National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

That's sad on so many levels. What do adults to do kids to make them think like this? jesus. I got a 10 year old girl and 8 year old son and NEITHER act like are the opposite sex,they act EXACTLY like a 10 year old girl and a 8 year old boy should!
Yeah, and dontcha like how the kid was posed with his fingers down in his crotch, Miley Cyrus style?

It's child porn on the cover of Nat. Geo.
Your post tells us a lot more you than National Geographic.
No, I'm pretty sure a sexualized perverse topic featuring a boy done up in girl's getup with his hand stuffed right between his legs at his crotch "Miley Cyrus" style is on the Nat. Geo. Not me. Instead of posing the child with one arm limp while the other is "busy" between the boy's crotch; maybe just sit him in a chair with both arms folded across his lap or down at his sides? The pose in the photo + disturbing content of the story = child pornography.

With every post you reveal a disturbed mind.
Doctors who perform Transgender surgery are careful to explain to their patients that they will not really change genders. It's just a cosmetic facade.
A person can no more change genders than they can change species
This is true. It is medically-assisted amputation of healthy organs, leaving the patient predictably mutilated and susceptible to disease thereby. Which of course is BLATANT malpractice. If I was the family member of one of these amputees, on behalf of my starkly mentally-challenged family member who was taken advantage of thus for money, I'd SUE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of said doctors.

It's about time...

Mother Can't Stop Doctor From Mutilating Autistic Daughter Who Wants To Be a Transgender Boy - Breitbart

A left-wing academic is breaking from her fellow progressives after she could not save her own autistic daughter — who has a functional age of nine — from getting swept up by the transgender ideology and then having her breasts amputated to “become a boy.”...
Her authoritative and emotional opposition to the transgender movement’s willingness to recruit disabled kids has generated a backlash that threatens her accomplished career, her health and her savings for her impending retirement. It’s also earned her hate-mail and death threats, said Levinstein.


“My [autistic] daughter was wholly unprepared to make these decisions,” Levinstein told Breitbart News. Levinstein, a clinical social worker now teaching at the University of Michigan, said cutting off the breasts of someone who is incapable of making that decision is “medical torture.”...Dr. Paul McHugh, who headed the psychiatric department at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for many years, calls transgenderism a mental disorder that requires treatment, but not surgery. He compares transgenderism to the same mental condition in anorexics who may look into a mirror and see a fat person even though they are skeletal.

So, if this woman pursues and eventually becomes successful, the precedent will be set that a person who is mentally unfit, cannot consent to having amputation surgery of healthy organs.

Put simply, that's the end of transgender surgery because anyone engaged to the depth of denial of wanting to amputate their genitals in a game of mental-pretend, is, by clear and inarguable definition, mentally unfit to consent.
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Doctors who perform Transgender surgery are careful to explain to their patients that they will not really change genders. It's just a cosmetic facade.
A person can no more change genders than they can change species
When you study the subject you will think differently.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Parents don't need to brainwash, it is who they are. Usually parents have to learn about transgender because of their child.
You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.


Parents don't understand their children and have to learn, usually. Most parents expect their children to be "normal" and conform to society's expectations.

Does not take a degree to understand that we are all different, some just a bit more so. Transgenders have always exists as have homosexuals. Now they are out of the closet so to speak.

Why would anyone put themselves through the scorn of people like you if it was not who they really were? does not make sense

Sexuality and identity are not taught, just accepted. Parents that want the best for their children learn to help them be what they are and find happiness.
Of course you think 9 year olds know all about sex and parents need to follow their desires.
Because your a flippen moonbat Leftard who has no clue to reality.

You're the caliber that brought down Hillary with your craziness.

There is long evaluations, physical and psychological before a determination is made. Then comes the decisions to treat as transgender and when of age to begin hormones and much later surgery. A long difficult and costly process.

This is not some whim and a game by the child.

This is a joint decisions knowing the child will face social difficulties a well and have to take hormones for life.

Transgender is not just crossdressing and playing a drag queen for entertainment. It is the brain and body in conflict.

The other day an infant was found to be pregnant with it's own growing twin. Transgender is not so different, the cells of two merge and become one fetus with the brain of one sex and the body of the other. They are literally two people sharing the same body in a way. Brain leads.

If it bothers you, stay out of their lives. Transgenders exist everywhere, always have. So what if they are different from the majority, we are all unique in some way. Makes people interesting.

Nature is still a wonder we are exploring. Hope we never stop.

