Navy brass who do not want terrorist killed to resign over Trump defending Eddie Gallagher

There is something seriously wrong with you for defending this you muslim shit

Except no one is defending it.

The hilarious thing is you spend 40 years radicalizing the middle east, and then wonder why they turn radical.
Dude these shitheads were stoning people when Jesus walked the Earth. Nothing began 40 years ago
Fuck you and the boat you came in on, the USA will never be fixed as long as Mexicans get free healthcare form retards like you

oh noes, not the free health care! Yup, someone walked across the desert to get free health care! Hobbling on their walkers and wheelchairs.... for that sweet, sweet, health care.

Do you people realize how absurd you sound sometimes?
Fuck you and the boat you came in on, the USA will never be fixed as long as Mexicans get free healthcare form retards like you

oh noes, not the free health care! Yup, someone walked across the desert to get free health care! Hobbling on their walkers and wheelchairs.... for that sweet, sweet, health care.

Do you people realize how absurd you sound sometimes?
Here is absurd, a person who visits the USA from China does not get a free liver transplant, but if they go to Mexico and walk across the border illegally you want them to get a free liver transplant.

Dude you are a retard, but do tell us what stocks did you buy to get so rich that you can afford to pay for every Mexicans and Chinks healthcare.

We want to know?
The Navy Secretary and the top Seal should have been fired for charging Chief Gallagher in the first place. Since Chief Gallagher was found not guilty the testimony by the Seals must have been false. If they court martialed every enlisted in WW2 who posed over a dead enemy there wouldn't be enough room in Leavenworth. If the fat assed top brass cared more about the welfare of their people instead of worrying about political fallout the Military would be a lot better off. Drain the swamp.
The Navy Secretary and the top Seal should have been fired for charging Chief Gallagher in the first place. Since Chief Gallagher was found not guilty the testimony by the Seals must have been false. If they court martialed every enlisted in WW2 who posed over a dead enemy there wouldn't be enough room in Leavenworth. If the fat assed top brass cared more about the welfare of their people instead of worrying about political fallout the Military would be a lot better off. Drain the swamp.
The testimony finally revealed is that a local slit the captives throat to prevent him from being tortured by the local military who he was to be turned over to. Gallagher merely posed for the photo, however if he slit the devils throat that is fine with me.

Put that in my file carved in stone
Here is absurd, a person who visits the USA from China does not get a free liver transplant, but if they go to Mexico and walk across the border illegally you want them to get a free liver transplant.

Nobody is giving anyone a 'free' liver transplant. There's actually a long waiting list for those.

Dude you are a retard, but do tell us what stocks did you buy to get so rich that you can afford to pay for every Mexicans and Chinks healthcare.

Again, I think you are a bit deranged... since no one is getting free health care, even Americans.

The Navy Secretary and the top Seal should have been fired for charging Chief Gallagher in the first place. Since Chief Gallagher was found not guilty the testimony by the Seals must have been false. If they court martialed every enlisted in WW2 who posed over a dead enemy there wouldn't be enough room in Leavenworth. If the fat assed top brass cared more about the welfare of their people instead of worrying about political fallout the Military would be a lot better off. Drain the swamp.

YOu do realize WHY there's a regulation against disrespecting the dead bodies of the enemy, right? (Which isn't a new thing, that was a regulation when I was in back in the 1980's.)
Here is absurd, a person who visits the USA from China does not get a free liver transplant, but if they go to Mexico and walk across the border illegally you want them to get a free liver transplant.

Nobody is giving anyone a 'free' liver transplant. There's actually a long waiting list for those.

Dude you are a retard, but do tell us what stocks did you buy to get so rich that you can afford to pay for every Mexicans and Chinks healthcare.

Again, I think you are a bit deranged... since no one is getting free health care, even Americans.

