Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Latest PPP poll has Obama +1 in Florida. Romney is crumbling all over.

Newsmax/Zogby, just put him up by +1 as well. It still looks good for Romney on paper, but I think the pollsters are underestimating how likely Hispanic turnout is going to be. That's going to be huge in Florida.
Here is one thing we can all agree upon: "Nate Silver" will either become a legend (at least for a few years) for correctly predicting his 2nd POTUS election (yeah, he's only done this one other time) ; or he'll be remembered as the hapless dupe that was roped into carrying Obama's poll water. money is on the latter.

Here is one thing we can all agree upon; "Nate Silver" will either become a legend (at least for a few years) for correctly predicting his 2nd POTUS election (yeah, he's only done this one other time) , or he'll be remembered as the hapless dupe that was roped into carrying Obama's poll money is on the latter.

Why do you hate smart people? :lol::lol::lol:
Here is one thing we can all agree upon: "Nate Silver" will either become a legend (at least for a few years) for correctly predicting his 2nd POTUS election (yeah, he's only done this one other time) ; or he'll be remembered as the hapless dupe that was roped into carrying Obama's poll water. money is on the latter.

This is why your party is dying! :lol::lol::lol:
Here is one thing we can all agree upon; "Nate Silver" will either become a legend (at least for a few years) for correctly predicting his 2nd POTUS election (yeah, he's only done this one other time) , or he'll be remembered as the hapless dupe that was roped into carrying Obama's poll money is on the latter.


I can't rep! Wah!
I have a feeling on November 7th Nate Silver is going to be looking for a new job.
The Nate Silver derangement from the right is bizarre, given that all the other aggregate pollsters agree with him. Apparently, Nate Silver is using his mind control to cause everyone to predict an Obama win.
The Nate Silver derangement from the right is bizarre, given that all the other aggregate pollsters agree with him. Apparently, Nate Silver is using his mind control to cause everyone to predict an Obama win.

Ole Nate has the solid votes 185-180.....but never mind.
What are the loons of the far right radical fringe, aka today's average Republican, going to do when Obama wins?


What. are. they. going. to. do?


Frankly...who cares. They're not happy unless they're pissed off. I prefer to see them pissed off legitimately other than just being themselves. I'm very sure I'll get my wish come 11/7.

I'm glad I've bookmarked many of their more crazy-assed posts.
What are the loons of the far right radical fringe, aka today's average Republican, going to do when Obama wins?


What. are. they. going. to. do?


i think what republicans will do depends on how obama wins - assuming he wins (which at the moment i still think he will)

Suppose he wins an electoral victory but loses the political war? By that i mean he gets 270 (270-290 is best case) but Romney gets a majority of the popular vote and maybe wins the popular vote by a fullpercent or even alittle more.

What does obama do then? Yes he has won the presdency but he has no ability even in the worlld of political BS to claim any type of vote in favor of his policies. To the contrary. The republicans will be able to claim very credibly that a few people in ohio and wisconsin may be able to decide who is the president but they dont speak for the electorate as to how they want the counrty governed. if anything such a mixed result will enable Republicans to say the vote was in support of their policies -- against taxes, obamacare etc.

As i said Obama will be president but there will be nothing in that kind of result that should tell Rebublicans they need to compromise with him. If anything such results would support the opposite conclusion

If Oblama wins he can wollow in his own crepulence. Excellent Smithers.
What are the loons of the far right radical fringe, aka today's average Republican, going to do when Obama wins?


What. are. they. going. to. do?


i think what republicans will do depends on how obama wins - assuming he wins (which at the moment i still think he will)

Suppose he wins an electoral victory but loses the political war? By that i mean he gets 270 (270-290 is best case) but Romney gets a majority of the popular vote and maybe wins the popular vote by a fullpercent or even alittle more.

What does obama do then? Yes he has won the presdency but he has no ability even in the worlld of political BS to claim any type of vote in favor of his policies. To the contrary. The republicans will be able to claim very credibly that a few people in ohio and wisconsin may be able to decide who is the president but they dont speak for the electorate as to how they want the counrty governed. if anything such a mixed result will enable Republicans to say the vote was in support of their policies -- against taxes, obamacare etc.

As i said Obama will be president but there will be nothing in that kind of result that should tell Rebublicans they need to compromise with him. If anything such results would support the opposite conclusion

Meh... Bush lost the popular vote, probably lost Florida, was put in office by a court decision and lost control of the Senate. He STILL acted like he was the president and had a mandate to do things.

Since Republicans argued to the hilt that Bush was legitimate despite the fishy way he was elected, they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on if Romney won the popular vote but lost the electoral college.
Polls Show Two Swing-State Dems Leading - Hotline On Call

Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe used the word "desperation" for the first time, since Willard won the first debate. I expect many of you to call him another Democratic Hack, but he is one of the more reasonable Republicans out there.

In Ohio, Brown leads GOP state Treasurer Josh Mandel by 9 points: 51 percent support to Mandel's 42 percent. Mandel leads among independent voters, 46 percent to 44 percent. Their previous poll, conducted the week prior, also had the race at 51 percent to 42 percent.

President Obama leads Mitt Romney, 50 percent to 45 percent, in the state. The poll was conducted Oct. 23-28 and surveyed 1,110 likely voters. It has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 2.9 percentage points.

President Obama and Mitt Romney are neck-and-neck in the same poll, with the president ahead, 48 percent to 47 percent. Mack has consistently underperformed Romney in public polling. The poll of 1,073 likely Florida voters was conducted Oct. 23-28. The margin of error for the survey is plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.

Quinnipiac is well known for its accuracy.


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