NATO means God ATON


Apr 9, 2014
The block of NATO was created in 1949 practically at the same time with creation of the European Union. The purpose of creation of the military-political block of NATO, declared officially - protection of interests of the states united by the general culture.

After the end of World War II scouts, scientists of the third Reich ran away to the USA and there continued the work already in interests of the USA. During existence of the third Reich Anenerbe's scientific and espionage organization operated on occupied territories and in Germany. This organization included tens scientific research institutes, including those who studied contactors and fruits of work of contactors. Contactors - is those with whom representatives of inhuman civilizations and Gods communicate. In turn Gods can be classified, but for convenience of a statement Gods are in fact representatives of advanced civilizations. Among contactors were and those with whom God Aton communicated. God Aton is God of a black hole which is in the galaxy center the Milky Way.

The name of the block of NATO something other as is modified a name of God of Aton. NATO symbol - the star image on a gray-blue background. In English the block of NATO sounds very clumsily, it is visible that specially were at loss for words in the block name so that the abbreviation of the name coincided with a name of God of Aton.

Flag of NATO.
Black star where governs God ATON.

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I am the contactor and was the agent God of Aton in 2011-2012. I represented interests of God of Aton in the territory of Russia sometimes in the other states.

I communicated with other contactor - the representative of the block of NATO who works in the USA for intelligence services of the USA. It has a military rank and is dressed in a military uniform.

How I became the agent Boga of Aton?

I was engaged many years in karate, yoga, judo. I was engaged in holotropny breath and special psychotherapy. Besides, I was engaged by techniques of hackers of dreams. Hackers of dreams is such community of people on studying of superabilities of mentality of the person. I developed in myself superabilities of an organism - telepathy at distance with same as I, ability to treat people, conscious dreams, astral and mental travel. Then I found to myself partners in development of superabilities of mentality on one of forums of the Internet and power vampirism learned fighting technologies of participation in duels, including.

I started communicating much at a forum of hackers of dreams, learned to look in a dream to myself at hands, learned to leave in an astral keeping sensibleness in the real world. Hackers of dreams map the dreams, so writing down daily the dreams and bringing information on the card, they achieve an explosive recall of all dreams of the life.
Hackers of dreams studied cards of dreams of various people and found that they are similar. On the card there is a funnel to which people before the death get.

One night I was attacked by three people in an astral are there were the people connected with a forum of hackers of dreams. I didn't sleep - lay blindly on a bed and in an astral of the beginnings to battle to the attacking. They tried to drag me in this funnel in which people perish. I hardly got out of this funnel but while I was there I felt the feeling similar on memoirs of a nightmare of the childhood. The bad dream dreamed me in the childhood - that I lie on a bed on a sheet, on a sheet there are folds and my skin perceives them. Similar feelings at me appeared when I drunk tried to touch a woven covering of furniture. I unexpectedly understood that in a funnel I felt a touch of bandage of a mummy.

When attack ended I saw in an astral bodies of four mummies which lay in the stone room which is located under an ocean floor between Antarctic and South America. It were mummies of Atlases. I started trying to touch astralno a mummy (to look at it) and unexpectedly before me there was a being - as there was it there was a queen of Atlantis.

As it appeared - mummies it is such form of life. When the biological body dead, and consciousness continues to live in an astral. The queen of Atlantis also called God of Aton and God exorcized Aton to me. After that I started learning to be the agent God of Aton.

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