Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

If the President were to lose Minnesota and gain Virginia...lose Colorado and keep Ohio while gaining NH... I need to go back to Cassidy's map

October 28, 2012
Cassidy’s Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio?
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker
At the local level, some of the battlegrounds have now broken firmly in one direction or another, effectively narrowing the race to eight states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Wisconsin. On The New Yorker’s electoral map, I am making three changes to reflect this. I am changing Michigan and Pennsylvania from leaning Obama to firm Obama, and I am changing North Carolina from leaning Romney to firm Romney. In all three of these states, the polls indicate that one of the candidates is now ahead by four points or more.

Of the remaining eight battlegrounds, I have one state leaning to Romney (Florida); four leaning to Obama (Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconsin); and three as toss-ups (Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia). I considered moving Virginia to Romney’s column, but decided against it. In the past few days, two polls have shown the race tied. And both of them have come from polling organizations that tend to lean a bit to the Republicans: Gravis Marketing and Purple Strategies. For Romney to reach two hundred and seventy electoral-college votes, he simply has to carry Virginia, as well as Florida and North Carolina. The fact that the race is still so tight there will be a big concern to Boston.

In the electoral college, I still have Obama with 277 votes and Romney with 235. Assuming the G.O.P. man does win Virginia, that takes him to 248, leaving him needing another 22 votes. Thats’s where the fun starts.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker

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Well this dude clearly has his finger on the pulse of his limp wrist.:lol:

If the President were to lose Minnesota and gain Virginia...lose Colorado and keep Ohio while gaining NH... I need to go back to Cassidy's map

October 28, 2012
Cassidy’s Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio?
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker
At the local level, some of the battlegrounds have now broken firmly in one direction or another, effectively narrowing the race to eight states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Wisconsin. On The New Yorker’s electoral map, I am making three changes to reflect this. I am changing Michigan and Pennsylvania from leaning Obama to firm Obama, and I am changing North Carolina from leaning Romney to firm Romney. In all three of these states, the polls indicate that one of the candidates is now ahead by four points or more.

Of the remaining eight battlegrounds, I have one state leaning to Romney (Florida); four leaning to Obama (Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconsin); and three as toss-ups (Colorado, New Hampshire, and Virginia). I considered moving Virginia to Romney’s column, but decided against it. In the past few days, two polls have shown the race tied. And both of them have come from polling organizations that tend to lean a bit to the Republicans: Gravis Marketing and Purple Strategies. For Romney to reach two hundred and seventy electoral-college votes, he simply has to carry Virginia, as well as Florida and North Carolina. The fact that the race is still so tight there will be a big concern to Boston.

In the electoral college, I still have Obama with 277 votes and Romney with 235. Assuming the G.O.P. man does win Virginia, that takes him to 248, leaving him needing another 22 votes. Thats’s where the fun starts.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker



If Romney were to carry the state, he would need just four more votes. Winning New Hampshire, which has exactly four votes, or any of the other battlegrounds, would put him across the line. But increasingly, it is looking like Obama will hold onto Ohio. On Friday, three new polls were published, and they all showed the President ahead. American Research Group and Purple Strategies both put his lead at two points; CNN/Opinion Research put it at four points: 50-46. Sources tell me that the two campaigns’ internal polling also have Obama ahead, with Romney’s vote seemingly stalled in the mid-to-high forties.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker
Please, PLEASE... Keep hanging your liberal hats on Nate Silver....:lol:

It will make you look that much more stupid on election day...

and still dropping ....


The incumbent is going to lose. Period.

Cassidy's Count has been posted along with Nate

Sources tell me that the two campaigns’ internal polling also have Obama ahead, with Romney’s vote seemingly stalled in the mid-to-high forties.

Read more Cassidy's Count: Can Romney Win Without Ohio? : The New Yorker

Nate Silver is partisan and wrong. The voters will decide Romney v Obama, not The New York Times – Telegraph Blogs

1. Nate isn’t very good at calling close elections.
2. People make their minds up at the last minute, which confuses the outcome of close elections.
3. Nate weights polls, meaning that he picks and chooses which data sets to run through his model.
4. Nate ignores polls that contradict him. So PPP is right and Gallup is wrong.
5. Politics is even riskier than baseball and “stuff happens.”

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