National Guard Called Out to Kenosha

I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.
You can always tell when a liberal gets desperate because they create a strawman by telling you what they think you think.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Whether the individual act of the policeman was justified or not (and I suspect it was not, whether within poorly written rules of engagement or against) is totally irrelevant as a justification for violent riot. BLM entirely overlooks this point. Not enough to say you organized a peaceful protest, but (big surprise) it got out of hand. They are responsible for whatever violence results, morally and should be legally. At the first violent act, protests that were, up to that point peaceful and legitimate become totally illegal and should be put down with whatever force necessary. There is no cart blanche right to mob violence in retribution, written into our laws or constitution.

Do you think it might be time for Democratic leaders to condemn what BLM is doing in cities across the country?
Would not hurt my feelings if they did, especially along the lines and train of thought I used in my post. Would not hurt my feelings if trump administration prosecuted as organized crime either. Don't look for outright denunciation from them though, any more than you will see this administration leading the charge against white supremacy groups or other right wing extremist groups. They (BLM) have moved well beyond their right to assemble and protest for redress of grievances. Would not like to see them listed as a terrorist organization, but that is because I understand how that law was written (poorly, I might add), the intent of who it should apply to and do not want it allowed to be misused domestically as the precedent set will undoubtedly destroy our country as we know it.
When I hear stories about pallets of bricks being brought into cities where BLM are planning to protest, White, it makes me angry that someone is obviously paying to make that happen and if so it seems to me that they should be charged with inciting a riot! Failing to do so is what will destroy our country. It's hard to think of a more obvious example of someone inciting to riot than doing that!
Jewish Nazi George Soros and Communist California Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer are two of the people financially supporting Communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM. :smoke:
No other thread on this yet? They will have law and order in Wisconsin.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Just like Jacob Blake, Philando Castille, Terrence Crutcher, et al you are an information-deprived, liberal victim of liberal insufficient education.

Of course, the shooting was justifiable, whether he was reaching for a gun or not. The mere fact that he could have been reaching for a gun is enough, Standard police procedure is to shoot any suspect whose hands disappear, when in confrontation with them.

It takes a half a second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Police don't have time to decide if the person is going to be a lethal threat or not. Once the hands disappear, it's a lethal threat, and cop MUST shoot.

Real culpability is with our insufficient education system, that doesn't teach police confrontation information, because the whole education system is run by liberals, clueless about guns & law enforcement.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
125 of them.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Fuck off. Burning down shit and looting isn’t “standing up against police violence”.

You fascists are just upset because no one cares about your peaceful protests. So you have to get violent in order to be “heard”. Well, we hear you loud and clear, you are willing to use violence to get your way, and you don’t believe in our system of laws and the democratic process to change laws and police through voting. You’re all a bunch of cheerleaders for domestic terrorists.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Fuck off. Burning down shit and looting isn’t “standing up against police violence”.

You fascists are just upset because no one cares about your peaceful protests. So you have to get violent in order to be “heard”. Well, we hear you loud and clear, you are willing to use violence to get your way, and you don’t believe in our system of laws and the democratic process to change laws and police through voting. You’re all a bunch of cheerleaders for domestic terrorists.
What do you think that Antifa and BLM will be yelling when they're put down violently after the November 3rd Election? :D
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Fuck off. Burning down shit and looting isn’t “standing up against police violence”.

You fascists are just upset because no one cares about your peaceful protests. So you have to get violent in order to be “heard”. Well, we hear you loud and clear, you are willing to use violence to get your way, and you don’t believe in our system of laws and the democratic process to change laws and police through voting. You’re all a bunch of cheerleaders for domestic terrorists.
What do you think that Antifa and BLM will be yelling when they're put down violently after the November 3rd Election? :D
They’ll be squealing like pigs.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.
Fuck off. Burning down shit and looting isn’t “standing up against police violence”.

You fascists are just upset because no one cares about your peaceful protests. So you have to get violent in order to be “heard”. Well, we hear you loud and clear, you are willing to use violence to get your way, and you don’t believe in our system of laws and the democratic process to change laws and police through voting. You’re all a bunch of cheerleaders for domestic terrorists.
What do you think that Antifa and BLM will be yelling when they're put down violently after the November 3rd Election? :D
They’ll be squealing like pigs.
And the extremely Pro Communist Democrat MSM will be crying crocodile tears about racism and political persecution. :icon_rolleyes:
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.

