Nationalism Is ALWAYS Dangerous

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Kathianne said:
Well that make sense. Not.

That's jew-planted, as in, the jews put it there. The infection is the infection of self doubt and reactionary political correctness.
rtwngAvngr said:
That's jew-planted, as in, the jews put it there. The infection is the infection of self doubt and reactionary political correctness.

I've little self-doubt regarding my country and those I consider our allies, Israel being one of a few, today.
Kathianne said:
I've little self-doubt regarding my country and those I consider our allies, Israel being one of a few, today.

I support Israel too. This doesn't change the fact that paranoid jews feel entitled to guilt nations about their existence and values. I saw this interesting link at the top. IN the ads.

The National Bestseller!

Noam Chomsky examines the nature of the media and the role of intellectuals in a political system where population control cannot be disciplined by force and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ideological control.

Villification of the very notion of nationalism is part of this ideological control of which he speaks.
rtwngAvngr said:
I support Israel too. This doesn't change the fact that paranoid jews feel entitled to guilt nations about their existence and values. I saw this interesting link at the top. IN the ads.

Villification of the very notion of nationalism is part of this ideological control of which he speaks.
Science came up with anti-biotics. Some scientific proponents claim that God never existed, much less created the universe.
Kathianne said:
Science came up with anti-biotics. Some scientific proponents claim that God never existed, much less created the universe.

Good posts consist of more than mere true statements. Relevance is a factor!

How do you like it down in chinatown?

rtwngAvngr said:
I said maybe austrlia. I don't have to come up with concrete examples.

Yes you do. Everyone else does. No exceptions! :tng:

Every country, territory, province or disputed land claimed by a state that promotes nationalism as opposed to partriotism is/was seriously messed up ie: Quebec, France, Iran, Italy (including areas within Italy that consider their history different than Italy's,therefor not Italian), Germany, China.........Nationalists differentiate themselves from the rest, not unlike facists. No hyphens allowed.
Said1 said:
Yes you do. Everyone else does. No exceptions! :tng:

Every country, territory, province or disputed land claimed by a state that promotes nationalism as opposed to partriotism is/was seriously messed up ie: Quebec, France, Iran, Italy (including areas within Italy that consider their history different than Italy's,therefor not Italian), Germany, China.........Nationalists differentiate themselves from the rest, not unlike facists. No hyphens allowed.

I've given one example. The u.s. That's enought to disprove Kathianne's ALWAYS statement. You just carry negative associations about the word.
This is what the word means. From

NOthing about backward looking or racism. Or any of the other straw grasps to justify clinging to the insidious political correctness of it all.

Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.
Two nationalistic nations can recognized the individual gains from working together. Nationalism does not have to lead to violence and repression. Just as selfishness is not evil, if it is satisfied according to socially acceptable norms, like working, or growing a garden.
rtwngAvngr said:
I've given one example. The u.s. That's enought to disprove Kathianne's ALWAYS statement. You just carry negative associations about the word.

How is that an example? Upon entry, you're not supposed to leave your ethnic background at the immigration office. Hyphens allowed and encouraged.
rtwngAvngr said:
This is what the word means. From

NOthing about backward looking or racism. Or any of the other straw grasps to justify clinging to the insidious political correctness of it all.

Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.

Well the definition fits, but you may also find racism and backwords looking does exists in states that would like to achieve nation-state status or already have it. This you know.
Said1 said:
Well the definition fits, but you may also find racism and backwords looking does exists in states that would like to achieve nation-state status or already have it. This you know.

Yes. But to use my selfishness analogy, some people satify it through criminal, antisocial means, but this doesn't mean selfishness is bad. Just expand this principle to the nation and voila! SO clear. So crystal clear. So amazing! So illuminating. Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum!
rtwngAvngr said:
Yes. But to use my selfishness analogy, some people satify it through criminal, antisocial means, but this doesn't mean selfishness is bad. Just expand this principle to the nation and voila! SO clear. So crystal clear. So amazing! So illuminating. Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum!

So, are you planning to sell that to the Ayatollah or those pesky Kurds and Quebecois, oui? :laugh:
Said1 said:
So, are you planning to sell that to the Ayatollah or those pesky Kurds and Quebecois, oui? :laugh:

It's not their nationalism that's bad. We all have the right to think we're the best. It's kind of the nature of humankind. OUr national values happen to include a measure of tolerance and freedom which makes us discernably and measurably better. I would say the values they are pursuing will ultimately weaken them, as their totalirian repression also saps the creativity and productivity of the nation. It's not wrong they believe it; it's that what they believe in is wrong, assuming prosperty for all is their goal.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's not their nationalism that's bad.

Yes it is. Nationalism is not present in societies that are not dictatorships or boardline police states. If they erase what it is that makes them nationalists, then they would be more accepting and willing to incorporate other cultures - or at least allow for hyphens and english signs.

Give me an example of a nation-state or hopeful future nation-state, (not to be confused with a state) that does not practice some form of cultural nazi-like policing on their citizens.
Said1 said:
Yes it is. Nationalism is not present in societies that are not dictatorships or boardline police states. If they erase what it is that makes them nationalists, then they would be more accepting and willing to incorporate other cultures - or at least allow for hyphens and english signs.

Give me an example of a nation-state or hopeful future nation-state, (not to be confused with a state) that does not practice some form of cultural nazi-like policing on their citizens.

No. This is just so much political correctness. It's similar to saying selfishnes is bad, which we all know is just a gross simplification designed to inspire guilt. Why don't you tell me which actual definition of nationalism is so awful. I'm not going to repeat the Kathianne discussion with you.
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