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Nazi Shoots At Protesters

Another far right loon tried to kill some anti-Nazi protesters today.

White nationalist shot at protesters after Richard Spencer speech in Florida, police say

Three supporters of the prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer have been charged with attempted murder after police said one of the men, egged on by his friends, shot at protesters ā€œwith the intent to killā€ following Spencerā€™s speech at the University of Florida on Thursday.

It was the most serious instance of violence reported in connection to Spencerā€™s appearance at the university.

The event was heavily protested but mostly went off without violence, until three men in a silver Jeep pulled up to a bus stop around 5:20 p.m. Thursday after Spencer had ended his speech. They had just come from the speech and were recorded on video giving interviews to media outlets, defending Spencerā€™s appearance.

Neo-Nazi's & White Supremacists went to Florida to support Trump as they did in Charlottesville. Unfortunately there is a new wing that has grown on the Republican Party called the ALT Right---thanks to Trump and Steve Bannon of Brietbart news.

As the official start of the ā€œUnite the Rightā€ rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trumpā€™s ā€œpromises.ā€
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

White supremacists on Tuesday praised President Donald Trump for his return to equivocal rhetoric blaming ā€œboth sidesā€ for violence that erupted over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. White supremacist leader Richard Spencer praised Trumpā€™s statement, made during an off-the-rails press conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan, as ā€œfair and down to earth.ā€
White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. It wasnā€™t interested in looking even faintly objective, instead inventing easily understood ā€œnarrativesā€ of crusading conservative heroes and their many victories against the hated left. Bannonā€™s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, menā€™s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

Now you know why Trump called NFL players that kneeled during the National Anthem sob's, but couldn't bring himself around to calling Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacists, sob's after they used an ISIS style attack that ended up killing a 32 year old woman. The ALT right are yuuuuuge supporters of Trump. They were even making robo calls for him during the campaign season.
White Supremacist American Freedom Party Makes Pro-Trump Robocalls


When you campaign on hate and violence, you're going to attract hate and violence. And they crawled out from under their rocks to get to Trump.


Now you know why Hillary Clinton stated that 50% of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Still donā€™t have a clue I see.
According to the article one of the anti-White savages took a deadly weapon out and attacked the vehicle (which they do quite frequently). An occupant of the vehicle fired a warning shot to get the savages away.

Deadly weapon. I see what you did there.

One of the Nazis told the shooter Nazi to "shoot them" and "kill them". Not a warning shot.

Nice try.
You still donā€™t know what a nazi is. Still confused
Does someone with Nazi tattoos, doing Hitler salutes and shouting "Seig Heil!" count?
According to the article one of the anti-White savages took a deadly weapon out and attacked the vehicle (which they do quite frequently). An occupant of the vehicle fired a warning shot to get the savages away.

Deadly weapon. I see what you did there.

One of the Nazis told the shooter Nazi to "shoot them" and "kill them". Not a warning shot.

Nice try.
You still donā€™t know what a nazi is. Still confused
Does someone with Nazi tattoos, doing Hitler salutes and shouting "Seig Heil!" count?

Yes the far left does not have a clue..

If they shoot a gun in a crowd they should go to jail, not because the far left wants them behind jail for being allege Nazi's..

But I notice the far left will never let a good narrative go to waste, but they will defend the rape of 10 year old because they do not like a narrative.
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Well, I'd say they have him dead-bang for felony posession of a firearm. 3-8 years would be my guess, circumstances or not.

If he wasn't a convicted felon, probably nothing.

You can get up to 15 years for being a felon using a firearm, but 15 would be purely political.

The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

So when did you pass the Florida bar and get elected judge?

Are you a lawyer? If not then why are you commenting? You don't have to be a lawyer to see these people are white supremacists and the full weight of the law needs to be brought against them.
Siding with white supremacists. There was no warning shot. They tried to shoot someone. Maybe terrorism charges should be filed as well.

Boy, you's a special kinda stupid, huh?

It says right in the article he fired at a wall.

He wasn't supposed to have a gun, though. :eusa_naughty:

Just because he is a poor shot does not exonerate him. The article says he hit the wall not fired at it. They also yelled "Heil Hitler" before he shot. Maybe that is a new way of saying help. You are the stupid one.

You were there? You heard him say "Heil Hitler"? That sounds like hearsay to me.

I tell ya wut, when somebody busts out the back window of your vehicle, it's go time!

