National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

They rarely if ever do. There is no legitimate defense of an MD profiting off of wholly unnecessary amputation surgery of a mental patient unfit to consent; is there? I mean even the LGBT cultees, when pressed on the surgery part especially and the medical waiver saying "you know you'll never actually become a man or a woman", are all like "'re a bigot!" I mean that's the essence of their replies. Been debating this tranny thing for a decade now with that cult and I've not seen one lucid response. Just heated denial, lashing out, then shutting down when reminded of know...special snowflake-crybully style..
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

legally, once a judge approves, they are that gender.

Society, well some, still see a distinction, a separate classification.

Till they have surgery, they are technically both sexes even if they identify as only the one.
This person went from male to female to dragon.

Those who believe in this garbage, what say you about this person? Just live and let live? He's got no mental/body issues?

Give me a break.


Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon

I don't find it attractive, but it is not my body. The women can decorate and change her body as she wishes.

Don't like, focus elsewhere, look at something or someone else
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

Another good example of a Big Brother Conservative who thinks that government should tell parents how to raise their children and that government should censor the contents of magazines when they have content the conservative doesn't approve of.
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

legally, once a judge approves, they are that gender.

Society, well some, still see a distinction, a separate classification.

Till they have surgery, they are technically both sexes even if they identify as only the one.

You didn't answer my question.

If they believe they are female, WHY do they refer to themselves as TRANS? Why not just call themselves female?

I don't care what a judge says, why do these people not refer to themselves as what they believe they are? Why do they refer to themselves as trans?
This person went from male to female to dragon.

Those who believe in this garbage, what say you about this person? Just live and let live? He's got no mental/body issues?

Give me a break.


Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon

I don't find it attractive, but it is not my body. The women can decorate and change her body as she wishes.

Don't like, focus elsewhere, look at something or someone else

This person clearly has mental/body image issues. There is something wrong with this person and saying "oh, I don't care they can do what they want" is wrong. Would you also say to an anorexic "oh, I don't care, it's not my body, they can do what they want"?
So National Geograpgic supports sexual abuse because it wrote a two perspective article on social changes in regards to gender?

You guys are morons.
If they believe they are female, WHY do they refer to themselves as TRANS? Why not just call themselves female?

The ones I met all refer to themselves as either male or female. I have never heard a trans-whatever refer to themselves as trans-whatever.
Parents don't need to brainwash, it is who they are. Usually parents have to learn about transgender because of their child.

Actually society produces the type of confusion that lead children to become trans-whatever. Parents can also unintentionally produce those thoughts.

All the trans-whatever I have met all had serious mental weaknesses that they were contending with. I have known a dozen, and none of them were truly right in the head, with many of them coming from backgrounds of rape and sexual abuse. Also, statistics have consistently shown that transvestites and transgenders have the highest rate of suicide of just about any group.
If they believe they are female, WHY do they refer to themselves as TRANS? Why not just call themselves female?

The ones I met all refer to themselves as either male or female. I have never heard a trans-whatever refer to themselves as trans-whatever.

Any time I have seen these people on tv or people talking about them they are always referred to as trans.
Any time I have seen these people on tv or people talking about them they are always referred to as trans.

Of course. It's probably because the subject of broadcasting is themselves, and they have to explain themselves since most people are curious about them.
9 year old 'transgender'.
Parents should be arrested for brainwashing him into it and the magazine shutdown.

Another good example of a Big Brother Conservative who thinks that government should tell parents how to raise their children and that government should censor the contents of magazines when they have content the conservative doesn't approve of.

"Conservative" should depend on the issue not a general label.
Republicans are labeled conservative but technically they should be for individual and state rights not government control of every aspect of life.
We rule ourselves and make our own decisions as individuals. Big brother should not dictate to us.

I don't agree with all this PC verbiage but I also don't care who people are unless they are criminals or dangerous in some way. They can be themselves, but I'm too old to keep up with the nom du jour for each person and group. I like american for citizens here.

People can be "conservative" on one issue and "liberal" on another. I wish we did not have to be so hung up on labels and pigeonholing people. We are free to change our views every other minute if we want or one specific aspects of an issue.

Let people be themselves, no matter how complex that might be

We are all unique, just like everyone else
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

legally, once a judge approves, they are that gender.

Society, well some, still see a distinction, a separate classification.

Till they have surgery, they are technically both sexes even if they identify as only the one.
Legal gender change is a legal fiction. It does not truly exist. A judge cannot change bone structure or DNA. It applies a legal fiction to achieve a particular goal. It has no effect on physiology.
If a man believes he is a woman, has surgery, etc and lives his life as female ... why does he (they) always refer to themselves as "trans"? If they truly believe they are female, then why do they not refer to themselves as female?
Because they have never had an actual womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, vagina or cervix; and never will...? :lmao: Hence the waiver the "doctors" (soon to have their asses sued off) make the (mental) patients sign before unnecessary surgery.

Was hoping someone who believes in this crap would answer.

legally, once a judge approves, they are that gender.

Society, well some, still see a distinction, a separate classification.

Till they have surgery, they are technically both sexes even if they identify as only the one.

