumped to Hatch. If you weren't talking about succession, why bring Hatch into it at all?

You are one of the biggest assholes on this message board. Trying to weasel out of your mistake is simply pathetic!

The reason is that you are a dumb SOB and have no clue as to how really stupid you are!

Your user name is appropriate if you consider the fact that every thought you put on this board should be a crime!
You stupid ass-licking, fawning Orange Clown sycophantic sheep are so ready to cling to any slight chance that the Clown-in-Chief is going to slide through this mess of his own making, that your desperation is palpable! It's just like your tribe to post an OP like this one to foster and hold tight to the hope that the narcissistic fruitcake your warped faction champions is as pure as the driven snow in your fucked up delusions, given you can't face reality! It's always someone else's fault, HUH!

When you ridiculous lemmings have to face the unfavorable decisions damning that Idiot-in-Chief, his staff and his family with felonies when Mueller finally begins disclosing them as his investigation winds down and the Grand Jury indictments flow outward, that is if the ass hat in the WH doesn't interfere with it further by declaring Martial Law or other means, your collective responses will likely be the same as today with somehow Clinton or Comey, or Obama or someone else being the guilty parties for all the unethical and unlawful machinations that took place by the most corrupt bunch of crooks since Tammany Hall or Nixon.

You're all such a bunch of denying idiot clowns. I'm going to truly enjoy watching all you stupid piss drinkers chow down on that Crow, guts feathers and all!

You petunias crack me up.

You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.

Let me make your day.

I don't give a fuck what happens regarding this witch hunt. Trump saved this country from an entitled old bitch and rescued the Supreme Court from libtardos for decades to come. Everything else is pure gravy on the spuds. They can impeach Trump tomorrow and Pence will put more strict Conservatives on the court. And there isn't a fucking thing you libtarded lunatics can do about it.

Have a nice day.
You spent 8 years watching Hillaryous and Obamakov fuck with Russia's and Israel's elections and now you pull out your moral equivalency slide rule to calculate the azimuth which will guide you to the moral high ground. Too damn funny.
You ignorant fuck! You're the one making the 'moral equivalency' argument bringing up accusation against Clinton and Obama JUST AS I SAID YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS WOULD! Before throwing around phrases that sound good to you, you should understand what their fucking definitions are, SHIT FOR BRAINS!

BTW, you fucking idiot, Pence will likely wind up in the shit along with the rest of the Orange Cabal you fucking dimwit given he was the head MFIC of the Orange transition team and has numerous lies and conflicts on record already! So Orrin Hatch with no involvement or taint of the Orange Cabal has a better chance than Pence you fucking dummy!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!

Except Hatch is not next in line dumbass!

You know as much about this topic as you do any other - NOTHING!
The irony of my statement to another OBVIOUSLY passed at least 100 meters over your elongated skull you fucking Hollywood Hero Wannabe. I didn't say Hatch was next in line did I, shit for brains!!!! Learn how to fucking read asshole!

You were commenting on the line of succession because you mentioned Pence and then jumped to Hatch. If you weren't talking about succession, why bring Hatch into it at all?

You are one of the biggest assholes on this message board. Trying to weasel out of your mistake is simply pathetic!

The reason is that you are a dumb SOB and have no clue as to how really stupid you are!

Your user name is appropriate if you consider the fact that every thought you put on this board should be a crime!
Damn! You're too fucking stupid to understand how fucked up you truly are. I'm not even going to outline the meaning or intent of those 21 words I wrote re: Hatch. Even if I explained it to your dumb, ignorant and uncomprehending ass, you don't have the character to admit your misunderstanding and error you now doubled down on you fucking weaseling Hollywood Hero wannabe!! Al Haig's stupidity 30 years ago made me study the line of succession dummy and you sure as fuck aren't in any position to teach me a damn thing given you can't understand or comprehend a simple sentence and the snark at the far right fascists like yourself, you pitiful ass!
Trump Jr. initially said this was a meeting about Russian adoptions. But just three days later he has admitted he was met with a Russian government liaison to get opposition research on Hillary Clinton. We now have indisputable proof that the president’s inner circle was not just aware of but encouraging of a Russian government effort to help Trump win the presidency.
Trump Knew....Mira Mira....Book 'Em Dano

07.11.2017 - 1:26 PM EDT
Oh Boy

Philip Bump at the Post just flagged this Trump speech from June 7th, four days after Don Goldstone’s first contact with Don Jr and two days before the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9th.

Trump promises big news about Hillary Clinton’s crimes in a speech on “probably” June 13th.”

Read More →
- Josh Marshall
Did the Russian lawyer visit the Trump campaign to undermine it?
July 14, 2017

Matthew Vadum

It turns out the Moscow-based lawyer whose brief meeting with Trump campaign officials last year was obtained under false pretenses has significant ties to Democrat opposition researchers in the United States and was extended special privileges by the Obama administration.

Could this mean attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya came, or perhaps was sent, to America to hurt Donald Trump’s campaign for president? And if Veselnitskaya had less-than-honorable intentions, what role, if any, did Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee play in this unfolding drama?

The Hill newspaper reports that the Obama administration went to extraordinary lengths to allow Veselnitskaya to enter the U.S. and remain here to complete her business in this country. After Veselnitskaya, who reportedly has several pro-Hillary Clinton and anti-Donald Trump items on her Facebook page, was denied a U.S. visa, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch personally intervened and cleared the way for her to come to this country.


The Curious Case of Natalia Veselnitskaya

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