Nationalization and debt forgiveness.

And bankrupting all of America's workers and small business won't? I'll take my chances. I think we can do better without banks and credit agencies than credit agencies and banks can do without us.

That's very socialist of you.

The economy cannot operate without credit. Without credit, 98% of those small businesses don't exist in the first place.
Without American workers, it won't matter.


And if you strangle credit in the economy, those workers will not get jobs.
Government run airlines, what could possibly go wrong with that?
And bankrupting all of America's workers and small business won't? I'll take my chances. I think we can do better without banks and credit agencies than credit agencies and banks can do without us.

That's very socialist of you.

The economy cannot operate without credit. Without credit, 98% of those small businesses don't exist in the first place.
Without American workers, it won't matter.


And if you strangle credit in the economy, those workers will not get jobs.
They already don't have jobs.
We don't like other countries nationalize? Funny, could have sworn that Pemex, and PDVSA were both nationalized.

In fact, I can think of dozens of nationalized companies and industries in South America.

Full of crap again?
Sounds like you have all the spin- talking points down cold, don't you Elliot ?

There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto.


But before we do......could you lend me $100,000?

Pay you back soon, promise!!!
The Fed and our government are very good at bailing out the rich, why not the rest of us?

Sounds great!!!!

Now, about that $100,000 you're gonna lend me...…..
Why just $100k? You need to think like those assholes in the ivory tower. They ask for billions and the Fed and government gladly oblige.

Why just $100k?

You're right!!!!!

Can you lend me $500K?
After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed.
There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

I didn't realize you were a socialist.
I did realize you are a corporatist.
We don't like other countries nationalize? Funny, could have sworn that Pemex, and PDVSA were both nationalized.

In fact, I can think of dozens of nationalized companies and industries in South America.

Full of crap again?
Sounds like you have all the spin- talking points down cold, don't you Elliot ?

Did you just make my point?

The prior poster said that the US did not "allow" south American countries to nationalize stuff. Then you posted a link proving that Bolivia is nationalizing stuff.

Ok.... thanks for making my point. I rest my case.
Big scary words to some.

The US airline companies have bankrupted themselves by buying back their stock in an enrichment scheme for CEOs and board members. With the impact of the virus on their revenues, Congress is handing them a $50 billion bailout. Instead of being bailed out they should be nationalized.

In the health and economic crisis in which we find ourselves, the government is going to need all the public trust it can get. Bailouts of those who caused their problems and ours won’t meet the fairness test.

As I previously wrote, nationalization is a four-letter word for many, but it actually offers a chance to correct for the decades of deregulation and concentration and thereby restore competition to the economy. Nationalized banks too-big-to-fail, for example, can later be broken up and the pieces sold back into private hands. Commercial banks can again be separated from investment banks, and concentrated financial power can be broken.

Now that we know that markets are not self-regulating, we can restore sensible financial regulation and require banks to lend for productive purposes, not for financializing and leveraging existing assets. The US financial system has not served the productive side of the US economy for a long time.

While ordinary heavily indebted Americans are losing their jobs right and left as businesses close, shopping center lobbyists are asking for a $1 trillion guarantee. The hotel industry wants $150 billion. The restaurant industry wants $145 billion. The National Association of Manufacturers wants $1.4 trillion.

Next up gulags, political prisoners, bread lines and famines.
We don't like other countries nationalize? Funny, could have sworn that Pemex, and PDVSA were both nationalized.

In fact, I can think of dozens of nationalized companies and industries in South America.

Full of crap again?
Sounds like you have all the spin- talking points down cold, don't you Elliot ?

How's that corrupt Morales fellow doing?
There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto.


But before we do......could you lend me $100,000?

Pay you back soon, promise!!!
The Fed and our government are very good at bailing out the rich, why not the rest of us?

Sounds great!!!!

Now, about that $100,000 you're gonna lend me...…..
Why just $100k? You need to think like those assholes in the ivory tower. They ask for billions and the Fed and government gladly oblige.

Why just $100k?

You're right!!!!!

Can you lend me $500K?
After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed.

I'm not asking the Fed for a loan, I'm asking you.....
There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

I didn't realize you were a socialist.
I did realize you are a corporatist.

I'm a realist, not a conspiracist nor a socialist.
There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto.


But before we do......could you lend me $100,000?

Pay you back soon, promise!!!
The Fed and our government are very good at bailing out the rich, why not the rest of us?

Sounds great!!!!

Now, about that $100,000 you're gonna lend me...…..
Why just $100k? You need to think like those assholes in the ivory tower. They ask for billions and the Fed and government gladly oblige.

Why just $100k?

You're right!!!!!

Can you lend me $500K?
After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed.

I'm not asking the Fed for a loan, I'm asking you.....
You keep asking. I enjoy laughing.
There should be nationwide strikes by essential workers all across the nation. This would force the crooks in DC to pay attention to the 90%. A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto. Medicare for all should be immediately implemented.

A loan jubilee should be demanded for all loans including college, home, and auto.


But before we do......could you lend me $100,000?

Pay you back soon, promise!!!
The Fed and our government are very good at bailing out the rich, why not the rest of us?

Sounds great!!!!

Now, about that $100,000 you're gonna lend me...…..
Why just $100k? You need to think like those assholes in the ivory tower. They ask for billions and the Fed and government gladly oblige.

Why just $100k?

You're right!!!!!

Can you lend me $500K?
After all, money grows on trees. Just ask the Fed.

I'm not asking the Fed for a loan, I'm asking you.....
You keep asking. I enjoy laughing.

So where is my loan?

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