You will find a lot strange things you don't understand and don't like. You can embrace or dismiss, but there is no reason to seek to destroy unless it is a "direct threat" to you. If someone is different, and that bothers you, walk on the other side of the street. You will look the fool, but that is your choice. Don't take a stick and try to beat them to be something they are not.

When you are rude and make an issue, you put yourself in the wrong. Ignore the difference, they are just everyone else
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411

Parents don't need to brainwash, it is who they are. Usually parents have to learn about transgender because of their child.
You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.


Parents don't understand their children and have to learn, usually. Most parents expect their children to be "normal" and conform to society's expectations.

Does not take a degree to understand that we are all different, some just a bit more so. Transgenders have always exists as have homosexuals. Now they are out of the closet so to speak.

Why would anyone put themselves through the scorn of people like you if it was not who they really were? does not make sense

Sexuality and identity are not taught, just accepted. Parents that want the best for their children learn to help them be what they are and find happiness.
Of course you think 9 year olds know all about sex and parents need to follow their desires.
Because your a flippen moonbat Leftard who has no clue to reality.

You're the caliber that brought down Hillary with your craziness.

There is long evaluations, physical and psychological before a determination is made. Then comes the decisions to treat as transgender and when of age to begin hormones and much later surgery. A long difficult and costly process.

This is not some whim and a game by the child.

This is a joint decisions knowing the child will face social difficulties a well and have to take hormones for life.

Transgender is not just crossdressing and playing a drag queen for entertainment. It is the brain and body in conflict.

The other day an infant was found to be pregnant with it's own growing twin. Transgender is not so different, the cells of two merge and become one fetus with the brain of one sex and the body of the other. They are literally two people sharing the same body in a way. Brain leads.

If it bothers you, stay out of their lives. Transgenders exist everywhere, always have. So what if they are different from the majority, we are all unique in some way. Makes people interesting.

Nature is still a wonder we are exploring. Hope we never stop.

You will find a lot strange things you don't understand and don't like. You can embrace or dismiss, but there is no reason to seek to destroy unless it is a "direct threat" to you. If someone is different, and that bothers you, walk on the other side of the street. You will look the fool, but that is your choice. Don't take a stick and try to beat them to be something they are not.

When you are rude and make an issue, you put yourself in the wrong. Ignore the difference, they are just everyone else
Takes a real freak to think a 9 year old knows all about sex and consequences of actions and parents must simply go along with it.
If this kid really has a conflict between his "feelings" and his "physical", raise him as a boy and when he is an adult he can do as he pleases. But this humoring of children is wrong, and the physical interference some parents are doing (hormone injections, surgery) to CHILDREN is beyond the pale and 100% wrong. smh

I would say since the adult(s) involved are doing the "humoring"'s the humoring of adults. Every time I look at one of these "I'm really a girl" boy cases, there is a mother who doesn't have a daughter. She has several sons and no daughter. That was openly the case of "Jazz". "Jazz"...surprise the youngest of three boys. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find out that this aging mother, desperate for a daughter, when confronted with yet another male child as the last she'd likely have...decided...or whoops...I mean "the child decided" to start taking on girlish qualities.

I presume for instance, that it was the toddler boy's own credit card that went out and bought the girly furniture and paid for the pink paint used as undertones for this boy's room. And no doubt it was his money that paid for the frilly lace and feminine trappings seen overdone all throughout "Jazz's" preschool-aged room. Also his credit card no doubt that paid for the $100 makeup job on his face.

"Jazz"...aged about 5 or so.. Mommy was decorating his room, dressing him up as a girl, accessorizing even & applying adult professional makeup to her little boy. All so she could have a "daughter"..


Do you know what happened to Jazz? At 15, even with the male hormone blockers and estrogen, Jazz decided that he liked girls after all. Rather than accept that Jazz was making different decisions, Mother increased the hormones and insists that at most, Jazz is bisexual. He isn't a normal 15 year old boy that wants a girlfriend. He is a lesbian. A lesbian with a working penis.
Doctors who perform Transgender surgery are careful to explain to their patients that they will not really change genders. It's just a cosmetic facade.
A person can no more change genders than they can change species
This is true. It is medically-assisted amputation of healthy organs, leaving the patient predictably mutilated and susceptible to disease thereby. Which of course is BLATANT malpractice. If I was the family member of one of these amputees, on behalf of my starkly mentally-challenged family member who was taken advantage of thus for money, I'd SUE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of said doctors.

