Nazi flags flown at Disney entrance

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Anyone else notice the unmanned "Desantis Country" flag being flown.
Didn't some putz try a false flag operation a while back, claiming his black Chicago assailants were saying "this is MAGA Country"?
God, liberals are stupid.
The Democrats owned slavery in the 1800s...

You should probably realize Britain's hands in it also, fat ass
That was the 1800's. Notice today that most Blacks vote Democratic while Republicans burn the mid night oil trying to keep Blacks from voting. I guess they don't teach this stuff at fox news or the Hannity hour.

That was the 1800's. Notice today that most Blacks vote Democratic while Republicans burn the mid night oil trying to keep Blacks from voting. I guess they don't teach this stuff at fox news or Hannity hour.

You're a lying jackass. Who's trying to prevent blacks from voting? Damn idiot
My leader? You smoking chicken bones again, fool? All the ties to Putin and Russia are through Hillary, Hunter and Joe, dummass.
there is a reason clinton reset relations with putin and obama vowed to be more flexible with him…the ukrainians are paying the cost

desantis refused to condemn it....sick
No sane thinking person is going to bow down to the liberal God of PC.

Screw you idiots. Some of you see nothing but race, others see nothing but Nazis. "Most" see nothing but Trump.

I see no reason to be outraged by any of it. It was probably one of those fake hate crimes anyway. Leftards are good at those
The Democrats owned slavery in the 1800s...

You should probably realize Britain's hands in it also, fat ass
The con-servative slave owning South gave up on the Democrats in the 1860 election....preferring their slave owning over party. Same thing in the 1960s....Southern con-servatives giving up on the Democrats in order to hold onto their racism.
Interesting that we see NO con-demnation of NAZI flag flyers here by con-servative posters.

I condemn it.
I do however question this story. I can't find it in the MSM, and I'm betting it's nothing more than an attempt by a few people trying to tie DeSantis to Nazi's.
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