Oh, we've noticed.
#9 said 'The church had a big sing....that was the first building burned to the ground.' Post-Floyd, we at first noticed a delay for churches to begin to post signs. They stayed for some time. About 3 weeks ago, at least one church removed their BLM sign, which may have started a chain reaction. After some weeks of lapsus, we are again seeing signs of bugaloo. "Look Bif, look! See Biden dement!"
Great. Would suck to be up there. Increased state Guard troops to a whole 250 in a fluid asymmetric situation, when he has the ability to field equipped Regimental size units and totally lock down that city of 99,000 from before dusk to after dawn, arrest (not send home) any fools who thought different and put a stop to it. Go figure.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.

Oh, we've noticed.
see, it worked.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
I understand that you think this shooting is just another justified shooting because , hey, it was just a black guy.

Standing up against this police violence is NOT terrorism.

When change needs made, people protest. When they march, etc and their voices are not heard, then they might make people notice by being destructive.

Oh, we've noticed.
see, it worked.

Yeah, it worked real good.
Again, I am not sure why you all think "Calling out the National Guard" is a panacea.

As someone who was in the Illinois Army Guard for a number of years, it's kind of a bad idea. National Guard only trains for 11 weekend drills and two weeks in the summer, or about 36 days of training a year. Of those 36 days, most units maybe get ONE day of "Civil Disturbance" training. It usually consists of how to stand in a formation with batons (which we never had enough of) and to move in formation and yell.

Now, one thing I remember from my CD training is a Major who said, "When you are out in the streets, those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned upset about something and they have every right to be."

Keep in mind, those guys in the Guard come from the same communities that are upset about whatever they are on the street for.
Again, I am not sure why you all think "Calling out the National Guard" is a panacea.

As someone who was in the Illinois Army Guard for a number of years, it's kind of a bad idea. National Guard only trains for 11 weekend drills and two weeks in the summer, or about 36 days of training a year. Of those 36 days, most units maybe get ONE day of "Civil Disturbance" training. It usually consists of how to stand in a formation with batons (which we never had enough of) and to move in formation and yell.

Now, one thing I remember from my CD training is a Major who said, "When you are out in the streets, those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned upset about something and they have every right to be."

Keep in mind, those guys in the Guard come from the same communities that are upset about whatever they are on the street for.
Ge, Joey, it appears that your National Guard service was during the period of the "old" guard, which mainly consisted of dealing with "the mud, the blood, and the beer"...

In case you weren't aware of it, a lot of the National Guard units now have put in 3 or 4 combat tours in the sandbox...

See what you miss when you think you might have to go over to the sandbox, chicken out, and get out ASAP????
Ge, Joey, it appears that your National Guard service was during the period of the "old" guard, which mainly consisted of dealing with "the mud, the blood, and the beer"...

In case you weren't aware of it, a lot of the National Guard units now have put in 3 or 4 combat tours in the sandbox...

See what you miss when you think you might have to go over to the sandbox, chicken out, and get out ASAP????

Actually, my Guard time was before my active duty time, dummy. I paid for college with the Guard and then went active duty... so wrong again, as you often are.

And I'm thrilled I didn't have to go over and fight for the Jews and the Oil Companies. That's not what I signed up for.
The National Guard has been deployed to Kenosha, Wis., after a night of civil unrest following the shooting of a Black man by police over the weekend, the latest incident to unleash widespread anger over policing practices.

Gov. Tony Evers said 125 National Guardsmen will be tasked with supporting local law enforcement in Kenosha by helping to "protect critical infrastructure and assist in maintaining public safety and the ability of individuals to peacefully protest."

“I know folks across our state will be making their voices heard in Kenosha and in communities across Wisconsin. Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe,” he said in a statement.

Hopefully the National Guard can put these Domestic Terrorist down.
125 of them.
AN MEU would be nicer.........they would spend all their money and beer and women after they beat the living hell out of the protesters.

best of both worlds..........looters gone............and beer sales up........the Marial law will allow bars to open.

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