Nazi flags flown at Disney entrance

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Look at how hard con-servative posters are deflecting from this in this thread. As if it would KILL them to con-demn NAZI flag flyers.

Has it ever occurred to you and the other virtue signalers that these people are out there specifically to troll the ever loving shit out of all of you? You have no idea who these people are or what their motives were. They could be leftists trying to embarrass DeSantis. They could be people calling Disney a bunch of Nazis. Or yes, they could be actual racists, all two of them that I saw in the video. Or maybe they are just master trolls knowing the media and the rest of you will go nuts over it when you see it.
I condemn it.
I do however question this story. I can't find it in the MSM, and I'm betting it's nothing more than an attempt by a few people trying to tie DeSantis to Nazi's.
Thank you. You are the first con-servative on this thread to do so........................but only after it was pointed out.
Definitely a red state education. I'm so sorry for you. :itsok:
yes in red states we don’t defend national socialism, but cerainly if disney wants to fly the flag and you want to defend them..have at it
Is this the best lefties can do while the freaking Country is falling apart under the "leadership" of a doddering old fool who thinks republicans are a terrorist threat?
We can see you trying to derail this thread about NAZI flags being flown in front of Disneyworld......yet no con-demnation of said flags.
Has it ever occurred to you and the other virtue signalers that these people are out there specifically to troll the ever loving shit out of all of you? You have no idea who these people are or what their motives were. They could be leftists trying to embarrass DeSantis. They could be people calling Disney a bunch of Nazis. Or yes, they could be actual racists, all two of them that I saw in the video. Or maybe they are just master trolls knowing the media and the rest of you will go nuts over it when you see it.
Twisting Twisting Twisting.....anything to avoid con-demning idiots flying NAZI flags in front of Disneyworld.
Ah....more evidence of your red state education. Disney was not flying that flag. It was some of your con-servative compadres.
sure they were…it was on their property

i didn’t see anyone flying it in the pic, it was posted on disney property.
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