It's about time...

Mother Can't Stop Doctor From Mutilating Autistic Daughter Who Wants To Be a Transgender Boy - Breitbart

A left-wing academic is breaking from her fellow progressives after she could not save her own autistic daughter — who has a functional age of nine — from getting swept up by the transgender ideology and then having her breasts amputated to “become a boy.”...
Her authoritative and emotional opposition to the transgender movement’s willingness to recruit disabled kids has generated a backlash that threatens her accomplished career, her health and her savings for her impending retirement. It’s also earned her hate-mail and death threats, said Levinstein.


“My [autistic] daughter was wholly unprepared to make these decisions,” Levinstein told Breitbart News. Levinstein, a clinical social worker now teaching at the University of Michigan, said cutting off the breasts of someone who is incapable of making that decision is “medical torture.”...Dr. Paul McHugh, who headed the psychiatric department at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for many years, calls transgenderism a mental disorder that requires treatment, but not surgery. He compares transgenderism to the same mental condition in anorexics who may look into a mirror and see a fat person even though they are skeletal.

So, if this woman pursues and eventually becomes successful, the precedent will be set that a person who is mentally unfit, cannot consent to having amputation surgery of healthy organs.

Put simply, that's the end of transgender surgery because anyone engaged to the depth of denial of wanting to amputate their genitals in a game of mental-pretend, is, by clear and inarguable definition, mentally unfit to consent.

Can't amputate the brain, well not without a transplant. The body can be altered, we do cosmetic surgery, use make up, change clothes, color hair and mark the skin for millennia. The brain is who we are. The body is a means of acting, a tool of the brain to move.

Why does a "different" body bother you so much, it's what is inside, the brain, that makes the person, not an extra limb or deformity or gender.

Who knows what people behind a screen name online looks like? They might be naked, siamese twins, covered in tumors, have a foot for a hand or be transgender. Why does it matter? They are just people with the same needs and feeling a any other person out there. The might speak to text to communicate, might be blind and "read" because the computer converts text to speech, type with their eyes or their feet. They might have not genitalia at all, or both. Why should it matter????

Humans are not clones, nor are we "programed" to all be the same.

If it is what the child/transgender person wants and needs, and doctors agree, it's not for you to say it is abuse. Abuse would be to enslave the person in a body they don't recognize their their own, who they are or should be. If changing the outside makes they feel more comfortable, more themselves, let them. It is their body after all.

When it is your body, you can decide what happens to it.

You don't control the body of others, or their minds without abusing them.

You are the abuser to interfere
If this kid really has a conflict between his "feelings" and his "physical", raise him as a boy and when he is an adult he can do as he pleases. But this humoring of children is wrong, and the physical interference some parents are doing (hormone injections, surgery) to CHILDREN is beyond the pale and 100% wrong. smh

I would say since the adult(s) involved are doing the "humoring"'s the humoring of adults. Every time I look at one of these "I'm really a girl" boy cases, there is a mother who doesn't have a daughter. She has several sons and no daughter. That was openly the case of "Jazz". "Jazz"...surprise the youngest of three boys. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find out that this aging mother, desperate for a daughter, when confronted with yet another male child as the last she'd likely have...decided...or whoops...I mean "the child decided" to start taking on girlish qualities.

I presume for instance, that it was the toddler boy's own credit card that went out and bought the girly furniture and paid for the pink paint used as undertones for this boy's room. And no doubt it was his money that paid for the frilly lace and feminine trappings seen overdone all throughout "Jazz's" preschool-aged room. Also his credit card no doubt that paid for the $100 makeup job on his face.

"Jazz"...aged about 5 or so.. Mommy was decorating his room, dressing him up as a girl, accessorizing even & applying adult professional makeup to her little boy. All so she could have a "daughter"..


Do you know what happened to Jazz? At 15, even with the male hormone blockers and estrogen, Jazz decided that he liked girls after all. Rather than accept that Jazz was making different decisions, Mother increased the hormones and insists that at most, Jazz is bisexual. He isn't a normal 15 year old boy that wants a girlfriend. He is a lesbian. A lesbian with a working penis.

The shape of her body has nothing to do with who she is attracted to sexually.

Lili Elbe very much loved his wife but felt out of place in his body and went through a great deal to get a sex change a century ago.

Transvestites just like to crossdress. Transgender feel they are in the wrong body. Either one can be attracted to any sex, or both.

