National Geographic Now Supports Sexual Abuse of Children

This woman is not a cat

This man is not a dog

These individuals are suffering from a mental illness. The same kind as Transgenderism is.

Normal functioning life with work and friends otherwise...... why do you care?
not harmful to self or others

The agenda of normalizing 'choosing your gender' that's being shoved down children's throats via schools most certainly does harm others.

You CAN NOT choose your gender. It IS NOT normal for a person to want to be the opposite sex of what they were born. It IS a mental problem that should be addressed as such.

Normal in your local neighborhood? Normal around the world, through not common place.

These are just people.

Surgery has only existed for hundred years, but people have been castrating themselves, binding or cutting off breasts or dressing and living as their identity going all through history and around the world.

If a woman wants to live as a man, past or present, how are you personally harmed?

If a man wants to live as a woman, how are you personally harmed?

If it happens in another country, state, town or a different street, how are you harmed?

Would you drive them to suicide by preventing them from their freedom or identity? That would be slavery or abuse because you find it visually offensive to see people dress and act in the way they identify.

I don't always like the way people dress or act but it is their freedom of expression as long as they are not running naked in the streets of this country. Elsewhere it is legal to do so.

Not for you to tell me I have to cut my hair or let my chinny chin chin hair grow or tell me I can't regardless of my sex or identity. Not for you to tell me what medicines I can take if my doctor gives them to me with due cause. Not for you to decide if any treatment for depression, anxiety, etc. is hormonal, a disorder, an illness or out right psychosis if medical records are private and I am not a danger.

You don't get to live my life, no matter how much you might want, or not. You don't get to come into my home and tell me how to behave.

I find hate insane but I'm not trying to make you have a lobotomy.

I'm not trying to force you to live as a toad, no matter how you behave or speak. Apologies to toads :)

Let individuals be themselves
This woman is not a cat

This man is not a dog

These individuals are suffering from a mental illness. The same kind as Transgenderism is.

Normal functioning life with work and friends otherwise...... why do you care?
not harmful to self or others

The agenda of normalizing 'choosing your gender' that's being shoved down children's throats via schools most certainly does harm others.

You CAN NOT choose your gender. It IS NOT normal for a person to want to be the opposite sex of what they were born. It IS a mental problem that should be addressed as such.

Normal in your local neighborhood? Normal around the world, through not common place.

These are just people.

Surgery has only existed for hundred years, but people have been castrating themselves, binding or cutting off breasts or dressing and living as their identity going all through history and around the world.

If a woman wants to live as a man, past or present, how are you personally harmed?

If a man wants to live as a woman, how are you personally harmed?

If it happens in another country, state, town or a different street, how are you harmed?

Would you drive them to suicide by preventing them from their freedom or identity? That would be slavery or abuse because you find it visually offensive to see people dress and act in the way they identify.

I don't always like the way people dress or act but it is their freedom of expression as long as they are not running naked in the streets of this country. Elsewhere it is legal to do so.

Not for you to tell me I have to cut my hair or let my chinny chin chin hair grow or tell me I can't regardless of my sex or identity. Not for you to tell me what medicines I can take if my doctor gives them to me with due cause. Not for you to decide if any treatment for depression, anxiety, etc. is hormonal, a disorder, an illness or out right psychosis if medical records are private and I am not a danger.

You don't get to live my life, no matter how much you might want, or not. You don't get to come into my home and tell me how to behave.

I find hate insane but I'm not trying to make you have a lobotomy.

I'm not trying to force you to live as a toad, no matter how you behave or speak. Apologies to toads :)

Let individuals be themselves

What part of forcing an agenda that promotes mental issues as normal, that promotes teaching children that they can choose their gender do you not understand?

It's wrong to teach children this stuff. I said this earlier ... if a child "feels" they are in the wrong body, raise them as the sex they were born and WHEN THE ARE AN ADULT they can do whatever they want.

That pic I posted of the man/woman/dragon? They're no more a dragon than they were a woman. They're a man with huge mental/body issues. He needs a psychiatrist not a surgeon.

Anorexics insist that they're fat so they starve themselves. They KNOW you're wrong about them, they KNOW they're fat pigs. We should just let them be, as "this is just who they are"?

As an adult, do what you want I don't care. But when your crowd starts shoving this crap down the throats of kids? Nope.
Normal in your local neighborhood? Normal around the world, through not common place....These are just people....Surgery has only existed for hundred years, but people have been castrating themselves, binding or cutting off breasts or dressing and living as their identity going all through history and around the world....If a woman wants to live as a man, past or present, how are you personally harmed?...If a man wants to live as a woman, how are you personally harmed?....If it happens in another country, state, town or a different street, how are you harmed?

What part of forcing an agenda that promotes mental issues as normal, that promotes teaching children that they can choose their gender do you not understand?...It's wrong to teach children this stuff. I said this earlier ... if a child "feels" they are in the wrong body, raise them as the sex they were born and WHEN THE ARE AN ADULT they can do whatever they want.

That pic I posted of the man/woman/dragon? They're no more a dragon than they were a woman. They're a man with huge mental/body issues. He needs a psychiatrist not a surgeon....Anorexics insist that they're fat so they starve themselves. They KNOW you're wrong about them, they KNOW they're fat pigs. We should just let them be, as "this is just who they are"?....As an adult, do what you want I don't care. But when your crowd starts shoving this crap down the throats of kids? Nope.

You'll have to forgive aris2chat. She believes that back in the mid 1970s when the LGBTs (the loonies) stormed the American Psychological Conventions over and over, tearing the microphone away from speakers and tipping over displays to get attention...that that cult's eventual inroads and complete absorption of the APA suffices as "science". Even when the gay moles in the upper eschelons there in the 1980s, their coup complete on science, simply "disappeared" the ruling scientific principle of the APA for decades called the "Leona Tyler Principle". It said that any position the APA took publicly on any psychological phenomenon, HAD to be backed by hard science.

Now, shit you not, the organization prefers feelings to numbers (you know, emperical science) and encourages members to audit each other's research before it's published. It's called "CQR" (described in link below) Some quotes from its methodology include the following:

consensual qualitative research (CQR). CQR is an inductive method that is characterized by open-ended interview questions, small samples, a reliance on words over numbers,

You know, selective small numbers of data...just like your science teacher told you was the best type of sampling to build statistical models and conclusions from.....NOT. This is a formula that boasts the most subjective pollution of any "research" out there.

Key aspects of the researcher's craft...raising cultural awareness, auditing within case analyses and cross analyses, and writing up the study.

"Audit" where have we all heard that term recently? Oh, yes, the expose' on Scientology on A&E lately. Your APA is now merely an extension of the propaganda arm of the LGBT cult. It's main hub being in Hollywood and not that far removed from the lockstep procedures of Scientology. They literally "audited" the APA in the 1970s & 80s and completely gutted its reason for existence.

Read this OP carefully: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

And watch this youtube where a past president of the APA describes exactly how the cult of LGBT took over and destroyed the APA. Where now, as you clearly can see the results of in aris2chat's posts, the lunatics have literally taken over the asylum. Many psychologists have rejected the current APA and are trying to start up a new incarnation of the old science-based APA:
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