Why should we believe that? They have a right to defend themselves when they were fired on. I wish they had beaten those neo-nazis within a inch of their lives.

Think about it, there's more than one bullet in most guns. When you're trying to kill someone, if the first misses, you keep firing.

One bullet can kill. You are really reaching to save your white supremacist buddies. Come down to reality.
Boy, you's a special kinda stupid, huh?

It says right in the article he fired at a wall.

He wasn't supposed to have a gun, though. :eusa_naughty:

Just because he is a poor shot does not exonerate him. The article says he hit the wall not fired at it. They also yelled "Heil Hitler" before he shot. Maybe that is a new way of saying help. You are the stupid one.

You were there? You heard him say "Heil Hitler"? That sounds like hearsay to me.

I tell ya wut, when somebody busts out the back window of your vehicle, it's go time!

Why should we believe that? They have a right to defend themselves when they were fired on. I wish they had beaten those neo-nazis within a inch of their lives.

Think about it, there's more than one bullet in most guns. When you're trying to kill someone, if the first misses, you keep firing.

One bullet can kill. You are really reaching to save your white supremacist buddies. Come down to reality.

They're not my buddies. I was applying logic to the situation, nevermind. Those boys are going to do some time.
Siding with white supremacists. There was no warning shot. They tried to shoot someone. Maybe terrorism charges should be filed as well.

Boy, you's a special kinda stupid, huh?

It says right in the article he fired at a wall.

He wasn't supposed to have a gun, though. :eusa_naughty:

Just because he is a poor shot does not exonerate him. The article says he hit the wall not fired at it. They also yelled "Heil Hitler" before he shot. Maybe that is a new way of saying help. You are the stupid one.

You were there? You heard him say "Heil Hitler"? That sounds like hearsay to me.

I tell ya wut, when somebody busts out the back window of your vehicle, it's go time!

Why should we believe that? They have a right to defend themselves when they were fired on. I wish they had beaten those neo-nazis within a inch of their lives.

So what you are implying is that they shot first and THEN somebody busted out the shooters window?

Of course. That's what any of us would do if somebody is shooting at us; bust out their window.

After all, when most of us travel by bus, we always take a blunt object with us just in case we have to defend ourselves by busting out the window of a shooters car.

If their window was busted. They were the ones who stopped their van. If they were in fear then why did they stop their van?
Just because he is a poor shot does not exonerate him. The article says he hit the wall not fired at it. They also yelled "Heil Hitler" before he shot. Maybe that is a new way of saying help. You are the stupid one.

You were there? You heard him say "Heil Hitler"? That sounds like hearsay to me.

I tell ya wut, when somebody busts out the back window of your vehicle, it's go time!

Why should we believe that? They have a right to defend themselves when they were fired on. I wish they had beaten those neo-nazis within a inch of their lives.

Think about it, there's more than one bullet in most guns. When you're trying to kill someone, if the first misses, you keep firing.

One bullet can kill. You are really reaching to save your white supremacist buddies. Come down to reality.

They're not my buddies. I was applying logic to the situation, nevermind. Those boys are going to do some time.

What logic? Just because they fired 1 bullet, they are not guilty of attempted murder? There is no logic in that. Or that they were firing at a wall.
Well, I'd say they have him dead-bang for felony posession of a firearm. 3-8 years would be my guess, circumstances or not.

If he wasn't a convicted felon, probably nothing.

You can get up to 15 years for being a felon using a firearm, but 15 would be purely political.

The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

The court of law is to rule on an offense, not to make judgments about "state of mind."

State of mind is a part of that. The fact that they were praising Richard Spenser and yelling "Heil Hitler" makes it kind of hard for them to claim they were the victims.
You can get up to 15 years for being a felon using a firearm, but 15 would be purely political.

The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

The court of law is to rule on an offense, not to make judgments about "state of mind."

State of mind is a part of that. The fact that they were praising Richard Spenser and yelling "Heil Hitler" makes it kind of hard for them to claim they were the victims.

Once again the far left will not quote what they actually said and shows they will make up meanings that do not exist!

Definition of 'Sieg Heil'

hail to victory - a Nazi salute

Websterā€™s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright Ā© 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

See how the far left loves to invent meanings?

Although the idiot that opened fired in a crowd should be in jail for that action and no other actions.
Nazis would have put their enemies in ovens where they disintegrate. Everyone knows that!
Most likely a false flag setup.

