National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

Would you be "right in the head" if your brain was trapped in the body of an ape or lion or the wrong sex body?

If my brain was in a lion, I would think of myself as a lion. It isn't a difficult concept.

Their brain developed in the womb one gender and their body another.

Yet there is still no credible evidence for this. I have heard pseudo theories of this nature that try to justify their bullshit, but it is all junk science.

Yes, it is confusing and messes with the head, because it is not automatically accepted a normal to just be themselves.

That's retarded.

When a transgender says they feel like a woman on the inside, they are really just saying that they want to replicate the typical gender stereotypes that are assigned to women.

The only thing that determines your gender are your sex organs. There is no such thing as a stereotypical male or female mentality.

Answer this: If I felt like I was a dinosaur on the inside, does that mean I am a dinosaur trapped inside a human body? Of course not.
Would you be "right in the head" if your brain was trapped in the body of an ape or lion or the wrong sex body?

If my brain was in a lion, I would think of myself as a lion. It isn't a difficult concept.

Their brain developed in the womb one gender and their body another.

Yet there is still no credible evidence for this. I have heard pseudo theories of this nature that try to justify their bullshit, but it is all junk science.

Yes, it is confusing and messes with the head, because it is not automatically accepted a normal to just be themselves.

That's retarded.

When a transgender says they feel like a woman on the inside, they are really just saying that they want to replicate the typical gender stereotypes that are assigned to women.

The only thing that determines your gender are your sex organs. There is no such thing as a stereotypical male or female mentality.

Answer this: If I felt like I was a dinosaur on the inside, does that mean I am a dinosaur trapped inside a human body? Of course not.

and yet people can be born with both sexual organs or none. Nature is not a straight up black or white


18 Hybrid Animals That Are Hard To Believe Actually Exist

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia
and yet people can be born with both sexual organs or none.

That has nothing to do with trans. Trying to equivocate a hermaphrodite with a person that believes that their penis is an accident would be intellectually dishonest.
and yet people can be born with both sexual organs or none. Nature is not a straight up black or white

What does that have to do with a topic about regular genetic normalcy trying to have it's dick chopped off with the help of "medical doctors" (soon to be stripped of their licenses to practice for violating the hippocratic oath.)?

This topic isn't about genetic anomalies. It's about regular males and females wanting surgically assisted amputation of healthy organs..putting themselves at risk of peril and "cure" a mental illness.

It is illegal medical quackery at its zenith. It is illegal to coerce a child to hurt themselves. If the Nat. Geo. article, besides peddling soft child porn on its cover photo. seeks to normalize this disease and mental instability in any reader's mind, they are guilty of direct or assisted child abuse.

If I was an MD doing these types of practices in today's political climate, I'd be RUNNING to a team of lawyers, quitting immediately and praying to god they don't retroactively punish MDs when (and not if) the "family of the mutilated patient vs the doctors" case is found in favor of the family. It's just a matter of time. And the clock is ticking.
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9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.

Far too much so called news is activists and opinionated bigots pushing their own version of truth as they want it to be.
Such stories are not concerned for the actual needs of the child, just their version of what should be for society. You turn the child insane instead of understanding who and what they are as individuals because it does not fit what you think "normal" should be.

Why don't you try to tell the child's story from his perspective.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.

Far too much so called news is activists and opinionated bigots pushing their own version of truth as they want it to be.
Such stories are not concerned for the actual needs of the child, just their version of what should be for society. You turn the child insane instead of understanding who and what they are as individuals because it does not fit what you think "normal" should be.

Why don't you try to tell the child's story from his perspective.

The only one who can do that is the child.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.

Sure, american christianity is under attack isnt' it love.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.

Far too much so called news is activists and opinionated bigots pushing their own version of truth as they want it to be.
Such stories are not concerned for the actual needs of the child, just their version of what should be for society. You turn the child insane instead of understanding who and what they are as individuals because it does not fit what you think "normal" should be.

Why don't you try to tell the child's story from his perspective.
These children are not normal. Their perspective is warped. They are no different than those who want limbs chopped off or be blinded. Would you help a nine year old child put drano in their eyes?
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Yup, clearly we need the govt to step in and take over the media/press.

If you're being serious, it is bad because it would gut the 1st Amendment. Something the LGBT cult would probably love right now so they could jail Christians for speaking out against their cult behaviors.

If you're being sarcastic, remember, freedom of speech does have rare limits. One of those is established in case law in New York vs Ferber (1982) where the USSC found that even though Ferber had a right to free speech; his publishing of child pornography was not protected because people who publish anything cannot do so if that publication results in harm to children.

Look it up. National Geographic just violated New York vs Ferber.

Far too much so called news is activists and opinionated bigots pushing their own version of truth as they want it to be.
Such stories are not concerned for the actual needs of the child, just their version of what should be for society. You turn the child insane instead of understanding who and what they are as individuals because it does not fit what you think "normal" should be.

Why don't you try to tell the child's story from his perspective.
These children are not normal. Their perspective is warped. They are no different than those who want limbs chopped off or be blinded. Would you help a nine year old child put drano in their eyes?

No child will be put on hormones till they begin puberty. No doctor will do so without full history and examinations both medical and psychological.

A child can legally make their own choices about transition without a parent at age 16.

Parents might allow a child to live as their identity sex but treatment of any kind will wait till puberty begins. Hormones will be given for a number of years before surgery is ever considered.

The abuse is to deny who the child is inside and force them to live at the gender they are born with.
The abuse is to deny a child their right to be blind or legless if ability is not who they are inside.

The child is mentally ill. You do not indulge mental illness. Most of the time gender confusion works it's way out during puberty.
The abuse is to deny a child their right to be blind or legless if ability is not who they are inside.

The child is mentally ill. You do not indulge mental illness. Most of the time gender confusion works it's way out during puberty.

transgender is a physical disorder not mental illness
The abuse is to deny a child their right to be blind or legless if ability is not who they are inside.

The child is mentally ill. You do not indulge mental illness. Most of the time gender confusion works it's way out during puberty.

transgender is a physical disorder not mental illness
It is a mental illness just like body integrity disorder is a mental illness.
This woman is not a cat

This man is not a dog

These individuals are suffering from a mental illness. The same kind as Transgenderism is.
The abuse is to deny a child their right to be blind or legless if ability is not who they are inside.

The child is mentally ill. You do not indulge mental illness. Most of the time gender confusion works it's way out during puberty.

transgender is a physical disorder not mental illness
Nope. The mind doesn't get to override physical objects in reality. That's called delusion dear. Time to get a dictionary.
This woman is not a cat

This man is not a dog

These individuals are suffering from a mental illness. The same kind as Transgenderism is.

Normal functioning life with work and friends otherwise...... why do you care?
not harmful to self or others
This woman is not a cat

This man is not a dog

These individuals are suffering from a mental illness. The same kind as Transgenderism is.

Normal functioning life with work and friends otherwise...... why do you care?
not harmful to self or others

The agenda of normalizing 'choosing your gender' that's being shoved down children's throats via schools most certainly does harm others.

You CAN NOT choose your gender. It IS NOT normal for a person to want to be the opposite sex of what they were born. It IS a mental problem that should be addressed as such.

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