National Debt now more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office

So let me understand. If Trump stays on this course of debt and serves eight years then he will accumulate eight trillion in additional debt.

That would be two trillion less than that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama accumulated in eight years, isn't it?
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter
Right wing income redistribution at its finest. The rich get richer and the poor get the tab.
So let me understand. If Trump stays on this course of debt and serves eight years then he will accumulate eight trillion in additional debt.

That would be two trillion less than that worthless affirmative action asshole Obama accumulated in eight years, isn't it?
Obama inherited a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years. Trump inherited a good economy & lowering unemployment and yet he will hit a trillion in deficits this year.
Obama inherited a recession started by a Republican. He had to raise the debt.
Meanwhile Trump said his tax cuts would give us all this magical revenue.
He didn't have to blow a hole in the debt to the tune of $10 trillion, hackasaurus rex.
FDR borrowed money to get out of a Depression
Reagan borrowed money to get out of a Recession

When Obama tried.......Republicans stormed Washington
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

This reminds me of the guy who marries the divorcee with four unruly kids and they quickly run up his credit cards without his knowledge to hurt him, get him to divorce their Mom, get themselves free bling or just leave.

The Libs and Leftists in government may have orchestrated this increase just to voice their contempt for the new Marshall in town.

In which case they should be made to fear for their jobs.
National Debt now more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office

An absolute disgrace, fire the generals and admirals, scrap the fleets, recycle the bombers, melt down the tanks, eliminate the “safety hammock”, auction off the land holdings west of the Mississippi, shutter the bureaucracies and put an end to this nonsense. Either that or shut the fuck up about it you partisn hacks.
Obama inherited a recession started by a Republican. He had to raise the debt.
Meanwhile Trump said his tax cuts would give us all this magical revenue.
He didn't have to blow a hole in the debt to the tune of $10 trillion, hackasaurus rex.
FDR borrowed money to get out of a Depression
Reagan borrowed money to get out of a Recession

When Obama tried.......Republicans stormed Washington
Trump borrowed money from his charity foundation and whoooooopps forgot to pay it back ,,a thief that no one should put anything past
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

Here is what happened:

(1) The GOP passed record tax relief for the CORPORATIONS & the top 0.01% of wealthiest individuals.

(2) Those tax cuts are PERMANENT

(3) This is nothing more than bribery that benefits the GOP 'donor class'

(4) The deficit during this period increased at a SIX YEAR RECORD RATE, all while the economy was claimed to be "great"

(5) If the economy was so "great" as we were told then WHY IN HELL weren't they PAYING DOWN DEBT?

(6) The working class folk aka the middle class got a 'bread crumb' tax cut that will EXPIRE in a few years.

(7) This 'bread crumb' tax cut will NOT even keep up with inflation/CPI

(8) Congrats to the dumb asses from the 'middle class' that supported Trump & the GOP.

(9) You folks got screwed worse than any pooch .............
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

Well make sure to elect more Dems to office so they can enact their “everything’s free” policies. That’s sure to improve the debt!
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter
Yeah, its fucked up and you should complain. The question is, do you complain when a democrat president increases our debt?
Obama inherited a recession started by a Republican. He had to raise the debt.
Meanwhile Trump said his tax cuts would give us all this magical revenue.

Translation: No I don’t care when a Dem president does it
National Debt now more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office

An absolute disgrace, fire the generals and admirals, scrap the fleets, recycle the bombers, melt down the tanks, eliminate the “safety hammock”, auction off the land holdings west of the Mississippi, shutter the bureaucracies and put an end to this nonsense. Either that or shut the fuck up about it you partisn hacks.
stop complaining about taxes for general welfare spending.
There is no such thing as the party of fiscal responsibility not Republicans not Democrats spending other people’s money like drunken sailors on leave is one of the few things the parties have in common.

Hey! Don't insult the fiscal responsibility of drunken sailors on leave that way!
No, but your posts make no sense. You are forming a circular firing squad. It doesn't work well.

I'm sort of in the mindset that they all need to be shot. I am of course speaking metaphorically as well .(Moonbats can look up the word).

I've reached a conclusion that either...

A) Cloward/Piven have established the means for the dissolution of the US as a nation let alone a global superpower and the establishment of a global government to replace it as well as all other governments. By collapsing the dollar, which is pretty much what gives all currency any value as I see it, you would literally destroy the global economy.

B) The government and people beyond those elected officials who wield power and influence in ways not quite obvious to the public have no concern about debt because money is basically a bugaboo. The only thing that gives it value is the belief it has any. There really is no limit on what can be spent because dollars are merely digits and electrons. There is no real limit on the debt and the issue is used to direct attention in a different direction so that people don't go after those power brokers.

I really don't know anything though. I have my perceptions and beliefs based on what I've observed and read, and anyone who tells me they know one way or another doesn't have any more access to information than I do. That's why I don't take politics all that seriously. I'm more entertained by ridiculing bed wetters who desperately cling to nanny state tits.

It doesn't really matter though. I'm 40 sumtin' and if I have 50 years left, nothing I care to do will change anything. I just want to enjoy my family, play with my toys, eat good food and become Emperor of the Western Hemisphere so that government can't fuck with me. I'd actually like to fuck with governments that oppress their people, that's why my first rule as Emperor shall be that everyone on this half of the planet has Second Amendment rights. Otherwise I have no interest in the behavior of other people.
but hey, the rich got richer faster.

Uh, under the Trump tax cuts, the rich lost a huge tax deduction with the $10K cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. Also, the Trump tax cuts ended the tax-free status of American companies that operate and park money overseas--now they pay 21% on their foreign-made income, whereas before they paid nothing.

And, uh, FYI, median household income has been rising steadily under Trump, whereas it was flat-lined under Obama.
but hey, the rich got richer faster.

Uh, under the Trump tax cuts, the rich lost a huge tax deduction with the $10K cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. Also, the Trump tax cuts ended the tax-free status of American companies that operate and park money overseas--now they pay 21% on their foreign-made income, whereas before they paid nothing.

And, uh, FYI, median household income has been rising steadily under Trump, whereas it was flat-lined under Obama.
Huge tax Deduction. What’s that in comparison to the cut percentage wise?

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