Yeah, right. Aren't you the one who is in love with trump's third (official) chickee-boom-boom?
For 50 years the nazi idiots have been doing their thing, for 50 years the rest of us have been laughing at them. Now, the same idiots get front page attention because other idiots have to go out and make a spectacle of the first idiots. The people protesting nazis are giving them exactly what they want, attention.

Yes! The best thing to do is to just give nazis their space. Nothing bad could ever come of that.
You can get up to 15 years for being a felon using a firearm, but 15 would be purely political.

The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

The court of law is to rule on an offense, not to make judgments about "state of mind."

State of mind is a part of that. The fact that they were praising Richard Spenser and yelling "Heil Hitler" makes it kind of hard for them to claim they were the victims.

Totally irrelevant in the court of law. If you were standing there saying how Trump sucks, Trump is a fascist, Trump is a racist, and I attack you, it's still a crime and you are still a victim. What you were saying has nothing to do with me committing a crime. In this free country, you are allowed to say anything you want in public.
Boy, you's a special kinda stupid, huh?

It says right in the article he fired at a wall.

He wasn't supposed to have a gun, though. :eusa_naughty:

Just because he is a poor shot does not exonerate him. The article says he hit the wall not fired at it. They also yelled "Heil Hitler" before he shot. Maybe that is a new way of saying help. You are the stupid one.

You were there? You heard him say "Heil Hitler"? That sounds like hearsay to me.

I tell ya wut, when somebody busts out the back window of your vehicle, it's go time!

Why should we believe that? They have a right to defend themselves when they were fired on. I wish they had beaten those neo-nazis within a inch of their lives.

So what you are implying is that they shot first and THEN somebody busted out the shooters window?

Of course. That's what any of us would do if somebody is shooting at us; bust out their window.

After all, when most of us travel by bus, we always take a blunt object with us just in case we have to defend ourselves by busting out the window of a shooters car.

If their window was busted. They were the ones who stopped their van. If they were in fear then why did they stop their van?

It doesn't matter. They can stop their van anywhere they desire. They had no fear until the clown in the bus stop attacked them. They responded to the attack.

We went through this with the George Zimmerman case. He was attacked by a guy that he was looking for. The kid was not armed and Zimmerman shot him anyway because Zimmerman was attacked first. The fact that Zimmerman chased the kid did not justify the attack. He was defending himself with deadly force.
You can get up to 15 years for being a felon using a firearm, but 15 would be purely political.

The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

So when did you pass the Florida bar and get elected judge?

Are you a lawyer? If not then why are you commenting? You don't have to be a lawyer to see these people are white supremacists and the full weight of the law needs to be brought against them.

You don't bring the "full weight of the law" against people because you don't like their political position. This isn't Nazi Germany.
The D.A. will get to the bottom of it. I guarantee he's not walking free anytime soon.

The "Heil Hitler" thing is probably a lie, there was probably a bumper sticker on the Jeep one of the protesters didn't like.

Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

So when did you pass the Florida bar and get elected judge?

Are you a lawyer? If not then why are you commenting? You don't have to be a lawyer to see these people are white supremacists and the full weight of the law needs to be brought against them.

You don't bring the "full weight of the law" against people because you don't like their political position. This isn't Nazi Germany.

White supremacy isn't a "political position". That's like saying we shouldn't go after ISIS just because they have a different "political position". White supremacists are terrorists. Treat them like terrorists.
Saying Heil Hitler is irrelevant to smashing out a window or shooting into a group of people. Freedom of speech is still protected. My guess is that he will plea down to a lesser charge of the gun.

It is very relevant. It shows their state of mind and the fact that they are not antifa. They are some of those good people Trump mentioned. They should lock him up as long as possible and find as many charges as they can find to put this guy away for the rest of his life.

So when did you pass the Florida bar and get elected judge?

Are you a lawyer? If not then why are you commenting? You don't have to be a lawyer to see these people are white supremacists and the full weight of the law needs to be brought against them.

You don't bring the "full weight of the law" against people because you don't like their political position. This isn't Nazi Germany.

White supremacy isn't a "political position". That's like saying we shouldn't go after ISIS just because they have a different "political position". White supremacists are terrorists. Treat them like terrorists.

Maybe you should learn what a terrorist is. Terrorists terrorize people. White Nazi's just have rallies.

Yes, race is a political position just like Black Lies Matter. Nazism was a political party just like our political parties in the US.

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