NATO - the cause of all troubles


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC

Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
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Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?
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Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet

Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard

Michail Gorbachev discussing German unification with Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Helmut Kohl in Russia, July 15, 1990. Photo: Bundesbildstelle / Presseund Informationsamt der Bundesregierung.

Declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to Soviet leaders from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner

NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard | National Security Archive

Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border
The soviet union no longer exists. How are their interests of any weight ?
NATO's Eastward Expansion Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has accused the West of breaking promises made after the fall of the Iron Curtain, saying that NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe violated commitments made during the negotiations over German reunification. Newly discovered documents from Western archives support the Russian position.

NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Is Russia so stupid to tolerate NATO East expansion.
Just imagine the reaction of USA if for example as new members of Warshaur Pact came Texas, Connecticut, Nev Jersey, Canada and Mexico, and Russian Nukes were deployed in Virginia.
Russia has the Right to defend itself against NATO aggression ( just look the huge list of all states which were destroyed by NATO in name of 'democracy' )
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border
The soviet union no longer exists. How are their interests of any weight ?

But exist Russia who does not want to have NATO nukes 150 miles away from its main cities.
And it is a sound wish
NATO's Eastward Expansion Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has accused the West of breaking promises made after the fall of the Iron Curtain, saying that NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe violated commitments made during the negotiations over German reunification. Newly discovered documents from Western archives support the Russian position.

NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
Would this be because the soviet union broke up or did nato annex the likes of Poland and Hungary ?

It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border
The soviet union no longer exists. How are their interests of any weight ?

But exist Russia who does not want to have NATO nukes 150 miles away from its main cities.
And it is a sound wish
But many members of the former soviet union embrace nato and see it as integral to their security against russian aggression.
Nato has become too big and bureaucratic. What is more important - their members have no common goals. Previously, it was common defense against the Soviet Union. Now, SU doesn't exist and Russia isn't considered by many as an enemy. Economical goals prevail.

I'm now in favor of creating Eastern European military bloc with the example of Nato in the first decades of the Cold War.
Nato has become too big and bureaucratic. What is more important - their members have no common goals. .

You are wrong:
The common goal is the Help to Deep State in destroying of Russia and its people.
It can be never separated from Deep State blocks.
NATO's Eastward Expansion Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has accused the West of breaking promises made after the fall of the Iron Curtain, saying that NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe violated commitments made during the negotiations over German reunification. Newly discovered documents from Western archives support the Russian position.

NATO's Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
It was promised to Russia, NATO will dissolved too as obsolet
Who promised it and on what authority ?

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border
The soviet union no longer exists. How are their interests of any weight ?

But exist Russia who does not want to have NATO nukes 150 miles away from its main cities.
And it is a sound wish
But many members of the former soviet union embrace nato and see it as integral to their security against russian aggression.

Never trust lying western presstitutes who 24/7 brainwash you.
Throw your tube in rubbish bin and cancel newspaper subscription.

Russia only defends itself against OUR - Western Aggression.
Russia has the Right to protect itself, even by including of Crimea and Donbas as new members.
We stirred up all troubles on its borders, we want to ignite nuclear WWIII, not Russia.
And we - you and me will burn,not our lying devils politicians who will be hiding in bunkers with whores and food.
The insanity shall be stopped and frigging NATO shall go back to its borders of 1991
We need a peace with Russia, not nuclear war



Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was given a host of assurances that the NATO alliance would not expand past what was then the East German border in 1990 according to new declassified documents.

Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.
It is not only about Putin. The policy of gathering 'Russian' lands became an idee fixe in the time of Ivan the Third in 15th century. The Baltic region became a part of Russian Empire in the time of Peter the First in the beginning of 18th century.
Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.

- A gangster state, proofs please.

Are you joking? You claim nobody threatens Russia by deploying of nukes direct at Russian border!

The 'protection' of NATO is long and well-known.

List of NATO operations - Wikipedia

Hundreds of NATO nukes aiming Moscow, Sanct-Petersburg, Kalinin, Gorky, Sverdlovsk, Sochi, Sevastopol etc.
Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.
It is not only about Putin. The policy of gathering 'Russian' lands became an idee fixe in the time of Ivan the Third in 15th century. The Baltic region became a part of Russian Empire in the time of Peter the First in the beginning of 18th century.

In difference to USA Russia does not killed all natives and give them equal rights and protection.


Where are all native Americans now?

Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.
It is not only about Putin. The policy of gathering 'Russian' lands became an idee fixe in the time of Ivan the Third in 15th century. The Baltic region became a part of Russian Empire in the time of Peter the First in the beginning of 18th century.

In difference to USA Russia does not killed all natives and give them equal rights and protection.


Where are all native Americans now?


Where are they?

It depends on the Tribe and some live on Reservations like the Navajo and some do not.

The fact is Russia is like Tommy wrote and your country is ran by the Bravta and to deny this is to deny reality.

Also Russian organized crime runs many regions of the world from the Philippines to Mexico to major Cities in the U.S. with the blessing of Putin and to deny this would be denying reality.

So as you whine about us playing in your backyard it was you applauding Russia playing in Venezuela and remember the former U.S.S.R. had many times played with countries like Cuba, Mexico and El Salvador, so please stop denying Russia games or don't because you are a paid Russian stooge...
Russia is a gangster state that causes a lot of problems for very little outlay. They are not a military threat to the west and nobody is threatening Russia.

However countries such as the Baltic nations are rightly nervous of that gangster Putin and want nato protection.
It is not only about Putin. The policy of gathering 'Russian' lands became an idee fixe in the time of Ivan the Third in 15th century. The Baltic region became a part of Russian Empire in the time of Peter the First in the beginning of 18th century.

In difference to USA Russia does not killed all natives and give them equal rights and protection.


Where are all native Americans now?


Where are they?

It depends on the Tribe and some live on Reservations like the Navajo and some do not.


Tell fairy-tales your grandma.tens of millions were killed, today only 0,5% are still alive

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