Nation Writer Labels the Constitution ‘Trash’

No, I'm saying without the benefit of slave labor America's economy might not have survived let alone become the powerhouse it became.
There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of that, and in fact, evidence suggests the exact opposite. Agrarian society (supported by slavery) gave way to the industrial revolution. THAT is what made America powerful. Slavery held it back.
I don't know what you think this has to do with any of my arguments. I don't give a shit about things you'd like rammed through and really didn't ask.
If you want the constitutional amendment process to be easier, be VERY careful what you wish for, because you may regret it forever.
There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE of that, and in fact, evidence suggests the exact opposite. Agrarian society (supported by slavery) gave way to the industrial revolution. THAT is what made America powerful. Slavery held it back.
And without that support of slavery who knows what would of become of America.
I address this separate. I agree.
It's hard not to. Hear that Mac-7 ? Even your fellow Conservatives will largely agree black people don't owe a lick of gratitude to slavers. Your beliefs are stupid and your racism obvious.
If you want the constitutional amendment process to be easier, be VERY careful what you wish for, because you may regret it forever.
Save your silly ominous warnings. People do what they do. It's not really laws that decide what you can and can't do it's culture and belief systems and power.
And without that support of slavery who knows what would of become of America.
You are under the very misguided belief that slavery did EVERYTHING. Only a small percentage of people actually owned and used slaves, and it was mostly for agricultural applications.

Many farmers, my great, great, great grandfather included, competed against slave-owned operations. They were label "rednecks" because they worked the farms themselves, without the use of slave labor. We lived on part of his farmland in South East Texas when I was young. I remember the old barn and ox-drawn plow still sitting in the field. I am sorry that this little story ruins your bullshit slaves-did-it-all narrative.

Save your silly ominous warnings. People do what they do. It's not really laws that decide what you can and can't do it's culture and belief systems and power.
So, what's the point in shitting on the constitution?
And without that support of slavery who knows what would of become of America.
America would be just as rich and much happier without all the race riots that black people are engaged in

less crime and less poverty

whats not to like?
And replace it with, what? Oh, we know, the real target is as always by these American Marxists the 2nd Amendment.

Why is there a giant mushroom on his head?


Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, labeled the Constitution “trash” in an appearance on ABC’s The View on Friday.
Appearing on the program to promote his new book, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Mystal was asked by co-host Ana Navarro-Cárdenas if the Constitution “is a living document,” or a “sacred document.” Mystal responded by declaring that “it’s certainly not sacred, all right, let’s start there. The Constitution is kind of trash.”
“It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody that looked like me what they thought about the Constitution,” continued Mystal, who proceeded to do an impression of a 18th century slave weighing in on the document.
In another interview promoting Allow Me to Retort, Mystal was asked if he thought the Constitution should be “scrapped altogether.”
“Sure, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” replied Mystal, who expressed support for a new, “more inclusive,” structure of government.

Typical Uppity Negro hate and stupidity. Dumber than a door knob.

Africa doesn't have a Constitution. He should get his Black ass over there.
You are under the very misguided belief that slavery did EVERYTHING. Only a small percentage of people actually owned and used slaves, and it was mostly for agricultural applications.
Your hyperbole is trying to mask itself as reasonable debate and doing a poor job. I never said it was.... EVERYTHING!!!OMG 😂

Cotton in the 1800s was not only America's biggest industry it was the world's. It comprised over half of American exports and was vital not just to Southern slavers but to Northern economy as well as their favorites produced textiles from that cotton. An excerpt from David Blights course on the Civil War and Reconstruction at Yale by way of an Atlantic article reads: 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined. So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories.