The Navy Secretary and the top Seal should have been fired for charging Chief Gallagher in the first place. Since Chief Gallagher was found not guilty the testimony by the Seals must have been false. If they court martialed every enlisted in WW2 who posed over a dead enemy there wouldn't be enough room in Leavenworth. If the fat assed top brass cared more about the welfare of their people instead of worrying about political fallout the Military would be a lot better off. Drain the swamp.

YOu do realize WHY there's a regulation against disrespecting the dead bodies of the enemy, right? (Which isn't a new thing, that was a regulation when I was in back in the 1980's.)
So should Mexicans that never paid into shit be on any waiting list?

You appear to be in denial and delusional to the democratic socialist platform. The denial part is clear
So should Mexicans that never paid into shit be on any waiting list?

You appear to be in denial and delusional to the democratic socialist platform. The denial part is clear

Wouldn't know. Here's the thing. If they are working here, they are probably paying into it.

If they are using a fake SSN, they are paying into Social Security and Medicare they'll probably never collect.

If they are paying state sales taxes, they are paying for medicaid services.

We could end the "Illegal" problem in five minutes. Go after the rich white people who patronize them.
I thought you quit ISIS.

You just part time now?

If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.
Oops, you are correct. I was thinking about the previous one.

Remember when Obama purged The Military of Patriotic Americans and promoted a bunch of political hacks to
Replace them?

This douche was one of them, and so is Vindman.

Richard Spenser was nomiated by Trump, not Obama.

Richard V. Spencer - Wikipedia
Remember when Obama purged The Military of Patriotic Americans and promoted a bunch of political hacks to
Replace them?

This douche was one of them, and so is Vindman.

Richard Spenser was nomiated by Trump, not Obama.

Richard V. Spencer - Wikipedia
They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.
If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.

If you let Gallagher go that means YOU don't get to complain when they cut innocents heads off or set them on fire.

All his men have staged a coup, just like tramp, all the Dems have staged a coup. He is guilty of war crimes.
Look asswipe you are defending shitstains who throw men and women off roofs in front of the towns kids. Gallagher is welcome in my home for dinner any day. My dogs eat better than you

You are crazy.
ISIS is a fake media creation based the US releasing and arming unemployed Sunni Iraqi.
Sunni Iraqi are secular, not fundamentalists, and know almost nothing of Islam.
You do not know anything about ISIS, and anyone who murders unconscious enemy, so they can have their picture taken, is a monster, not a human.
Gallagher is clearly insane and unfit for any human society.
Navy Secretary threatened to resign, but not the Top SEAL officer: officials

I'll pose next to any dead ISIS member, twice if I slit their throat. The democrats are actually crazy at this point as they are clearly wanting Trump to win in 2020.....
There is something seriously wrong with you.
There is something seriously wrong with you for defending this you muslim shit

You are ignorance and hate personified

You are an idiot.
The Mideast is totally screwed up because of the US invading, arming, bombing, and stealing oil.
We should not be there at all, and it would be fine if we only left it alone.
You know nothing about Islam or the Mideast.
But anyone who enjoys killing anyone is sick.
They have a serious ass whipping coming to them, but it won’t be mankind who will hand it out. Read Ezekiel 38.
Islam TEACHES that Islam will rule the world and MUST do so. That Everyone must be Muslim. That in order to get there is a never ending process. Right now the two chosen paths of HOW to GET THERE are either through assimilation or direct force. That has ALWAYS been the case. Until the modern area after the Muslims lost in holy Jihad to conquer the west in Spain and Eastern Europe. they had no way to force it now some think they do and it has nothing to do with us Radicalizing them.

I have read the Quran, and it say that Judaism and Christianity are equally valid ways to God and Heaven, and that there can never be compulsion over religion.
The Quran says violence is wrong and can only be used in defense, and that one should never attack anyone else except in defense.
Jihad means a quest for religious perfection, like fasting or being celibate.
It has nothing to do with war.

The people who attacked in Spain were the Moors, and the Moslem Arabs had already been wiped out around 1200 by the Mongols. The people who attacked eastern Europe were the Turks, who were not Arabs or seriously Moslem either.

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