You didn't answer my question.

If they believe they are female, WHY do they refer to themselves as TRANS? Why not just call themselves female?

I don't care what a judge says, why do these people not refer to themselves as what they believe they are? Why do they refer to themselves as trans?

Transgender is not what most would call themselves by choice, but a clarity for the sake of society. In other parts of the world, none "traditional" genders and identity are often lumped as a third sex. Some are even considered blessed or touched by the gods. They are invited to kiss newborn babies, attend wedding and ceremonies for good luck. They are different but respected parts of society.

Then there are some places where homosexuals are offered a choice, death or sex change. Transgender is more acceptable to some.
This person went from male to female to dragon.

Those who believe in this garbage, what say you about this person? Just live and let live? He's got no mental/body issues?

Give me a break.


Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon

I don't find it attractive, but it is not my body. The women can decorate and change her body as she wishes.

Don't like, focus elsewhere, look at something or someone else

This person clearly has mental/body image issues. There is something wrong with this person and saying "oh, I don't care they can do what they want" is wrong. Would you also say to an anorexic "oh, I don't care, it's not my body, they can do what they want"?

I don't agree with destroying their health, but mental health is more important. Brain chemistry, hormones and DNA says they are different than just male or female. Ther brain is more important. They are thoroughly evaluated by doctors and psychiatrists before considered transgender. I can take years before they are approved for hormone therapy let alone for surgery.
This person went from male to female to dragon.

Those who believe in this garbage, what say you about this person? Just live and let live? He's got no mental/body issues?

Give me a break.


Transgender Woman Now Transitioning into a Dragon

I don't find it attractive, but it is not my body. The women can decorate and change her body as she wishes.

Don't like, focus elsewhere, look at something or someone else

This person clearly has mental/body image issues. There is something wrong with this person and saying "oh, I don't care they can do what they want" is wrong. Would you also say to an anorexic "oh, I don't care, it's not my body, they can do what they want"?

I don't agree with destroying their health, but mental health is more important. Brain chemistry, hormones and DNA says they are different than just male or female. Ther brain is more important. They are thoroughly evaluated by doctors and psychiatrists before considered transgender. I can take years before they are approved for hormone therapy let alone for surgery.
The classic Transgenders.

Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs
Norman Bates from Psycho

The hormones and DNA of a transgendered person matches their biology.
Parents don't need to brainwash, it is who they are. Usually parents have to learn about transgender because of their child.

Actually society produces the type of confusion that lead children to become trans-whatever. Parents can also unintentionally produce those thoughts.

All the trans-whatever I have met all had serious mental weaknesses that they were contending with. I have known a dozen, and none of them were truly right in the head, with many of them coming from backgrounds of rape and sexual abuse. Also, statistics have consistently shown that transvestites and transgenders have the highest rate of suicide of just about any group.

Would you be "right in the head" if your brain was trapped in the body of an ape or lion or the wrong sex body?

Their brain developed in the womb one gender and their body another. This is not learned behavior. Development and awareness happens and different ages. Some doctors and parents recognize the child is not traditional and seek answers, other parents don't want to know or do anything, or let their children be who they are inside.

Yes, it is confusing and messes with the head, because it is not automatically accepted a normal to just be themselves. They are judged, test poked and prodded to analyse them before they are told why they are different and what to do about. They are often bullied and abused because they are different.

I imagine it must be a lot like PTSD going through everything before they are just allowed to be themselves.

I did not question or judge the friends my kids brought home, just what was necessary to protect them and get them help through child services. I treated them as just kids. Our home became a safehouse for several kids of various types when they had trouble at home or school. They only went into as much detail as they wanted. They were safe, had food, a place to sleep, help with homework and visits with social services if necessary till other arrangements could be made or they were able to return home. Their parents and school knew they were safe, not out on the streets, so did the police. Some were suicidal, some abused by parents, some had been involved with drugs, some were gay or transgender. To me they were just kids searching for answers and I tried to get them in contact with others that could help them. A few hours, a few days, a few weeks........ if they respected the rules of the house, they were welcome and safe.

My personal beef was larger or unusual piercings. Kids knew they should cover or remove when possible while in the house. A few would get their big looped ears tugged by me. Nose and lip rings were easy targets. They were polite enough to put them back in outside. I had tape to cover those that were not easily removed and to my opinion unsightly. It was more of teasing them but it was respect for me and my rules as well. I did not like them to wearing hats indoors either. No cursing, abuse, drugs or smoking. A few would forget but they were willing to comply. I kept a curse/rule jar by the TV. It was not about changing them, just teaching them respect and to conform to moderate rules if they wanted to be accepted. They could have stayed outside or gone to someone else's home or found other friends. It was cooperation.

They were for the most part good kids, just needed to know someone cared about them.

You can disapprove and disagree without condemning or punishing or outlawing something. In a public or business setting, it is your discomfort. In your home, you can say no or tell someone to leave.

If you are a parent and can't accept your child and want the best for them, give them up. Don't hate them, curse them, abuse them or force them to be something they are not inside. If they need help and you cannot give it to them, let them go and find the right help from others. If you don't understand, learn.

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