National Debt now more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office

but hey, the rich got richer faster.

Uh, under the Trump tax cuts, the rich lost a huge tax deduction with the $10K cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. Also, the Trump tax cuts ended the tax-free status of American companies that operate and park money overseas--now they pay 21% on their foreign-made income, whereas before they paid nothing.

And, uh, FYI, median household income has been rising steadily under Trump, whereas it was flat-lined under Obama.
isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.

trends were going up not down.

Who Benefits From The Tax Cut 10 Months Later
but hey, the rich got richer faster.

Uh, under the Trump tax cuts, the rich lost a huge tax deduction with the $10K cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. Also, the Trump tax cuts ended the tax-free status of American companies that operate and park money overseas--now they pay 21% on their foreign-made income, whereas before they paid nothing.

And, uh, FYI, median household income has been rising steadily under Trump, whereas it was flat-lined under Obama.

Poor dears. But these losses of deductions pale in comparison to the elimination of the ACA tax, and the loss of deductions affect the middle class far more than they do the wealthy. With the top corporate tax rate at 21%, you make it sound like these companies are now paying far more in taxes than they were when they were paying nothing on this income. In fact, federal revenues have dropped like a stone, even as corporations repatriated billions of dollars at a one-time 10% hit on the amount they brought home.

Even the CBO's most pessimistic estimates on the declines in federal revenues due to this tax cut, have been exceeded. That's not good news. Worse, there has been no compensurate increase in jobs or incomes to make up the shortfall in revenues, so this tax cut isn't paying for itself, or even making a dent in the loss of revenue it created.
The first year belongs to Obama.

Typical conservative. Nothing is EVER your fault.
Funny how much they increased over Obamas last deficits....
Obama spent more than all other Presidents COMBINED. Trump has a long way to go to match THAT record.
And you'll cheer him on as he does it..
Depends on what the money is spent on. If he does something outrageous like give $150 billion to Iran or put another 13 million people on welfare I will criticize him for it.
Numbers posted today by @USTreasury show the National Debt ended 2018 more than $2-trillion larger than on the day Pres Trump took office. It represents a 10% increase in the Debt on Pres Trump's watch. National Debt now stands at $21.974-trillion. 1

Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?

Mark Knoller on Twitter

America has not had a fiscally responsible republican since Eisenhower.

They are the most economically and fiscally irresponsible party.

They spend like there's no tomorrow, gives huge tax cuts for the rich and adds it all to our national debt.

They are the borrow and spend out of control party and have for many decades.
Why should this bother ABNORMALS?.....They didn't care when the Surrender Monkey raised it $8 trillion in 8 years.....said it was nothing!
The first year belongs to Obama.

But so far, this fiscal year, Trump is on pace for a $1.8 trillion dollar deficit.

That is astronomically bad.
Waddya mean, "mostly"? It was OBAMA'S BUDGET. Trump had nothing to do with it. As I already asked.....Who signed the 2017 budget???

If you understood budgets, you would know that NO FY budget is entirely the responsibility of the previous POTUS. There are things that Trump did during the 2017 FY that undoubtedly altered the final deficit either plus or minus...though these will probably be around 20-30% at most of the entire FY deficit.

FY spending is not etched in stone the second it is signed. There are ALWAYS numerous variations as the FY progresses - and those are usually the responsibility of the sitting POTUS.

BTW - I noticed you did not seem to bat an eye that the present FY is running a $1.8 trillion deficit. I assume that means you are fine with such a ridiculous deficit.

So be it.

I, on the other hand, care VERY much.

And here is the proof of that deficit:
If you understood budgets, you would know that NO FY budget is entirely the responsibility of the previous POTUS.
Oh, I get it. Obama's first year's deficit belonged entirely to Bush, but Trump's first year's deficit is only "partially" Obama's. I see how it works now. Thanks for clearing that up for us. LOL
If you understood budgets, you would know that NO FY budget is entirely the responsibility of the previous POTUS.
Oh, I get it. Obama's first year's deficit belonged entirely to Bush, but Trump's first year's deficit is only "partially" Obama's. I see how it works now. Thanks for clearing that up for us. LOL

You politically-biased ignoramus....where EXACTLY did I say that FY 2009 was not partially Obama's responsibility?

Of course it was, DUH.

And I will ask you about the present FY $1.8 TRILLION deficit?

Is it not ridiculous to you? Yes or no?
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