As for comparing how many Americans owned slaves as a percentage of the entire population, that is stupid. But according to the 1860 census by way of in the states that would secede over 30% of families owned slaves and in some states like Mississippi it was 49%.
Many farmers, my great, great, great grandfather included, competed against slave-owned operations. They were label "rednecks" because they worked the farms themselves, without the use of slave labor. We lived on part of his farmland in South East Texas when I was young. I remember the old barn and ox-drawn plow still sitting in the field. I am sorry that this little story ruins your bullshit slaves-did-it-all narrative.
Save your bullshit personal anecdotes for children. You'd think if that were really the case you wouldn't be such a slaver apologist.
So, what's the point in shitting on the constitution?
To remove the mythological belief it was written on high by saintly men and that it is some magical forcefield against injustice. It was written by ignorant and racist slavers and used to justify plenty of injustice. Words mean less than how we actually treat people.
Your hyperbole is trying to mask itself as reasonable debate and doing a poor job. I never said it was.... EVERYTHING!!!OMG

Despite what you are desperate to believe, in "we was kangs" fashion, black people have not been responsible for America's success. An argument could be made that America has succeeded in spite of black people. Sorry to disappoint you.
Cotton in the 1800s was not only America's biggest industry it was the world's. It comprised over half of American exports and was vital not just to Southern slavers but to Northern economy as well as their favorites produced textiles from that cotton.
And still, America did not become a powerful nation until LONG AFTER slavery had ended, at the peak of industrial revolution. This supports the position that slavery actually PREVENTED American greatness.
As for comparing how many Americans owned slaves as a percentage of the entire population, that is stupid. But according to the 1860 census by way of in the states that would secede over 30% of families owned slaves and in some states like Mississippi it was 49%.
The fact that Mississippi is currently arguably the shittiest state in the union, that would support the argument that slavery did nothing but hinder greatness.
Save your bullshit personal anecdotes for children. You'd think if that were really the case you wouldn't be such a slaver apologist.
Just because I call out your BULLSHIT on America ONLY surviving because of slavery does not make me a slaver apologist. Listening to your bullshit, one would think that everyone had 100s of slaves who did all the work. COMPLETE BULLSHIT.
To remove the mythological belief it was written on high by saintly men and that it is some magical forcefield against injustice. It was written by ignorant and racist slavers and used to justify plenty of injustice. Words mean less than how we actually treat people.
Oh, I get it. You're still mad that it's too hard to change.

Save it.

It was put in place with the ability to amend, and you're mad because you can't amend it to take away our guns and introduce Marxism. Same old song and dance.
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No, it's not. If it were you could quote were I said that.
Despite what you are desperate to believe in "we was kangs" fashion, black people have not been responsible for America's success. An argument could be made that America has succeeded in spite of black people. Sorry to disappoint you.
Your feelings don't really compete with the factual history I dropped on you.
And still, America did not become a powerful nation until LONG AFTER slavery had ended, at the peak of industrial revolution. This supports the position that slavery actually PREVENTED American greatness.
This is just another logical fallacy. Even if America didn't become a "powerful nation" (by whatever hilarious criteria you're using to discern that) it doesn't automatically follow that this was because of slavery. That's something you'd have to prove.
The fact that Mississippi is currently arguably the shittiest state in the union, that would support the argument that slavery did nothing but hinder greatness.
This is just another example is the above fallacy.
Just because I call out your BULLSHIT on America ONLY surviving because of slavery does not make me a slaver apologist. Listening to your bullshit, one would think that everyone had 100s of slaves who did all the work. COMPLETE BULLSHIT.
What is bullshit is your thinking you're obvious hurt feelings are in any way an intelligent counter to my facts. I provided the information for your on just how much American industry and wealth was tied to slavery, that these facts trigger you is not really my problem.
Oh, I get it. You're still mad that it's too hard to change.

Save it.

It was put in place with the ability to amend, and you're mad because you can't amend it to take away our guns and introduce Marxism. Same old song and dance.
It's okay we'll take your guns eventually. Not like you even need them. For all your talk the Cucks at the Capitol did nothing. Brought them but then pussied out. 😄

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