Trans -
>>a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin ( transcend; transfix); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,”“changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin:
transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.
Chemistry. a prefix denoting a geometric isomer having a pair of identical atoms or groups on the opposite sides of two atoms linked by a double bond.
Compare cis- (def 2).
Astronomy. a prefix denoting something farther from the sun (than a given planet):
trans-Martian; trans-Neptunian.
a prefix meaning “on the other side of,” referring to the misalignment of one’s gender identity with one's biological sex assigned at birth:
transgender; transsexual.
Origin of trans-
< Latin, combining form of trāns (adv. and preposition) across, beyond,through<<
It's a mental illness. It is no different than people who want limbs removed or to be blinded. There are people who believe they are animals born in the wrong body.

There is no way a male can become female or a female become male. Any changes are cosmetic. A woman does not become a cat because her belt has a fake tail.

How they feel is immaterial. They can feel like they came from the planet Kpak. They really aren't.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411
That's sad on so many levels. What do adults to do kids to make them think like this? jesus. I got a 10 year old girl and 8 year old son and NEITHER act like are the opposite sex,they act EXACTLY like a 10 year old girl and a 8 year old boy should!
Yeah, and dontcha like how the kid was posed with his fingers down in his crotch, Miley Cyrus style?

It's child porn on the cover of Nat. Geo.
Your post tells us a lot more you than National Geographic.
No, I'm pretty sure a sexualized perverse topic featuring a boy done up in girl's getup with his hand stuffed right between his legs at his crotch "Miley Cyrus" style is on the Nat. Geo. Not me. Instead of posing the child with one arm limp while the other is "busy" between the boy's crotch; maybe just sit him in a chair with both arms folded across his lap or down at his sides? The pose in the photo + disturbing content of the story = child pornography.

With every post you reveal a disturbed mind.
And parents who raised racists & bigots & homophobes & Islamphobes?
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411
That's sad on so many levels. What do adults to do kids to make them think like this? jesus. I got a 10 year old girl and 8 year old son and NEITHER act like are the opposite sex,they act EXACTLY like a 10 year old girl and a 8 year old boy should!
Yeah, and dontcha like how the kid was posed with his fingers down in his crotch, Miley Cyrus style?

It's child porn on the cover of Nat. Geo.
Your post tells us a lot more you than National Geographic.
No, I'm pretty sure a sexualized perverse topic featuring a boy done up in girl's getup with his hand stuffed right between his legs at his crotch "Miley Cyrus" style is on the Nat. Geo. Not me. Instead of posing the child with one arm limp while the other is "busy" between the boy's crotch; maybe just sit him in a chair with both arms folded across his lap or down at his sides? The pose in the photo + disturbing content of the story = child pornography.

With every post you reveal a disturbed mind.
And parents who raised racists & bigots & homophobes & Islamphobes?

9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

View attachment 102411
That's sad on so many levels. What do adults to do kids to make them think like this? jesus. I got a 10 year old girl and 8 year old son and NEITHER act like are the opposite sex,they act EXACTLY like a 10 year old girl and a 8 year old boy should!
Yeah, and dontcha like how the kid was posed with his fingers down in his crotch, Miley Cyrus style?

It's child porn on the cover of Nat. Geo.
Your post tells us a lot more you than National Geographic.
No, I'm pretty sure a sexualized perverse topic featuring a boy done up in girl's getup with his hand stuffed right between his legs at his crotch "Miley Cyrus" style is on the Nat. Geo. Not me. Instead of posing the child with one arm limp while the other is "busy" between the boy's crotch; maybe just sit him in a chair with both arms folded across his lap or down at his sides? The pose in the photo + disturbing content of the story = child pornography.

With every post you reveal a disturbed mind.
And parents who raised racists & bigots & homophobes & Islamphobes?
You mean NORMAL CHILDREN? Nothing should be done. Thanks for playing.
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
It's a mental illness. It is no different than people who want limbs removed or to be blinded. There are people who believe they are animals born in the wrong body.

There is no way a male can become female or a female become male. Any changes are cosmetic. A woman does not become a cat because her belt has a fake tail.

How they feel is immaterial. They can feel like they came from the planet Kpak. They really aren't.
I "feel" like I was a rich person born in a poor person's body. Therefore, I demand all of you surrender 15% of your earnings to me or I will sue you for bigotry.

I mean, once how one "feels" dictates reality, sky's the limit. C'mon...payup...or else!
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

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